
readInLengthComps.fn <-
) {
    #Reads in the stratum numbers from a csv file (usually converted from Excel file provided by Beth (LengthComps Sheet))
    #headerRow is the row number of the column where the data start
    #it doesn't read in the column names correctly, so I put in simplified names. Make sure that these match what is in your Excel spreadsheet
    #written by Allan Hicks, 2011

    xx <- read.table(file,skip=headerRow-1,sep=sep,header=T)
    if(length(colNames) == ncol(xx)) {
        names(xx) <- colNames
        cat("NOTE: column names have been modified from the csv file. You may want to verify that they match.\n")
      cat("NOTE: column names have not been changed because 'colNames' input does not match number of columns.\n",
          "     some functions might not work as a result.\n",
          "     length(colNames):",length(colNames),"   columns in input file:",ncol(xx),"\n",
          "     First row of input file:\n")

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nwfscSurveyCode documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.