
Defines functions enabled.GComponent tag tag.GComponent names.GComponent length.GComponent dim.GComponent update.GComponent add add.GComponent delete delete.GComponent dispose dispose.GComponent addSpring addSpring.default addSpring.GGroup addHandlerChanged addHandlerSelectionChanged addHandlerClicked addHandlerDoubleClick addHandlerColumnClicked addHandlerColumnDoubleClick addHandlerMouseMotion addHandlerKeystroke addHandlerFocus addHandlerBlur addHandlerDestroy addHandlerIdle removeHandler blockHandler unblockHandler

Documented in add add.GComponent addHandlerBlur addHandlerChanged addHandlerClicked addHandlerColumnClicked addHandlerColumnDoubleClick addHandlerDestroy addHandlerDoubleClick addHandlerFocus addHandlerIdle addHandlerKeystroke addHandlerMouseMotion addHandlerSelectionChanged addSpring addSpring.default addSpring.GGroup blockHandler delete delete.GComponent dim.GComponent dispose dispose.GComponent enabled.GComponent length.GComponent names.GComponent removeHandler tag tag.GComponent unblockHandler update.GComponent

##      Copyright (C) 2011  John Verzani
##      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##      the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##      (at your option) any later version.
##      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##      GNU General Public License for more details.
##      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##      along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## Methods for gWidgets objects

##' @include gcomponent.R
##' @include gwidget.R
##' @include gcontainer.R

## Component Methods

##' Is widget enabled, sensitive to user input
##' @param x the widget
##' @export
"enabled" <- function(x) UseMethod("enabled")

##' enabled method
##' @param x the widget
##' @method enabled GComponent
##' @S3method enabled GComponent
enabled.GComponent <- function(x) x$enabled()

##' Set if widget is enabled
##' @param x widget
##' @param value logical
##' @export 
##' @rdname enabled_assign
"enabled<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("enabled<-")

##' assignment method for enabled
##' @method enabled<- GComponent
##' @S3method enabled<- GComponent
##' @rdname enabled_assign
"enabled<-.GComponent" <- function(x, value) {

##' Set font properties, if implemented
##' @param x widget
##' @param value font specification, a named list, eg. list(size=10, color="red")
##' @export 
##' @rdname font_assign
"font<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("font<-")

##' assignment method for font
##' @method font<- GComponent
##' @S3method font<- GComponent
##' @rdname font_assign
"font<-.GComponent" <- function(x, value) {

##' Set size property, if implemented
##' @param x widget
##' @param ... passed on 
##' @param value size specification, for most widgets a pair c(width, height), but can have exceptions
##' @export 
##' @rdname size_assign
"size<-" <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("size<-")

##' assignment method for size
##' @method size<- GComponent
##' @S3method size<- GComponent
##' @rdname size_assign
"size<-.GComponent" <- function(x, ..., value) {
  x$set_size(value, ...)

##' Retreive a persistent attribute for an object
##' @param x the object
##' @param key key holding attribute
##' @export
tag <- function(x, key) UseMethod("tag")

##' method for tag
##' @param x the object
##' @param key key holding attribute
##' @method tag GComponent
##' @S3method tag GComponent
tag.GComponent <- function(x, key) x$get_attr(key)

##' Set a persistent attirbute for an object
##' @param x object
##' @param key key to store the value
##' @param value attribute value
##' @export 
##' @rdname tag_assign
"tag<-" <- function(x, key, value) UseMethod("tag<-")

##' assignment method for tag
##' @method tag<- GComponent
##' @S3method tag<- GComponent
##' @rdname tag_assign
"tag<-.GComponent" <- function(x, key, value) x$set_attr(key, value)

##' Generically returns if widget is in visible state
##' @param x object Calls objects \code{set_visible} method
##' @export 
"visible" <- function(x) UseMethod("visible")

##' getters method for visible
##' @rdname visible
##' @method visible GComponent
##' @S3method visible GComponent
"visible.GComponent" <- function(x) {

##' Primarily used to set if widget is shown, but also has other meanings
##' @param x object Calls objects \code{set_visible} method
##' @param value logical
##' @export 
##' @rdname visible_assign
"visible<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("visible<-")

##' assignment method for visible
##' @method visible<- GComponent
##' @S3method visible<- GComponent
##' @rdname visible_assign
"visible<-.GComponent" <- function(x,  value) {

##' Return main value associated with a widget
##' @param x the widget
##' @param index if specified as \code{TRUE} calls \code{get_index}, else
##' @param drop passed along, in many cases used like \code{drop} call for \code{[}.
##' \code{get_value} reference methods.
##' @param ... passed to \code{get_value} or \code{get_index}
##' method. May include arguments \code{index} or \code{drop}
##' @export
"svalue" <- function(x, index=NULL, drop=NULL,...) UseMethod("svalue")

##' svalue method
##' @rdname svalue
##' @method svalue GComponent
##' @S3method svalue GComponent
"svalue.GComponent" <- function(x, index=NULL, drop=NULL, ...) {
  if(is.logical(index) && index)
    x$get_index(drop=drop, ...)
    x$get_value(drop=drop, ...)

