### Test of within_intercept in connection with fixef() and comparison to Stata and Gretl
# results for within_intercept matches EViews, also in the two-way unbalanced case
# (1) balanced
# (2) unbalanced
# test in connection with fixef:
data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
############# (1) balanced ##############
# oneway individual balanced
gi <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within", effect = "individual")
f_level_gi <- fixef(gi, type = "level")
f_dmean_gi <- fixef(gi, type = "dmean")
int_gi <- within_intercept(gi)
mod_int_gi <- within_intercept(gi, return.model = TRUE)
int_manual_gi <- mean(fixef(gi))
individual_intercepts_gi <- int_gi + f_dmean_gi
# check consistency of functions fixef and within_intercept
# works
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_gi, f_level_gi, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept: something is wrong")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(int_gi, int_manual_gi, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept: something is wrong")
# oneway time balanced
gt <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within", effect = "time")
f_level_gt <- fixef(gt, type = "level")
f_dmean_gt <- fixef(gt, type = "dmean")
int_gt <- within_intercept(gt)
mod_int_gt <- within_intercept(gt, return.model = TRUE)
int_manual_gt <- mean(fixef(gt))
individual_intercepts_gt <- int_gt + f_dmean_gt
# check consistency of functions fixef and within_intercept
# works
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_gt, f_level_gt, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept: something is wrong")
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(int_gt, int_manual_gt, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept: something is wrong")
# two-way individual, time balanced
gtw <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within", effect = "twoways")
f_level_tw_i <- fixef(gtw, type = "level", effect = "individual")
f_dmean_tw_i <- fixef(gtw, type = "dmean", effect = "individual")
f_level_tw_t <- fixef(gtw, type = "level", effect = "time")
f_dmean_tw_t <- fixef(gtw, type = "dmean", effect = "time")
int_tw <- within_intercept(gtw)
mod_int_tw <- within_intercept(gtw, return.model = TRUE)
int_manual_tw_i <- mean(f_level_tw_i)
int_manual_tw_t <- mean(f_level_tw_t)
individual_intercepts_tw_i <- int_tw + f_dmean_tw_i
individual_intercepts_tw_t <- int_tw + f_dmean_tw_t
# check consistency of functions fixef and within_intercept
# if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_tw_i, f_level_tw_i, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept twoways, individual: something is wrong")
# if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_tw_t, f_level_tw_t, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept twoways, time: something is wrong")
############# (2) unbalanced tests ################
Grunfeld_unbalanced <- Grunfeld[-c(200), ]
# oneway individual unbalanced
gi_u <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, model = "within", effect = "individual")
f_level_gi_u <- fixef(gi_u, type = "level")
f_dmean_gi_u <- fixef(gi_u, type = "dmean")
# in the one-way unbalanced case: is the overall intercept is the _weighted_ mean of the effects
# (with the current fixef implementation) - this check also depends on how type = "dmean" is calculated in fixef
int_gi_u <- within_intercept(gi_u)
mod_int_gi_u <- within_intercept(gi_u, return.model = TRUE)
individual_intercepts_gi_u <- int_gi_u + f_dmean_gi_u
int_manual_gi_u <- weighted.mean(fixef(gi_u), as.numeric(table(index(gi_u)[[1]])))
# check consistency of functions in themselves
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_gi_u, f_level_gi_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept, unbalanced: something is wrong")
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(int_gi_u, int_manual_gi_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept, unbalanced: something is wrong")
# oneway time unbalanced
gt_u <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, model = "within", effect = "time")
f_level_gt_u <- fixef(gt_u, type = "level")
f_dmean_gt_u <- fixef(gt_u, type = "dmean")
int_gt_u <- within_intercept(gt_u)
mod_int_gt_u <- within_intercept(gt_u, return.model = TRUE)
individual_intercepts_gt_u <- int_gt_u + f_dmean_gt_u
int_manual_gt_u <- weighted.mean(fixef(gt_u), as.numeric(table(index(gt_u)[[2]])))
mean(f_level_gt_u) # mean is not correct for unbalanced case!
