
#' Add a poset to a pim.environment object
#' This function adds a poset to a \code{\link{pim.environment}}
#' object.
#' @param x a pim.environment object
#' @param overwrite a logical value indicating whether the poset
#' should be overwritten if it's already present. Defaults to 
#' \code{FALSE} to avoid problems.
#' @param ... further parameters passed to \code{\link{new.pim.poset}}.
#' @section Warning: Although it might be tempting to set the argument
#' \code{nobs}, you shouldn't. The necessary information is taken
#' from the respective slot in the \code{pim.environment} object.
#' If you provide a matrix or a list as value for the argument \code{compare},
#' note that you can easily create a poset that doesn't use all the 
#' observations. This might or might not be your intention. If the poset
#' you try to create contains indices that go beyond the number of
#' observations, you will get errors.
#' @return The object with a (new) poset attached.
#' @seealso \code{\link{new.pim.poset}} for the possible values of the
#' arguments \code{compare} and \code{nobs}.
#' @include pim.environment-class.R
#' @export 
setGeneric('add.poset',function(x,...) standardGeneric('add.poset'))

#' @rdname add.poset
            if(is.complete(x) & !overwrite){
              stop('pim.environment has already a poset attached. Set overwrite to FALSE if you want to replace the current one.')
            x@poset <- new.pim.poset(...)
            if(x@poset@nobs > x@nobs)
              stop('poset contains indices larger than the number of observations')
            parent.env(x) <- x@poset
            x@is.complete <- TRUE

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pimdevel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:58 p.m.