ssMODWT-methods: Methods for "ssMODWT" object construction in Package...

Description Methods


This is the single method for construction of “ssMODWT” objects via the generic ssMODWT. Simply pass a valid “sampSurf” object to the method with other appropriate arguments listed below as desired.


signature(ss = "sampSurf")


        J = NA,  
        wfName = c('haar'),  
        reflect = FALSE,
        shift = TRUE,        
        trimRight = TRUE,    
        description = 'sampSurf MODWT wavelet decomposition object',
        runQuiet = FALSE,
  • ss: An object of class “sampSurf” on which the MODWT decomposition is to be made.

  • J: Desired maximum level for the MODWT decomposition, often denoted as J0.

  • wfName:The wavelet filter name. Ostensibly, this should match one of the filters allowed in waveslim::wave.filter. See the class definition for those currently supported.

  • reflect: TRUE: reflect the sampSurf results (note: this is in addition to periodic correction, which is always done); FALSE: don't reflect.

  • shift: TRUE: apply waveslim::shift.2d to rectify/realign the MODWT images with the original at all levels; FALSE: leave the alignment as is.

  • trimRight: When shift=TRUE occasionally the image has come out larger at the first decomposition level that the original image, this will trim the offending extra on the right side and bottom; FALSE: leave as is.

  • description: A character description as desired.

  • runQuiet: TRUE: no feedback; FALSE: some results printed.

  • ...: Arguments currently gobbled.

ssWavelets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.