##' Set main value associated with a widget
##' @param x object
##' @param index if non-NULL and \code{TRUE} call \code{set_index}
##' else call \code{set_value} reference class method.
##' @param ... passed to \code{set_value} method. May include arguments for \code{index}
##' @param value value to set
##' @export 
##' @rdname svalue_assign
"svalue<-" <- function(x, index=NULL, ..., value) UseMethod("svalue<-")

##' assignment method for svalue
##' @method svalue<- GComponent
##' @S3method svalue<- GComponent
##' @rdname svalue_assign
"svalue<-.GComponent" <- function(x, index=NULL, ..., value) {
  if(!is.null(index) && index)
    x$set_index(value, ...)
    x$set_value(value, ...)

##' Set focus onto object. 
##' For some widgets, this sets user focus (e.g. gedit gets focus for
##' typing).
##' @param x object
##' @param value logical. Set focus state.
##' @export
##' @rdname focus
"focus<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("focus<-")

##' Basic S3 method for focus
##' @export
##' @rdname focus
##' @method focus<- default
##' @S3method focus<- default
"focus<-.default" <- function(x, value) {

##' Set a tooltip for the widget
##' @param x object
##' @param value character tooltip value
##' @export
##' @rdname tooltip
"tooltip<-" <- function(x, value) UseMethod("tooltip<-")

##' Basic S3 method for tooltip<-
##' @export
##' @rdname tooltip
##' @method tooltip<- default
##' @S3method tooltip<- default
"tooltip<-.default" <- function(x, value) {
  x$set_tooltip(paste(value, collapse="\n"))

##' Toggle editability of the object, if supported
##' @param x object. Calls objects \code{set_editable} method
##' @param ... passed to \code{set_editable} method
##' @param value logical
##' @export 
##' @rdname editable_assign
"editable<-" <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("editable<-")

##' assignment method for editable
##' @method editable<- GComponent
##' @S3method editable<- GComponent
##' @rdname editable_assign
"editable<-.GComponent" <- function(x,  ..., value) {
  x$set_editable(value, ...)

## S3 generics that see use

##' Method for [
##' @param x object
##' @param i row index
##' @param j column index
##' @param ... passed to \code{get_items}
##' @param drop passed to \code{get_items}
##' @method [ GComponent
##' @S3method [ GComponent
##' @rdname bracket
"[.GComponent" <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE) {
  x$get_items(i, j, ...)

##' assignment method for "["
##' @param x objecct
##' @param i row
##' @param j column
##' @param ... passed to \code{set_items}
##' @param value passed to \code{set_items}
##' @method [<- GComponent
##' @S3method [<- GComponent
##' @rdname bracket_assign
"[<-.GComponent" <- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
  if(missing(i) && missing(j))
    x$set_items(value, ...)
  else if(missing(j))
    x$set_items(value, i, ,...)
  else if(missing(i))
    x$set_items(value, , j, ...)
    x$set_items(value, i, j, ...)

##' method for names
##' @param x object 
##' @method names GComponent
##' @S3method names GComponent
names.GComponent <- function(x) x$get_names()

##' assignment method for names
##' @param x object
##' @param value new names
##' @method names<- GComponent
##' @S3method names<- GComponent
##' @aliases namesGComponent
##' @rdname names_assign
"names<-.GComponent" <- function(x, value) {

##' length method for GComponent's
##' This definition has some sideeffects. Namely, if one uses \code{sapply} and
##' returns such objects, then the call to \code{simplify2array} will cause an error.
##' Use \code{lapply}, or \code{simplify=FALSE}.
##' @param x object
##' @param ... passed along to \code{len} method
##' @return length of object, loosely interpreted
##' @method length GComponent
##' @S3method length GComponent
length.GComponent <- function(x, ...) x$len(...)

##' dim method for GComponent's
##' Return size of component, when rectangular size makes sense
##' @param x object
##' @param ... passed along to \code{len} method
##' @return dim of object, loosely interpreted
##' @method dim GComponent
##' @S3method dim GComponent
dim.GComponent <- function(x, ...) x$get_dim(...)

##' method for update
##' @param object object
##' @param ... passed along
##' @method update GComponent
##' @S3method update GComponent
update.GComponent <- function(object, ...) object$update(...)

