
##' find an evenly spaced grid for x
##' \code{makeraster} fits the data to the specified raster.
##' \code{fitraster} tries different raster parameter and returns the raster that covers most of the
##' \code{x} values: The differences between the values of \code{x} are calculated (possible step
##' sizes). For each of those step sizes, different points are tried (until all points have been
##' covered by a raster) and the parameter combination leading to the best coverage (i.e. most points
##' on the grid) ist used.
##' Note that only differences between the sorted values of x are considered as step size.
##' @title makeraster
##' @param x numeric to be fitted with a raster
##' @param startx starting point ("origin") for calculation of the raster
##' @param d step size of the raster
##' @param tol tolerance for rounding to new levels: elements of x within \code{tol} of the distance between the levels of the new grid are rounded to the new grid point.
##' @param newlevels levels of the raster
##' @return list with elements
##' \item{x}{the values of \code{x}, possibly rounded to the raster values}
##' \item{levels}{the values of the raster}
##' @export
##' @author Claudia Beleites
##' @examples
##' x <- c (sample (1:20, 10), (0 : 5) + 0.5)
##' raster <- makeraster (x, x [1], 2)
##' raster
##' plot (x)
##' abline (h = raster$levels, col = "#00000040")
##' ## unoccupied levels
##' missing <- setdiff (raster$levels, raster$x)
##' abline (h = missing, col = "red")
##' ## points acutally on the raster
##' onraster <- raster$x %in% raster$levels
##' points (which (onraster), raster$x [onraster], col = "blue", pch = 20)
makeraster <- function (x, startx, d, newlevels, tol = 0.1){

  if (missing (newlevels))
    ## make sure to cover the whole data range + 1 point
    newlevels <- c (rev (seq (startx, min (x, na.rm = TRUE) - d, by = -d) [-1]),
                         seq (startx, max (x, na.rm = TRUE) + d, by =  d)
  inew <- approx (newlevels, seq_along (newlevels), x)$y

  ## rounding 
  rinew <- round (inew)
  wholenum <- abs (inew - rinew) < tol

  xnew <- x
  xnew [wholenum] <- newlevels [rinew [wholenum]]

  list (x = xnew,

        ## usually: drop outside levels 1 and length (newlevels)
        levels = newlevels [min (rinew [wholenum]) : max (rinew [wholenum])]

##' @rdname makeraster
##' @export
##' @examples
##' raster <- fitraster (x)
##' raster
##' plot (x)
##' abline (h = raster$levels, col = "#00000040")
##' ## unoccupied levels
##' missing <- setdiff (raster$levels, raster$x)
##' abline (h = missing, col = "red")
##' ## points acutally on the raster
##' onraster <- raster$x %in% raster$levels
##' points (which (onraster), raster$x [onraster], col = "blue", pch = 20)
##' x <- c (sample (1:20, 10), (0 : 5) + 0.45)
##' raster <- fitraster (x)
##' raster
##' plot (x)
##' abline (h = raster$levels, col = "#00000040")
##' ## unoccupied levels
##' missing <- setdiff (raster$levels, raster$x)
##' abline (h = missing, col = "red")
##' ## points acutally on the raster
##' onraster <- raster$x %in% raster$levels
##' points (which (onraster), raster$x [onraster], col = "blue", pch = 20)
fitraster <- function (x, tol = 0.1){
  levels <- sort (unique (x))

  if (length (levels) == 1L)
    return (list (x = x, levels = levels))
  dx <- sort (unique (diff (levels)))
  ## reduce by rounding?
  dx <- c (dx [! diff (dx) < tol], tail (dx, 1))

  dx <- rev (dx)

  max.covered <- 0
  for (d in dx){
    totry <- order (x)
    while (length (totry) > 0L){
      ## cat ("totry: ", totry, "\n")      
      startx <- x [totry [1]]
      ## cat ("startx: ", startx, "\n")

      ## cat ("fit: ", c (startx, d), "\n")
      raster <- makeraster (x, startx, d, tol = tol)
      tmp <- sum (raster$x %in% raster$levels, na.rm = TRUE)
      ## cat ("     ", tmp, "\n")
      if (tmp > max.covered) {
        max.covered <- tmp
        fit <- raster
      if (max.covered == length (x))

      totry <- totry [! raster$x [totry] %in% raster$levels]

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