Exercise 2: Nested logit model

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The data set HC from mlogit contains data in R format on the choice of heating and central cooling system for 250 single-family, newly built houses in California.

The alternatives are:

Heat pumps necessarily provide both heating and cooling such that heat pump without cooling is not an alternative.

The variables are:

Note that the full installation cost of alternative gcc is ich.gcc+icca, and similarly for the operating cost and for the other alternatives with cooling.

@. Run a nested logit model on the data for two nests and one log-sum coefficient that applies to both nests. Note that the model is specified to have the cooling alternatives (gcc},ecc}, erc},hpc}) in one nest and the non-cooling alternatives (gc},ec}, `er}) in another nest.

data("HC", package = "mlogit")
HC <- mlogit.data(HC, varying = c(2:8, 10:16), choice = "depvar", shape = "wide")
cooling.modes <- index(HC)$alt %in% c('gcc', 'ecc', 'erc', 'hpc')
room.modes <- index(HC)$alt %in% c('erc', 'er')
# installation / operating costs for cooling are constants, 
# only relevant for mixed systems
HC$icca[!cooling.modes] <- 0
HC$occa[!cooling.modes] <- 0
# create income variables for two sets cooling and rooms
HC$inc.cooling <- HC$inc.room <- 0
HC$inc.cooling[cooling.modes] <- HC$income[cooling.modes]
HC$inc.room[room.modes] <- HC$income[room.modes]
# create an intercet for cooling modes
HC$int.cooling <- as.numeric(cooling.modes)
# estimate the model with only one nest elasticity
nl <- mlogit(depvar ~ ich + och +icca + occa + inc.room + inc.cooling + int.cooling | 0, HC,
             nests = list(cooling = c('gcc','ecc','erc','hpc'), 
             other = c('gc', 'ec', 'er')), un.nest.el = TRUE)

(a) The estimated log-sum coefficient is $-0.59$. What does this estimate tell you about the degree of correlation in unobserved factors over alternatives within each nest?

The correlation is approximately $1-0.59=0.41$. It's a moderate correlation.

(b) Test the hypothesis that the log-sum coefficient is 1.0 (the value that it takes for a standard logit model.) Can the hypothesis that the true model is standard logit be rejected?

We can use a t-test of the hypothesis that the log-sum coefficient equal to 1. The t-statistic is :

 (coef(nl)['iv'] - 1) / sqrt(vcov(nl)['iv', 'iv'])

The critical value of t for 95\% confidence is 1.96. So we can reject the hypothesis at 95\% confidence.

We can also use a likelihood ratio test because the multinomial logit is a special case of the nested model.

# First estimate the multinomial logit model
ml <- update(nl, nests = NULL)
lrtest(nl, ml)

Note that the hypothesis is rejected at 95\% confidence, but not at 99\% confidence.

  1. Re-estimate the model with the room alternatives in one nest and the central alternatives in another nest. (Note that a heat pump is a central system.)
nl2 <- update(nl, nests = list(central = c('ec', 'ecc', 'gc', 'gcc', 'hpc'), 
                    room = c('er', 'erc')))

(a) What does the estimate imply about the substitution patterns across alternatives? Do you think the estimate is plausible?

The log-sum coefficient is over 1. This implies that there is more substitution across nests than within nests. I don't think this is very reasonable, but people can differ on their concepts of what's reasonable.

(b) Is the log-sum coefficient significantly different from 1?

\begin{answer}[5] The t-statistic is :

 (coef(nl2)['iv'] - 1) / sqrt(vcov(nl2)['iv', 'iv'])
lrtest(nl2, ml)

We cannot reject the hypothesis at standard confidence levels.

(c) How does the value of the log-likelihood function compare for this model relative to the model in exercise 1, where the cooling alternatives are in one nest and the heating alternatives in the other nest.


The $\ln L$ is worse (more negative.) All in all, this seems like a less appropriate nesting structure.

  1. Rerun the model that has the cooling alternatives in one nest and the non-cooling alternatives in the other nest (like for exercise 1), with a separate log-sum coefficient for each nest.
nl3 <- update(nl, un.nest.el = FALSE)

(a) Which nest is estimated to have the higher correlation in unobserved factors? Can you think of a real-world reason for this nest to have a higher correlation?

The correlation in the cooling nest is around 1-0.60 = 0.4 and that for the non-cooling nest is around 1-0.45 = 0.55. So the correlation is higher in the non-cooling nest. Perhaps more variation in comfort when there is no cooling. This variation in comfort is the same for all the non-cooling alternatives.

(b) Are the two log-sum coefficients significantly different from each other? That is, can you reject the hypothesis that the model in exercise 1 is the true model?

We can use a likelihood ratio tests with models nl and nl3.

lrtest(nl, nl3)

The restricted model is the one from exercise 1 that has one log-sum coefficient. The unrestricted model is the one we just estimated. The test statistics is 0.6299. The critical value of chi-squared with 1 degree of freedom is 3.8 at the 95\% confidence level. We therefore cannot reject the hypothesis that the two nests have the same log-sum coefficient.

  1. Rewrite the code to allow three nests. For simplicity, estimate only one log-sum coefficient which is applied to all three nests. Estimate a model with alternatives gcc, ecc and erc in a nest, hpc in a nest alone, and alternatives gc, ec and er in a nest. Does this model seem better or worse than the model in exercise 1, which puts alternative hpc in the same nest as alternatives gcc, ecc and erc?
nl4 <- update(nl, nests=list(n1 = c('gcc', 'ecc', 'erc'), n2 = c('hpc'),
                    n3 = c('gc', 'ec', 'er')))

The $\ln L$ for this model is $-180.26$, which is lower (more negative) than for the model with two nests, which got $-178.12$.

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