##' Insert text into \code{gtext}
##' Used to insert text into \code{gtext} insances
##' @param x object
##' @param value text value
##' @param where where to insert \code{c("end", "beginning", "at.cursor")}
##' @param font.attr ignored. Font attribute for new text
##' @param do.newline Do we add a new line?
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return no useful return value
##' @export
insert <- function (x, value, where = "end", 
                    font.attr = NULL, do.newline = TRUE, ...)  UseMethod("insert")

##' method for insert
##' @param x object
##' @param value value to insert
##' @param where to insert
##' @param font.attr ignored
##' @param do.newline logical
##' @param ... ignored 
##' @method insert GComponent
##' @S3method insert GComponent
insert.GComponent <- function (x, value, where = "end", 
                              font.attr = NULL, do.newline = TRUE, ...)  {
  x$insert(value, where=match.arg(where,c("end", "beginning", "at.cursor")), do.newline=do.newline)

## container methods

##' Add child component to parent container
##' Usually called internally by specifying \code{container=parent} to the constructor
##' @param x object
##' @param child child object
##' @param ... Not implemented. For values like \code{expand}, \code{fill} and \code{anchor}
##' @return nothing
##' @export
add <- function(x, child, ...) UseMethod("add")

##' method for add
##' @param x object
##' @param child child object
##' @param ... Not implemented. For values like \code{expand}, \code{fill} and \code{anchor}
##' S3 method for add and GComponent
##' @method add GComponent
##' @S3method add GComponent
add.GComponent <- function(x, child, ...) x$add(child, ...)

##' Delete child object
##' @param x object
##' @param child child objecct
##' @param ... ignored
##' @export
delete <- function(x, child, ...) UseMethod("delete")

##' delete method
##' @param x object
##' @param child object
##' @param ... ignored
##' @method delete GComponent
##' @S3method delete GComponent
delete.GComponent <- function(x, child, ...) x$delete(child, ...)

##' Dispose (delete) object
##' @param x object
##' @param ... ignored
##' @export
dispose <- function(x,...) UseMethod("dispose")

##' Method for dispose
##' @param x object
##' @param ... ignored
##' @method dispose GComponent
##' @S3method dispose GComponent
dispose.GComponent <- function(x,...) x$dispose(...)

##' Add a spring to push additionnal child objects to far end of packing
##' For box Containers only
##' @param x a box container (e.g., \code{ggroup})
##' @return NULL
##' @export
addSpring <- function(x) UseMethod("addSpring")

##' Method for addSpring
##' @inheritParams addSpring
##' @method addSpring default
##' @S3method addSpring default
addSpring.default <- function(x) {}
##' Method for addSpring
##' @inheritParams addSpring
##' @method addSpring GGroup
##' @S3method addSpring GGroup
addSpring.GGroup <- function(x) {
  ## just expand an empty label
  glabel(" ", container=x, expand=TRUE)

## Handler calls

##' Assign handler to default event
##' The default event is specified in the definition of the
##' object. Using this function allows one to have a "generic" name
##' for adding a handler.
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @export
addHandlerChanged <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_changed(...)

##' Assign handler to a change of selection event
##' Some widgets have selection, this allows a callback to be changed when that occurs
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @export
addHandlerSelectionChanged <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_selection_changed(...)

##' Assign handler to click event
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerClicked <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_clicked(...)

##' Assign handler to double click event
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerDoubleClick <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_double_click(...)

##' Assign handler to click event for column (gdf, gtable)
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerColumnClicked <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_column_clicked(...)

##' Assign handler to double click event for column (gdf, gtable)
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerColumnDoubleClick <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_column_double_click(...)

##' Assign handler to mouse motion event
##' This handler gets passed back when the mouse moves. This can be really slow!
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerMouseMotion <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_mouse_motion(...)

##' Assign handler to keystroke event
##' This handler gets passed back the key that was pressed in the
##' \code{key} component.
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerKeystroke <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_keystroke(...)

##' Assign handler to focus in event
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerFocus <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_focus(...)

##' Assign handler to blur (lose focus) event
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerBlur <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_blur(...)

##' Assign handler to destroy event (such as page being unloaded)
##' @param x the object
##' @param ... Used to pass through \code{handler}, and \code{action}
##' values. The handler is a function whose first argument is a list
##' that contains components \code{obj} to return the object and
##' \code{action}, holding the action value, and possibly others.
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerDestroy <- function(x, ...) x$add_handler_destroy(...)

##' Assign handler to be called repeatedly after some interval
##' @param x the object
##' @param interval interval in ms
##' @param handler handler to call
##' @param action optinal value to pass to handler
##' @return a callback id, used with \code{removeHandler}
##' @export
addHandlerIdle <- function(x, interval=1000, handler, action=NULL)
  x$add_handler_idle(interval, handler, action)

##' Remove handler
##' @param x the object handler is called on.
##' @param cbid the callback id returned by an addHandlerXXX call
##' @return NULL
##' @note see the reference method \code{remove_handlers} to remove
##' all handlers on a widget.
##' @export
removeHandler <- function(x, cbid) x$remove_handler(cbid)

##' temporariliy block handler by id
##' @param x the object handler is called on.
##' @param cbid the callback id returned by an addHandlerXXX call
##' @return NULL
##' @note see the reference method \code{block_handlers} to block all
##' handlers for the widget.
##' @export
blockHandler <- function(x, cbid) x$block_handler(cbid)

##' unblock handler by id
##' @param x the object handler is called on.
##' @param cbid the callback id returned by an addHandlerXXX call
##' @return NULL
##' @note see the reference method \code{unblock_handlers} to unblock
##' all the handlers for a widget.
##' @export
unblockHandler <- function(x, cbid) x$unblock_handler(cbid)

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gWidgetsWWW2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.