
##      Copyright (C) 2011  John Verzani
##      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##      the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##      (at your option) any later version.
##      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##      GNU General Public License for more details.
##      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##      along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' @include array.R

## Misc files for ext

## List containing callback argument for ExtJs Events
.ext_callback_arguments <- list(afteredit = "e",                 # for gdf cell editing
                                beforechange="tb, params",       # for paging toolbar
                                blur="w",                        # w = "this"
                                bodyresize = "w, width, height",
                                bodyscroll = "scrollLeft, scrollRight",
                                cellcontextmenu = "w, rowIndex, cellIndex, e",
                                cellclick = "w, td, cellIndex, rec, tr, rowIndex, e, opts", # grid
                                celldblclick = "w, td, cellIndex, rec, tr, rowIndex, e, opts", # grid
                                change="w, newValue, oldValue, eOpts",
                                beforechange = "w, newValue, oldValue",
                                check = "w, checked",
                                click = "w, e", # gtree?
                                collapse = "w",                  # combobox
                                columnmove = "oldIndex, newIndex",
                                columnresize = "columnIndex, newSize",
                                dblclick = "e",                  # grid -- not celldblclick
                                destroy="w", beforedestroy = "w",
                                destroyed = "w, c", # child component destroyed
                                drag = "w, e", dragend = "w,e", dragstart = "w,e",
                                enable = "w",
                                expand = "w",                    # combobox
                                fileselected = "w, s",               # FileUploadField
                                focus = "w",
                                headerclick = "w, columnIndex, e", # grid
                                headercontextmenu = "w, columnIndex, e", # grid
                                headerdblclick = "w, columnIndex, e", # grid
                                headermousedown = "w, columnIndex, e", # grid       
                                hide = "w", beforehide = "w",
                                invalid = "w",
                                itemclick="view, rec, item, index, event, opts",
                                itemdblclick="view, rec, item, index, event, opts",
                                keydown = "w,e",                 # e Ext.EventObject
                                keypress = "w,e",
                                keyup = "w,e",
                                mousedown = "e",
                                mouseover = "e", 
                                mousemove = "e", 
                                move = "w, x, y",
                                render = "w", beforerender = "w",
                                resize = "w, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight",
                                rowclick = "w, rowIndex, e", # grid
                                rowcontextmenu = "w, rowIndex, e", # grid
                                rowdblclick = "w, rowIndex, e", # grid
                                rowmousedown = "w, rowIndex, e", # grid       
                                select = "selModel,record,index,opts",
                                beforeselect = "selModel, record, index",
                                selectionchange = "selModel, selected, opts",    # gcheckboxgrouptable, gtable
                                show = "w", beforeshow = "w", 
                                specialkey = "w, e",
                                tabchange = "w, tab", # notebook
                                toggle = "w, value",             # gtogglebutton
                                valid = "w")

##' a class to handle map between R and arguments for constructor
##' The ExtArgs are simply an Array instance wrapper with an extend method and
##' a conversion method
##' @exportClass ExtArgs
##' @name ExtArgs-class
ExtArgs <- setRefClass("ExtArgs",
                         initialize = function(...) {
                           args <<- gWidgetsWWW2:::Array$new(...)
                         extend = function(l, overwrite=TRUE) {
                         "Extend argument list by list l."
                         QT <- sapply(names(l), function(i) {
                           if((is.logical(overwrite) && overwrite) ||
                              !(i %in% names(args) ))
                             args$push(l[[i]], i)
                         to_js_object = function() {
                           "Convert to string of object literal"

Try the gWidgetsWWW2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsWWW2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.