mcratio: Ratio of uncertainty and the variability

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples

View source: R/mcratio.R


Provides measures of variability, uncertainty, and both combined for an mc or an mcnode object.


mcratio(x, pcentral=.5, pvar=.975, punc=.975, na.rm=FALSE)



an mc or an mcnode object


the quantile for the central tendency.



the quantile for the measure of variability.


the quantile for the measure of uncertainty.


a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


The function evaluates three ratios for each mcnode. Given:


the (100 * pcentral)th percentile of uncertainty (by default the median) for the (100 * pcentral)th percentile of variability


the (100 * pcentral)th percentile of uncertainty for the (100 * pvar)th percentile of variability


the (100 * punc)th percentile of uncertainty for the (100 * pcentral)th percentile of variability


the (100 * punc)th percentile of uncertainty for the (100 * pvar)th percentile of variability

The following ratio are estimated

For multivariate nodes, the statistics are evaluate on each dimension or on statistics according to the corresponding outm value.


A matrix.


Ozkaynak, H., Frey, H.C., Burke, J., Pinder, R.W. (2009) "Analysis of coupled model uncertainties in source-to-dose modeling of human exposures to ambient air pollution: A PM2.5 case study", Atmospheric environment, Volume 43, Issue 9, March 2009, Pages 1641-1649.



Example output

Loading required package: mvtnorm

Attaching package: 'mc2d'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    pmax, pmin

                                 A          B          C          D
x0                      0.17743461 0.17743461 0.17743461 0.17743461
xV                      0.53554303 0.96378127 0.53554303 0.96378127
xU                      0.43179465 0.43179465 0.98323585 0.98323585
xVU                     0.49887973 0.97004154 0.59401012 0.99228639
x0M.1                   0.57148645 0.57148645 0.57148645 0.57148645
x0M.2                   0.08033876 0.08033876 0.08033876 0.08033876
xVM.1                   0.42606120 0.95520897 0.42606120 0.95520897
xVM.2                   0.44617185 0.97069738 0.44617185 0.97069738
xUM.1                   0.50496673 0.50496673 0.97476314 0.97476314
xUM.2                   0.51457090 0.51457090 0.99022763 0.99022763
xVUM.1                  0.49314944 0.96899681 0.58568861 0.98878920
xVUM.2                  0.49323559 0.96693196 0.58523936 0.99249501
xVUM3: mean of variates 0.50170247 0.88138401 0.54822533 0.93912344
xVUM3: min of variates  0.29689096 0.82013141 0.35091997 0.90893711
                        VariabilityR UncertaintyR Over.Unc.R
x0                          1.000000     1.000000   1.000000
xV                          1.799634     1.000000   1.799634
xU                          1.000000     2.277091   2.277091
xVU                         1.944440     1.190688   1.989029
x0M.1                       1.000000     1.000000   1.000000
x0M.2                       1.000000     1.000000   1.000000
xVM.1                       2.241953     1.000000   2.241953
xVM.2                       2.175613     1.000000   2.175613
xUM.1                       1.000000     1.930351   1.930351
xUM.2                       1.000000     1.924375   1.924375
xVUM.1                      1.964915     1.187649   2.005050
xVUM.2                      1.960386     1.186531   2.012213
xVUM3: mean of variates     1.756786     1.092730   1.871873
xVUM3: min of variates      2.762399     1.181983   3.061518

mc2d documentation built on July 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.