
Defines functions .rconIPM fitNR2 fitNR modNewt fitIPSedge fitIPSedge fitIPSset

Documented in fitIPSedge fitIPSset fitNR fitNR2 modNewt

## Dette er for iterativ fitting og for user defined fitting...

.rconIPM <- function(object, K0, control=object$control, trace=object$trace){

  vccN  <- getSlot(object, "vcc")
  eccN  <- getSlot(object, "ecc")
  iR    <- getSlot(object, "intRep")
  vccI  <- getSlot(iR, "vccI")
  eccI  <- getSlot(iR, "eccI")

  idxb    <- sapply(vccN, length)==1;  ##idxb    <- sapply(vccN, nrow)==1
  vccN.at <- vccN[idxb]
  vccI.at <- vccI[idxb]
  vccN.co <- vccN[!idxb]
  vccI.co <- vccI[!idxb]
  idxb    <- sapply(eccN, length)==1;  ##idxb    <- sapply(eccN, nrow)==1
  eccN.at <- eccN[idxb]
  eccI.at <- eccI[idxb]
  eccN.co <- eccN[!idxb]
  eccI.co <- eccI[!idxb]
  S  <- dataRep(object,"S")
  n  <- dataRep(object,"n")

  maxit       <- control$maxouter
  logL0       <- prevlogL <- ellK(K0,S,n-1)
  logLeps     <- control$logLeps #* abs(logL0)

  logL.vec    <- rep(NA, maxit)
  itcount     <- 1
  converged   <- FALSE
  Kwork <- K0

  eccfit <- control$eccfit
  vccfit <- control$vccfit


    if (vccfit){
      ##Kwork <- fitIPSset(vccI.at, Kwork, S, n, control=control)$K
      Kwork <- fitNR2    (vccI.at, Kwork, S, n, type="vcc",control=control,trace=trace)$K
      Kwork <- fitNR2    (vccI.co, Kwork, S, n, type="vcc",control=control,trace=trace)$K
    if (eccfit){
      ##Kwork <- fitIPSedge(eccI.at, Kwork, S, n, type='ecc',control=control)$K
      Kwork <- fitNR2     (eccI.at, Kwork, S, n, type='ecc',control=control,trace=trace)$K
      Kwork <- fitNR2     (eccI.co, Kwork, S, n, type="ecc",control=control,trace=trace)$K
    logL    <- ellK(Kwork,S,n-1);
    dlogL   <- logL-prevlogL
    if (trace>=3)
      cat("...rconIPM iteration", itcount, "logL:", logL, "dlogL:", dlogL, "\n")
    logL.vec[itcount]  <- logL
    if ((logL-prevlogL) < logLeps || itcount>=maxit)
      converged <- TRUE
    else {
      prevlogL <- logL;
      itcount  <- itcount + 1
  coef <- K2theta(object,Kwork, scale='original')
  vn   <- unlist(lapply(getcc(object),names))
  names(coef) <- vn

  if (!is.null(control$vcov)){
    J  <- getScore(object,K=Kwork)$J
    dimnames(J) <- list(vn, vn)
  } else {
    J <- NULL
  ans <- list(K=Kwork, logL=logL, coef=coef, J=J, logL.vec=logL.vec[1:itcount])

## MATRIX VERSION; reduced amount of copying
fitNR2 <- function(x, K, S, n, varIndex=1:nrow(K),type="ecc",control,trace){

  f         <-  n-1;
  itmax     <-  control$maxinner
  eps       <-  control$deltaeps

  if (length(x)){
    ##cat("fitNR(start): type:", type, "logL:", ellK(K,S,n-1), "\n")

    for (ii in 1:length(x)){
      ## Current generator
      gen    <- x[[ii]] ##print(gen)

      ## Make gen have two columns if it does not already have so
      if (ncol(gen)==1)
        genmat <- cbind(gen,gen)
        genmat <- rbind(gen,gen[,2:1])
      idx   <- sort(uniquePrim(as.numeric(gen)))
      cidx  <- setdiffPrim(varIndex,idx);       
      ## gen2: Version of gen which matches the lower dimensional matrices used later
      gen2           <- apply(gen,2,match,idx)
      dim(gen2)      <- dim(gen)
      ##storage.mode(gen2) <- "double" ## Why???

      subt <- 0
      if (length(cidx)>0)
        subt <- K[idx,cidx,drop=FALSE] %*% solve.default(K[cidx,cidx,drop=FALSE], K[cidx,idx,drop=FALSE])

