Man pages for qfaBayes
Tools for modelling the growth dynamics of arrays of large numbers of colonies and performing quantitative fitness analysis (QFA).

funcARRAYTRANSCreates and transposes an array
funcARRAYTRANS_JCreates and transposes an array (JHM)
funcColORFAdds NA values at the end of an ORF to give consistent Col...
funcIDorderOrder by ORF and ID coloumn
funcNoORFGives number of repeats for each ORF
funcNoSumGives running total for the number of repeats for each ORF
funcREMOVEFilter by Screen Name, Temprature and Master Plate Number
funcRowRepAdds NA values at the end of a repeat to give consistent row...
funcSCALINGScales data by maximum theroetical value for IOD
funcXYSorts data into array with correct dimensions
funcXY_JSorts data into array with correct dimensions (JHM)
IHM_mainRuns IHM C code
IHM_MDRxMDP_postproPerforms post processing for IHM
JHM_mainRuns JHM C code
JHM_postproPerforms post processing for JHM
plot_IHM_simpleplot IHM_simple_C output
plot_JHM_simpleplot JHM_simple_C output
plot_SHM_simpleplot SHM_simple_C output
qfa.variablesGives experimental variables from QFA data (
SHM_mainRuns SHM C code
SHM_postproPerforms post processing for SHM
visual_convergence_simple_check_IHMGives a trace plot for one of every parameter type to check...
visual_convergence_simple_check_JHMGives a trace plot for one of every parameter type to check...
visual_convergence_simple_check_SHMGives a trace plot for one of every parameter type to check...
qfaBayes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:12 p.m.