
##' Nicolet uses some more keywords in their header file.
##' They are interpreted as follows:
##' \tabular{ll}{
##' description   \tab giving the position of the first spectrum \cr
##' z plot titles \tab wavelength and intensity axis units, comma separated \cr
##' pixel size    \tab interpreted as x and y step size
##' }
##' These parameters can be overwritten by giving a list with the respective 
##' elements in parameter \code{header}. 
##' The values in header line description seem to be microns while the pixel
##' size seems to be in microns. If \code{nicolet.correction} is true, the
##' pixel size values (i.e. the step sizes) are multiplied by 1000.
##' @param nicolet.correction see details
##' @param ... handed to \code{read.ENVI}
##' @rdname readENVI
##' @export

read.ENVI.Nicolet <- function (file = stop ("read.ENVI: file name needed"), headerfile = NULL, 
															 header = list (), ..., # goes to read.ENVI
															 x = NA, y = NA, # NA means: use the specifications from the header file if possible
															 nicolet.correction = FALSE) {

  ## the additional keywords to interprete must be read from headerfile
	headerfile <- .find.ENVI.header (file, headerfile)
	keys <- readLines (headerfile)
	keys <- .read.ENVI.split.header (keys)
  keys <- keys [c ("description", "z plot titles", "pixel size")]
	header <- modifyList (keys, header)  
	## most work is done by read.ENVI
  spc <- read.ENVI (file = file, headerfile = headerfile, header = header, ...,
                    x = if (is.na (x)) 0 : 1 else x,
                    y = if (is.na (y)) 0 : 1 else y)

### From here on processing the additional keywords in Nicolet's ENVI header ************************
  ## z plot titles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## default labels
  label <- list (x = expression (`/` (x, micro * m)),
                 y = expression (`/` (y, micro * m)),
                 spc = 'I / a.u.',
                 .wavelength = expression (tilde (nu) / cm^-1))		
  ## get labels from header information
  if (!is.null (header$'z plot titles')){
    pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*([[:print:]^,]+)[[:blank:]]*,.*$"
    tmp <- sub (pattern, "\\1", header$'z plot titles')
    if (grepl ("Wavenumbers (cm-1)", tmp, ignore.case = TRUE))
      label$.wavelength <- expression (tilde (nu) / cm^(-1))
      label$.wavelength <- tmp
    pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*[[:print:]^,]+,[[:blank:]]*([[:print:]^,]+).*$"
    tmp <- sub (pattern, "\\1", header$'z plot titles')
    if (grepl ("Unknown", tmp, ignore.case = TRUE))
      label$spc <- "I / a.u."
      label$spc <- tmp
  ## modify the labels accordingly 
  spc@label <- modifyList (label, spc@label)
  ## set up spatial coordinates ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## look for x and y in the header only if x and y are NULL
  ## they are in `description` and `pixel size`
  ## set up regular expressions to extract the values
  p.description <- paste ("^Spectrum position [[:digit:]]+ of [[:digit:]]+ positions,",
                          "X = ([[:digit:].-]+), Y = ([[:digit:].-]+)$")
  p.pixel.size  <- "^[[:blank:]]*([[:digit:].-]+),[[:blank:]]*([[:digit:].-]+).*$"
  if (is.na (x) && is.na (y) &&
      ! is.null (header$description)  && grepl (p.description, header$description ) &&
      ! is.null (header$'pixel size') && grepl (p.pixel.size,  header$'pixel size')) {
    x [1] <- as.numeric (sub (p.description, "\\1", header$description))
    y [1] <- as.numeric (sub (p.description, "\\2", header$description))
    x [2] <- as.numeric (sub (p.pixel.size, "\\1", header$'pixel size'))
    y [2] <- as.numeric (sub (p.pixel.size, "\\2", header$'pixel size'))
    ## it seems that the step size is given in mm while the offset is in micron
    if (nicolet.correction) { 
      x [2] <- x [2] * 1000
      y [2] <- y [2] * 1000
    ## now calculate and set the x and y coordinates
    x <- x [2] * spc$x + x [1]
    if (! any (is.na (x)))
      spc@data$x <- x
    y <- y [2] * spc$y + y [1]
    if (! any (is.na (y)))
      spc@data$y <- y


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