      S2 <- S[idx,idx,drop=FALSE]
      trSS2 <- .Call("trAW", gen2, S2, PACKAGE="gRc")

      itcount   <-  0
      prev.adj2 <-  0

        currparm  <- unique(K[genmat])
        Sigma2    <-  solve.default(K[idx,idx]-subt)
        trIS      <-  .Call("trAW", gen2, Sigma2, PACKAGE="gRc")
        trISIS    <-  .Call("trAWBW", gen2, Sigma2, gen2, PACKAGE="gRc")
        Delta2    <-  trIS - trSS2
        adj2      <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + Delta2^2/(2) )
        K[genmat] <-  K[genmat]+adj2
        dadj2     <-  (adj2 - prev.adj2)
        prev.adj2 <-  adj2
        itcount   <-  itcount + 1
                                        #logL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
                                        #dlogL <- logL-prevlogL
                                        #print(c(itcount, logL, dlogL, abs(dadj2), min(eigen(K)$values)))
        if (trace>=4)
          cat("trIS", trIS, "trISIS", trISIS, "trSS2", trSS2, "\n")
          cat("....Modified Newton iteration", itcount,
              "currparm:", currparm, 
              "Delta2:", Delta2,
              "parm change", dadj2,"\n")
        if ( (abs(dadj2)< eps) | (itcount>=itmax) )
                                        # prevlogL <- logL
  logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)
  ans  <- list(K=K, logL=logL)

fitNR <- function(x, K, S, n, varIndex=1:nrow(K),type="ecc",control,trace){
  ##cat("--fitNR", type, "\n")
  if (length(x)){

    ##cat("fitNR(start): type:", type, "logL:", ellK(K,S,n-1), "\n")
    for (i in 1:length(x)){
      cl    <- x[[i]];

      # Make cl have two columns if it does not already have so
      if (ncol(cl)==1)
        clmat <- cbind(cl,cl)
        clmat <- rbind(cl,cl[,2:1])

      idx   <- sort(uniquePrim(as.numeric(cl)))
      cidx  <- setdiffPrim(varIndex,idx);       
      ## cl2: Version of cl which matches the lower dimensional matrices used later
      cl2 <- apply(cl,2,match,idx)
      dim(cl2) <- dim(cl)
      storage.mode(cl2) <- "double"
      if (length(cidx)>0)
        subt <- K[idx,cidx,drop=FALSE]%*% solve.default(K[cidx,cidx,drop=FALSE], K[cidx,idx,drop=FALSE])
        ##subt <- K[idx,cidx,drop=F]%*%cholSolve(K[cidx,cidx,drop=F])%*%K[cidx,idx,drop=F]
        subt <- 0
      val<-modNewt(K, S, n, idx, cl, cl2, clmat, subt, type, control, trace)
      K <- val      
  logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)
  ##cat("fitNR(loop): type:", type, "logL:", ellK(K,S,n-1), "\n")
  ##cat("fitNR: type:", type, "logL:", logL, "\n")

  ans <- list(K=K, logL=logL)

modNewt <- function(K, S, n, idx, cl, cl2, clmat, subt, type, control,trace){
  f         <-  n-1;
  itcount   <-  0
  itmax     <-  control$maxinner
  eps       <-  control$deltaeps
  prev.adj2 <-  0
  trSS2     <-  trAW(cl, S)

#   print("modNEWT")
#   print(cl);
#   print(cl2)
#   print(clmat)
#   print(subt)
#  prevlogL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
    ##Sigma2    <-  cholSolve(K[idx,idx]-subt)
    Sigma2    <-  solve.default(K[idx,idx]-subt)
    trIS      <-  trAW(cl2,Sigma2)
    ##trISIS    <-  trAWBW(cl2, Sigma2, cl2)

    trISIS    <-  .Call("trAWBW", cl2, Sigma2, cl2, PACKAGE="gRc")
    Delta2    <-  trIS - trSS2
    #adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*f*Delta2^2 )
    ##adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 2*f*Delta2^2 )
    adj2      <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*Delta2^2 )

    K[clmat]  <- K[clmat]+adj2
    dadj2     <- (adj2 - prev.adj2)
    prev.adj2 <- adj2
    itcount   <- itcount + 1
    #logL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
    #dlogL <- logL-prevlogL
    #print(c(itcount, logL, dlogL, abs(dadj2), min(eigen(K)$values)))

    if (trace>=4)
    cat("....Modified Newton iteration", itcount, "parm change", dadj2,"\n")
    if ( (abs(dadj2)< eps) | (itcount>=itmax) )

