Man pages for ggene
Semivariogram and Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Genetic Data

anisoA simulated haploid genotypic data set exhibiting zonal...
cryphoA haploid microsatellite dataset for the chestnut blight...
distlagCompute custom distance lags
fitsvariogFit an exponential model to empirical variogram
gene2geoCreates a 'ggene' object from a 'genind' object and a...
genocountIdentifies the different genotypes in a data set
genoweightCompute a matrix of weights accounting for recurrent...
ggene-packageSemivariogram and exploratory spatial analysis of genetic...
larix1350A dataset corresponding to the microsatellite data for a set...
larix2300A dataset corresponding to the microsatellite data for a set...
randsvariogPerforms permutations and computes the variogram statistical...
sim01A haploid genotypic data set simulated with the software...
sim02A haploid genotypic dataset simulated with the software...
sim03A haploid genotypic data set simulated with the software...
subsetdataExtracts data subsets
svariogSemivariogram computation
svarmapCompute the variogram map for a genetic dataset
tab2geoCreate a 'ggene' object from data frames
varioWeightVariogram computation with weighting for recurrent genotypes
WagnerThe example data set used in Wagner et al (2005)
ggene documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.