Man pages for mas3321
Bayes normal linear model and basic MCMC

cavendishData collected by the 18th century physicist Henry Cavendish...
coagulationData on the effect of three new diets on the blood...
contaminationData on the aerobic colony counts (acc, measured in colony...
cricketsData on the frequency of chirps made by a striped ground...
dbvnormThe Bivariate Normal distribution
dbvtThe Bivariate t distribution
demoCommandsLaunches an editor containing the commands in a demo
dgtThe Generalised t distribution
dinvchiThe Inverse Chi distribution
dnormgammaThe Normal-Gamma distribution
dnorminvchiThe Normal-InvChi distribution
elicitgzerofnFunction used in the elicitation of normal-gamma prior...
elicitNGaElicitation of normal-gamma prior distribution by using...
gibbsNormalGibbs sampler for a normal random sample with a...
gibbsNormal2Gibbs sampler for a normal random sample with a conjugate...
gibbsReffectsGibbs sampler for a one-way normal random effects model with...
hdiBetaThe highest density interval (HDI) for a Beta(a,b)...
hdiGammaThe highest density interval (HDI) for a Gamma(a,b)...
hdiInvchiThe highest density interval (HDI) for a Inv-Chi(a,b)...
hepatitisData on the logarithm of ornithine carbonyltransferase (a...
malcolmData collected by Malcolm on the height and shoe size of a...
mcmcAnalysisSummarise and plot tabular MCMC output
mcmcBoxplotBox plots from MCMC output
mcmcCiEqui-tailed confidence intervals from MCMC output
mcmcProcessFunction to remove burn-in and thin MCMC output
metropolisMetropolis algorithm to simulate realisations from a standard...
mhReffectsMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for a one-way normal random...
mwgGammaMetropolis within Gibbs algorithm for a gamma random sample
NGaposteriorParameters of the NGa posterior distribution when sampling...
quadform2dFunction calculates a quadratic form for 2-d vectors
mas3321 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:42 p.m.