   # prevlogL <- logL

## Fit edge {a,b} without fitting nodes {a} and {b}
fitIPSedge <- function(x, K, S, n, varIndex=1:nrow(K),type,control=NULL){

  if (length(x)){
    #if ((!is.null(control)) && (control$trace>=4)){
    #  cat("\nFitting edge with modified IPS:",type," : ");
    #  cat(paste(x),"\n"); #lapply(x,function(a)print(c(a)))  
    my.complement <- function(C) return(setdiff(varIndex,C))
    x.complements <- lapply(x, my.complement)
    for (i in 1:length(x)){
      C     <- x[[i]]; #print(C)
      notC  <- x.complements[[i]]; #print(notC)
      if (length(notC)>0)
        ##subt <- K[C,notC,drop=FALSE] %*% solve(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE]) %*% K[notC,C,drop=FALSE]
        subt <- K[C,notC,drop=FALSE] %*% solve.default(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE],  K[notC,C,drop=FALSE])
        subt <- 0
      K11   <- K[C,C]  
      KK    <- K11-subt
      a12   <- subt[1,2]
      s     <- S[C[1],C[2]]
      sqrtD <- sqrt((2*s*a12+1)^2 + 4*s*(-s*a12^2-a12+s*prod(diag(KK))))
      x1    <- (-(2*s*a12+1) + sqrtD)/(-2*s)
      K[C[1],C[2]] <-  K[C[2],C[1]] <-x1
  logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)  
  ans <- list(K=K, logL=logL)

fitIPSedge <- function(x, K, S, n, varIndex=1:nrow(K),type,control=NULL){
  if (length(x)){
    #if ((!is.null(control)) && (control$trace>=4)){
    #  cat("\nFitting edge with modified IPS:",type," : ");
    #  cat(paste(x),"\n"); #lapply(x,function(a)print(c(a)))  
    my.complement <- function(C) {
      a <- setdiff(varIndex,C)
    x.complements <- lapply(x, my.complement)
    for (i in 1:length(x)){
      C     <- x[[i]]; #print(C)
      notC  <- x.complements[[i]]; #print(notC)

      #C <- as.numeric(C)
      #print(C); print(notC)
      if (length(notC)>0)
        ##subt <- K[C,notC,drop=FALSE]%*%cholSolve(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE])%*%K[notC,C,drop=FALSE]
        subt <- K[C,notC,drop=FALSE]%*%solve.default(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE])%*%K[notC,C,drop=FALSE]
        subt <- 0

      K11   <- K[C,C]  
      KK    <- K11-subt
      a12   <- subt[1,2]
      s     <- S[C[1],C[2]]
      sqrtD <- sqrt((2*s*a12+1)^2 + 4*s*(-s*a12^2-a12+s*prod(diag(KK))))
      x1    <- (-(2*s*a12+1) + sqrtD)/(-2*s)
      K[C[1],C[2]] <-  K[C[2],C[1]] <-x1
  logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)  
  ans <- list(K=K, logL=logL)

## Classical IPS applied to {C_1,...,C_p}
fitIPSset <- function(x,K,S,n,varIndex=1:nrow(K), control){

  if (length(x)){
    my.complement <- function(C) return(setdiff(varIndex,C))
    x.complements <- lapply(x, my.complement)
    for(j in 1:length(x)){
      C     <- x[[j]]
      notC  <- x.complements[[j]]
      K[C,C] <- solve( S[C,C,drop=FALSE] ) +
        K[C,notC,drop=FALSE] %*% solve.default(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE], K[notC,C,drop=FALSE])
      ##K[C,notC,drop=FALSE] %*% solve(K[notC,notC,drop=FALSE]) %*% K[notC,C,drop=FALSE]
  logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)
  ans <- list(K=K, logL=logL)

##print(idx); print(cidx)

# ## Represent a vcc (a list structure) as a matrix (for fast lookup)
# ##
# .vccMat <- function(x){
#   lapply(x, function(b){
#     b2 <- matrix(rep(unlist(b),2),nc=2)
#     b2})
# }

# ## Represent a ecc (a list structure) as a matrix (for fast lookup)
# .eccMat <- function(x){
#   lapply(x, function(b){
#     b2 <- matrix(unlist(b),nc=2,byrow=TRUE)
#     b2 <- rbind(b2,b2[,2:1])
#     b2})
#   } 

# fitNR <- function(x, K, S, n, varIndex=1:nrow(K),type="ecc",control,trace){

#   if (length(x)){
#     xmat <- switch(type,
#                    "ecc"={.eccMat(x)},
#                    "vcc"={.vccMat(x)}); ##  print(xmat)

