
context("valmeta 3. bayesian meta-analysis of c-statistic")


test_that("Bayesian random effect meta-analysis of concordance statistic", {
  fit <- valmeta(cstat = c.index, cstat.se = se.c.index, cstat.cilb = c.index.95CIl,
                 cstat.ciub = c.index.95CIu, cstat.cilv = 0.95, N = n, O = n.events, 
                 data = EuroSCORE, method = "BAYES", slab = Study)
  expect_equal(as.character(class(fit$fit)), "runjags")

test_that("Bayesian random effect meta-analysis of concordance statistic using normality/identity model", {
  pars <- list(model.cstat = "normal/identity")
  fit <- valmeta(cstat = c.index, cstat.se = se.c.index, cstat.cilb = c.index.95CIl,
                 cstat.ciub = c.index.95CIu, cstat.cilv = 0.95, N = n, O = n.events, 
                 data = EuroSCORE, method = "BAYES", slab = Study, pars = pars)
  expect_equal(as.character(class(fit$fit)), "runjags")

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metamisc documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 3 p.m.