int_gt_u <- within_intercept(gt_u)
# check consistency of functions in themselves
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_gt_u, f_level_gt_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept, unbalanced: something is wrong")
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(int_gt_u, int_manual_gt_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept, unbalanced: something is wrong")
## twoways unbalanced
gtw_u <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld_unbalanced, model = "within", effect = "twoways")
f_level_tw_i_u <- fixef(gtw_u, type = "level", effect = "individual")
f_level_tw_t_u <- fixef(gtw_u, type = "level", effect = "time")
f_dmean_tw_i_u <- fixef(gtw_u, type = "dmean", effect = "individual")
f_dmean_tw_t_u <- fixef(gtw_u, type = "dmean", effect = "time")
int_tw_u <- within_intercept(gtw_u)
## mean() is not correct in unbalanced case
# int_manual_tw_i_u <- mean(f_level_tw_i_u)
# int_manual_tw_t_u <- mean(f_level_tw_t_u)
# int_manual_tw_i_u + int_manual_tw_t_u
# all.equal(int_manual_tw_i_u, int_manual_tw_t_u) # not equal
int_manual_tw_i_u <- weighted.mean(f_level_tw_i_u, w = pdim(gtw_u)$Tint$Ti)
int_manual_tw_t_u <- weighted.mean(f_level_tw_t_u, w = pdim(gtw_u)$Tint$nt)
int_manual_tw_i_u + int_manual_tw_t_u
all.equal(int_manual_tw_i_u, int_manual_tw_t_u) # not equal
individual_intercepts_tw_i_u <- int_manual_tw_i_u + f_dmean_tw_i_u
individual_intercepts_tw_t_u <- int_manual_tw_t_u + f_dmean_tw_t_u
mod_lm <- lm(inv ~ value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year), data = Grunfeld_unbalanced)
# check consistency of functions fixef and within_intercept
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_tw_i_u, f_level_tw_i_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept twoways, individual: something is wrong")
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(individual_intercepts_tw_t_u, f_level_tw_t_u, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept twoways, time: something is wrong")
f_level_tw_u <- as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "twoways", "level"))
f_level_tw_u_test <- int_tw_u + f_dmean_tw_i_u[index(gtw_u)[[1L]]] + f_dmean_tw_t_u[index(gtw_u)[[2L]]]
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(f_level_tw_u, f_level_tw_u_test, check.attributes = FALSE))) stop("within_intercept twoways, individual, time: something is wrong")
### print all within intercepts (to have them compared to the reference output
######### Test with reference case: balanced panel
## commented because it needs extra library 'foreign'
# library(foreign)
# library(plm)
# wagepan <- read.dta("")
# pwagepan <- pdata.frame(wagepan, index = c("nr", "year"))
# pdim(pwagepan)
# mod_fe_ind <- plm(lwage ~ exper + hours + married + expersq, data = pwagepan, model = "within", effect = "individual")
# summary(mod_fe_ind)
# # matches gretl, balanced panel, individual effect (see below)
# inter_mod_fe_ind <- within_intercept(mod_fe_ind)
# print(inter_mod_fe_ind)
# mean(fixef(mod_fe_ind))
# print(inter_mod_fe_ind)
# # matches Gretl robust SE
# inter_mod_fe_ind_robust <- within_intercept(mod_fe_ind, vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, method="arellano", type="HC0"))
# print(inter_mod_fe_ind_robust)
# print(summary(within_intercept(mod_fe_ind, return.model = TRUE), vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, method="arellano", type="HC0")))
# Some data to compare to:
# gretl: Data wagepan, individual effects, "normal" standard errors
# Model 1: Fixed-effects, using 4360 observations
# Included 545 cross-sectional units
# Time-series length = 8
# Dependent variable: lwage
# coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# const 1.30069 0.0334564 38.88 8.95e-279 ***
# exper 0.137331 0.00856279 16.04 4.56e-056 ***
# hours −0.000136467 1.33668e-05 −10.21 3.67e-024 ***
# married 0.0481248 0.0181012 2.659 0.0079 ***
# expersq −0.00532076 0.000606304 −8.776 2.52e-018 ***
# Mean dependent var 1.649147 S.D. dependent var 0.532609
# Sum squared resid 459.8591 S.E. of regression 0.347371
# LSDV R-squared 0.628105 Within R-squared 0.196125
# LSDV F(548, 3811) 11.74547 P-value(F) 0.000000
# Log-likelihood −1283.082 Akaike criterion 3664.165
# Schwarz criterion 7166.910 Hannan-Quinn 4900.376
# rho 0.065436 Durbin-Watson 1.546260
# Joint test on named regressors -
# Test statistic: F(4, 3811) = 232.447
# with p-value = P(F(4, 3811) > 232.447) = 8.13484e-179
# Test for differing group intercepts -
# Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