#     #cat("fitNR(start): type:", type, "logL:", ellK(K,S,n-1), "\n")
#     for (i in 1:length(x)){
#       cl    <- x[[i]]; 
#       clmat <- xmat[[i]];
#       a     <- sort(unique(unlist(cl)))
#       cl2   <- lapply(cl, match, a); ## cl represented as indices in a compact matrix
#       idx   <- sort(unique(unlist(cl))); 
#       cidx  <- setdiff(varIndex,idx); 
#       if (length(cidx)>0)
#         subt <- K[idx,cidx,drop=FALSE]%*% solve(K[cidx,cidx,drop=FALSE], K[cidx,idx,drop=FALSE])
#         ##subt <- K[idx,cidx,drop=F]%*%cholSolve(K[cidx,cidx,drop=F])%*%K[cidx,idx,drop=F]
#       else
#         subt <- 0
#       val<-modNewt(K, S, n, idx, cl, cl2, clmat, subt, type, control, trace)
#       K <- val
#       #cat("fitNR(loop): type:", type, "logL:", ellK(K,S,n-1), "\n")
#     }
#   }
#   logL <- ifelse (control[["logL"]], ellK(K,S,n-1), -9999)
#   #cat("fitNR: type:", type, "logL:", logL, "\n")
#   ans <- list(K=K, logL=logL)
#   return(ans)
# }

# modNewt <- function(K, S, n, idx, cl, cl2, clmat, subt, type, control,trace){
#   f         <-  n-1;
#   itcount   <-  0
#   itmax     <- 25
#   eps       <-  0.01
#   prev.adj2 <-  0
#   trSS2     <-  trAW(cl, S)

#   #prevlogL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
#   repeat{
#     ##Sigma2    <-  cholSolve(K[idx,idx]-subt)
#     Sigma2    <-  solve(K[idx,idx]-subt)
#     trIS      <-  trAW(cl2,Sigma2)
#     trISIS    <-  trAWBW(cl2, Sigma2, cl2)
#     Delta2    <-  trIS - trSS2
#     #adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*f*Delta2^2 )
#     ##adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 2*f*Delta2^2 )
#     adj2      <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*Delta2^2 )
#     K[clmat]  <- K[clmat]+adj2
#     dadj2     <- (adj2 - prev.adj2)
#     prev.adj2 <- adj2
#     itcount   <- itcount + 1
#     logL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
#     #dlogL <- logL-prevlogL
#     ## print(c(itcount, logL, dlogL, abs(dadj2), min(eigen(K)$values)), digits=15)
#     if (trace>=4)
#     cat("....Modified Newton iteration", itcount, "parm change", dadj2,"\n")
#     if ( (abs(dadj2)< eps) | (itcount>=itmax) )
#       break()

#    # prevlogL <- logL
#   }
#   return(K)
# }

#     print(c(trISold,trISISold))
#     Kinv <- solve(K)
#     trIS      <-  trAW(cl,Kinv)
#     trISIS    <-  trAWBW(cl, Kinv, cl)
#     print(c(trIS,trISIS))

#     if (abs(trISold-trIS)>0.01){
#       print(idx)
#       print(cl)
#       print(cl2)
#       stop()
#     }

# modNewt2 <- function(K, S, n, idx, cl, cl2, clmat, subt, type, control,trace){
#   f         <-  n-1;
#   itcount   <-  0
#   itmax     <-  control$maxinner
#   eps       <-  control$deltaeps
#   prev.adj2 <-  0
#   ##print(cl)
#   trSS2     <-  trAW(cl, S)

# #   print("modNEWT")
# #   print(cl);
# #   print(cl2)
# #   print(clmat)
# #   print(subt)
# #  prevlogL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
#   repeat{
#     ##Sigma2    <-  cholSolve(K[idx,idx]-subt)
#     Sigma2    <-  solve.default(K[idx,idx]-subt)
#                                         #print(cl2)
#     trIS      <-  trAW(cl2,Sigma2)
#     ##trISIS    <-  trAWBW(cl2, Sigma2, cl2)

#     trISIS    <-  .Call("trAWBW", cl2, Sigma2, cl2, PACKAGE="gRc")
#     Delta2    <-  trIS - trSS2
#     #adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*f*Delta2^2 )
#     ##adj2     <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 2*f*Delta2^2 )
#     adj2      <-  Delta2 /(trISIS + 0.5*Delta2^2 )

#     K[clmat]  <- K[clmat]+adj2
#     dadj2     <- (adj2 - prev.adj2)
#     prev.adj2 <- adj2
#     itcount   <- itcount + 1
#     #logL <- ellK(K,S,n-1)
#     #dlogL <- logL-prevlogL
#     #print(c(itcount, logL, dlogL, abs(dadj2), min(eigen(K)$values)))

#     if (trace>=4)
#     cat("....Modified Newton iteration", itcount, "parm change", dadj2,"\n")
#     if ( (abs(dadj2)< eps) | (itcount>=itmax) )
#       break()

#    # prevlogL <- logL
#   }
#   return(K)
# }

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