Man pages for plantbreeding
Analysis and visualization of data from plant breeding and genetics experiments

adesignDesign Augmented Block Design experiment
ammi.fullAdditive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI)...
AUDPC.calCalculation of Area Under Disease / Pest Progress Curve
augblockAugmented block data
aug.rcbAnalysis of augmented random block design
aug.rowcolAnalysis of Augmented row and column design
auugmentdesignRandomization of augmented block design
carolina1Analysis of North Carolina Design I
carolina2Analysis of North Carolina design II
diallele1Analysis of Diallel data
fulldialFull 8 x 8 diallel data
linetesterLine x Tester analysis data
line.testerLine x Tester Analysis
manhatton.plotManhattan plot of p-values
multienvMulti- evironment data
multlocMulti-location data
northcaro1North Carolia Design I
northcaro2North Carolina Design II
plantbreeding-packageAnalysis of data from plant breeding and genetics experiments
rowcoldataAnalysis of Row Column Experimental Design Data
seletion.indexConstruction of selection index
selindexData for selection index
stabilityStability analysis based on Eberhart and Russell (1966) model
plantbreeding documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.