cast-methods: Methods for Function 'cast' in Package 'reshape'

Description Methods


Methods for function cast in package reshape. metrumrg converts reshape::cast to the default method for an S4 generic; it also promotes its own S3 class keyed to an S4 class, and defines a cast method for it.


signature(data = "ANY")

For most purposes, a call to cast will dispatch reshape::cast, thus preserving existing behavior. See cast.

signature(data = "keyed")

The method for keyed mostly declares the same arguments as for cast. The default for fill, however, is changed to NA. Three new arguments are added (before ...). check.names=FALSE and stringsAsFactors=FALSE are passed to data.frame while reformatting the object returned by cast. The new argument reclass=TRUE is used to post-process the result: if TRUE, an attempt will be made to restore output columns to the class that the value column had before cast called as.vector on it. The attempt aborts unless there exists a suitable 'as' function for that class. This method returns a keyed data.frame whose key is identical to id.vars. See also melt.keyed and examples there.

metrumrg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.