
##' Merge hyperSpec objects
##' Merges two hyperSpec objects and \code{\link[base]{cbind}}s their spectra
##' matrices.
##' After merging, the spectra matrix can contain duplicates, and is not
##' ordered according to the wavelength.
##' If the wavelength axis should be ordered, use \code{\link{orderwl}}.
##' @aliases merge,hyperSpec,hyperSpec-method merge
##' @param x a hyperSpec object
##' @param y a hyperSpec object
##' @param ... handed to \code{\link[base]{merge.data.frame}}
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @export 
##' @rdname merge
##' @docType methods
##' @aliases merge
##' @seealso \code{\link[base]{merge}}.
##' \code{\link{collapse}} combines hyperSpec objects that do not share the wavelength axis.
##' \code{\link{rbind}}, and \code{\link{cbind}} for combining hyperSpec objects that.
##' @keywords manip
##' @examples
##' merge (chondro [1:10,, 600], chondro [5:15,, 600], by = c("x", "y"))$.
##' tmp <- merge (chondro [1:10,, 610], chondro [5:15,, 610],
##'               by = c("x", "y"), all = TRUE)
##' tmp$.
##' wl (tmp)
##' ## remove duplicated wavelengths:
##' approxfun <- function (y, wl, new.wl){
##'   approx (wl, y, new.wl, method = "constant",
##'           ties = function (x) mean (x, na.rm = TRUE)
##'           )$y
##' }
##' merged <- merge (chondro [1:7,, 610 ~ 620], chondro [5:10,, 615 ~ 625], all = TRUE)
##' merged$.
##' merged <- apply (merged, 1, approxfun, 
##'                  wl = wl (merged), new.wl = unique (wl (merged)), 
##'                  new.wavelength = "new.wl")
##' merged$.
setMethod ("merge", signature = signature (x = "hyperSpec", y = "hyperSpec"),
           function (x, y, ...){
             validObject (x)
             validObject (y)

             tmp <- .merge (x, y, ...)

             if (nrow (tmp) == 0 && nrow (x) > 0 && nrow (y) > 0)
               warning ("Merge results in 0 spectra.")

.merge <- function (x, y,
                    by = setdiff (intersect(colnames(x), colnames(y)), "spc"),
                    by.x = by, by.y = by,
  force (by)
  force (by.x)
  force (by.y)

  if (any (grepl ("^spc$", by.x))){
    by.x <- setdiff (by.x, "spc")
    warning ('"spc" removed from by.x')
  if (any (grepl ("^spc$", by.y))){
    by.y <- setdiff (by.y, "spc")
    warning ('"spc" removed from by.y')
  x$.nx <- seq_len (nrow (x))
  y$.ny <- seq_len (nrow (y))

  x.spc <- match ("spc", colnames (x))
  y.spc <- match ("spc", colnames (y))

  tmp <- merge (x@data [, -x.spc], y@data [, -y.spc], by.x = by.x, by.y = by.y, ...)

  spc.x <- matrix (NA, nrow = nrow (tmp), ncol = nwl (x))
  spc.x [! is.na (tmp$.nx),] <- x@data [tmp$.nx[! is.na (tmp$.nx)], x.spc]
  spc.y <- matrix (NA, nrow = nrow (tmp), ncol = nwl (y))
  spc.y [! is.na (tmp$.ny),] <- y@data [tmp$.ny[! is.na (tmp$.ny)], y.spc]

  tmp$spc <- cbind (spc.x, spc.y) # omit I ()
  x@data <- tmp
  .wl (x) <- c (x@wavelength, y@wavelength)


.test (.merge) <- function (){
	checkEqualsNumeric (nrow (merge (chondro [1:10], chondro [5:15], all = TRUE)), 15)
	checkEqualsNumeric (nrow (merge (chondro [1:10], chondro [5:15])), 6)

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hyperSpec documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:45 p.m.