# Test statistic: F(544, 3811) = 10.3148
# with p-value = P(F(544, 3811) > 10.3148) = 0
# gretl: Data wagepan, individual effects, HAC standard errors
# Model 1: Fixed-effects, using 4360 observations
# Included 545 cross-sectional units
# Time-series length = 8
# Dependent variable: lwage
# Robust (HAC) standard errors
# Omitted due to exact collinearity: black hisp
# coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# const 1.30069 0.0550059 23.65 1.82e-115 ***
# exper 0.137331 0.0108281 12.68 3.92e-036 ***
# hours −0.000136467 2.13420e-05 −6.394 1.81e-010 ***
# married 0.0481248 0.0212938 2.260 0.0239 **
# expersq −0.00532076 0.000691230 −7.698 1.76e-014 ***
# Mean dependent var 1.649147 S.D. dependent var 0.532609
# Sum squared resid 459.8591 S.E. of regression 0.347371
# LSDV R-squared 0.628105 Within R-squared 0.196125
# Log-likelihood −1283.082 Akaike criterion 3664.165
# Schwarz criterion 7166.910 Hannan-Quinn 4900.376
# rho 0.065436 Durbin-Watson 1.546260
# Joint test on named regressors -
# Test statistic: F(4, 3811) = 121.497
# with p-value = P(F(4, 3811) > 121.497) = 1.02521e-097
# Robust test for differing group intercepts -
# Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
# Test statistic: Welch F(544, 1276.3) = 27.3958
# with p-value = P(F(544, 1276.3) > 27.3958) = 0
# Gretl, twoways, Grunfeld, balanced panel, normal SEs
# -- Gretl does only time dummies, no sweeping out of time effect in the data
# -> not comparable because constant becomes the reference year
# Model 2: Fixed-effects, using 200 observations
# Included 10 cross-sectional units
# Time-series length = 20
# Dependent variable: inv
# coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# const −32.8363 18.8753 −1.740 0.0837 *
# value 0.117716 0.0137513 8.560 6.65e-015 ***
# capital 0.357916 0.0227190 15.75 5.45e-035 ***
# dt_2 −19.1974 23.6759 −0.8108 0.4186
# dt_3 −40.6900 24.6954 −1.648 0.1013
# dt_4 −39.2264 23.2359 −1.688 0.0932 *
# dt_5 −69.4703 23.6561 −2.937 0.0038 ***
# dt_6 −44.2351 23.8098 −1.858 0.0649 *
# dt_7 −18.8045 23.6940 −0.7936 0.4285
# dt_8 −21.1398 23.3816 −0.9041 0.3672
# dt_9 −42.9776 23.5529 −1.825 0.0698 *
# dt_10 −43.0988 23.6102 −1.825 0.0697 *
# dt_11 −55.6830 23.8956 −2.330 0.0210 **
# dt_12 −31.1693 24.1160 −1.292 0.1980
# dt_13 −39.3922 23.7837 −1.656 0.0995 *
# dt_14 −43.7165 23.9697 −1.824 0.0699 *
# dt_15 −73.4951 24.1829 −3.039 0.0028 ***
# dt_16 −75.8961 24.3455 −3.117 0.0021 ***
# dt_17 −62.4809 24.8643 −2.513 0.0129 **
# dt_18 −64.6323 25.3495 −2.550 0.0117 **
# dt_19 −67.7180 26.6111 −2.545 0.0118 **
# dt_20 −93.5262 27.1079 −3.450 0.0007 ***
## Test unbalanced panel
####### replicate Stata's fixed effects estimator, R-squared, F statistic ###
## [example 2 on p. 14, ex. 3 on p. 16]
# commented because it needs extra library 'foreign'
# normal SE (ex. 2, p. 14)
# Stata's intercept (coefficient, Standard error)
# _cons 1.03732 , .0485546
# robust SE (ex. 3, p. 16)
# _cons 1.03732 , .0739644
# library(plm)
# library(haven)
# nlswork <- haven::read_dta("") # large file
# nlswork$race <- factor(nlswork$race) # convert
# nlswork$race2 <- factor(ifelse(nlswork$race == 2, 1, 0)) # need this variable for example
# nlswork$grade <- as.numeric(nlswork$grade)
# pnlswork <- pdata.frame(nlswork, index=c("idcode", "year"), drop.index=F)
# form_nls_ex2 <- formula(ln_wage ~ grade + age + I(age^2) + ttl_exp + I(ttl_exp^2) + tenure + I(tenure^2) + race2 + not_smsa + south)
# plm_fe_nlswork <- plm(form_nls_ex2, data = pnlswork, model = "within", effect = "individual")
# int_fe_nls_work <- within_intercept(plm_fe_nlswork) # matches Stata "normal" SE
# print(int_fe_nls_work)
# weighted.mean(fixef(plm_fe_nlswork), w = as.numeric(table(index(plm_fe_nlswork)[[1]])))
# summary(plm_fe_nlswork)
# summary(plm_fe_nlswork, vcov = vcovHC(plm_fe_nlswork, type="sss"))
# int_fe_nls_work_robust <- within_intercept(plm_fe_nlswork, vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, type="sss")) # matches Stata robust SE
# print(int_fe_nls_work_robust)
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