Man pages for season
Seasonal analysis of health data

aaftAmplitude Adjusted Fourier Transform (AAFT)
AFLAustralian Football League (AFL) players' birthdays for the...
casecrossCase-crossover analysis to control for seasonality
ciPhaseMean and confidence interval for circular phase
cipolygon-internalFunction to draw CI polygon
cosinorCosinor regression model for detecting seasonality
createAdjCreates an adjacency matrix
CVDCardiovascular deaths in Los Angeles, 1987-2000
CVDdailyDaily cardiovascular deaths in Los Angeles, 1987-2000
exerciseExercise data from Queensland, 2005-2007
flagleap-internalCount the number of days in the month
invyrfractionInverse fraction of the year
kalfil-internalForward and backward sweep of the Kalman filter
monthglmFit a GLM with month
monthmeanMonthly means
nochars-internalRemove letters and characters from a string
nonlintestTest of non-linearity of a time series
nscosinorNon-stationary cosinor
nscosinor.initial-internalInitial values for non-stationary cosinor. For internal use...
phasecalcPhase from cosinor estimates
plotCircleCircular plot
plotCircularCircular plot using segments
plot.CosinorPlot the results of a cosinor
plotMonthPlot results by month
plot.monthglmPlot of monthly estimates
plot.nonlintestPlot the results of the non-linear test
plot.nsCosinorPlot the results of a Non-stationary cosinor
print.casecrossPrint the results of a case-crossover model
print.CosinorPrint the results of a cosinor
print.MonthmeanPrint the results from monthmean
print.nonlintestPrint the results of the non-linear test
print.nsCosinorPrint the results of a Non-stationary cosinor
rinvgamma-internalRandom inverse gamma distribution
schzSchizophrenia births in Australia, 1930-1971
season-internalInternal Season Functions
season-packageTools for uncovering and estimating seasonal patterns.
seasrescheckSeasonal residual checks
sinusoidPlot a sinusoid
stillbirthStillbirths in Queensland, 1998-2000
summary.casecrossSummary of the results of a case-crossover model
summary.CosinorSummary for a cosinor
summary.monthglmSummary for a monthglm
summary.nsCosinorSummary for a Non-stationary cosinor
thirdThird-order moment
wtestWalter and Elwood's test of seasonality
yrfractionFraction of the year
season documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:22 p.m.