
# Download GSL 2.4; hdf5; libgeotiff;
VERSION <- commandArgs(TRUE)

# # Download gdal
# if(!file.exists("../windows/gdal2-2.2.3/include/gdal/gdal.h")){
#   print("Downloading and installing GDAL...")
#   download.file("", "", quiet = FALSE)
#   dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
#   unzip("", exdir = "../windows")
#   unlink("")
# }
if (Sys.getenv("LIB_GSL") == "") {
    print("Downloading and unpacking GSL...")
    download.file("", "", quiet = TRUE)
    dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
    unzip("", exdir = "../windows")

if(!file.exists(sprintf("../windows/hdf5-%s/include/hdf5.h", VERSION))){
  print("Downloading and unpacking HDF5...")
  download.file(sprintf("", VERSION),
                "", quiet = TRUE)
  dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
  unzip("", exdir = "../windows")

# if(!file.exists("../windows/libgeotiff-1.4.3/geo_config.h")){
#   print("Downloading and installing libgeotiff...")
#   download.file("", "", quiet = FALSE)
#   dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
#   unzip("", exdir = "../windows")
#   unlink("")
#   file.rename("../windows/libgeotiff-1.4.3/", "../windows/libgeotiff-1.4.3/geo_config.h")
# }
# if(!file.exists("../windows/libtiff-4.0.9/include/tiffio.h")){
#   print("Downloading and installing libtiff...")
#   download.file("", "", quiet = FALSE)
#   dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
#   unzip("", exdir = "../windows")
#   unlink("")
# }

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rGEDI documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 3:01 p.m.