Man pages for statcomp
Statistical Complexity and Information Measures for Time Series Analysis

AbbeA function to compute Abbe values
adjust_patternA function to create new pattern-coding schemes for the...
complexity_RenyiA function to compute Renyi complexity
fisA (low-level) function to compute the Fisher-information
generate_lehmerperm_matrixA function to generate the Lehmer permutation ordering.
global_complexityA function to compute global information and complexity...
hellinger_distanceDistance measure between ordinal pattern distributions:...
henon_mapA function to generate a time series from the Henon Map
HVGA function to compute Horizontal Visibility Graphs and...
jensen_shannon_divergenceGeneralized disequilibrium measure for ordinal pattern...
limit_curvesLimit curves in the Entropy-Complexity plane
logistic_mapA function to generate a time series from the logistic map
maxd3Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
maxd4Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
maxd5Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
maxd6Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
migfcA function to compute Mean information gain (MIG) and...
mind3Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
mind4Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
mind5Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
mind6Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at...
MPR_complexityA function to compute the MPR-complexity
nbitflipsA function to compute bitflip statistics and time series
ordinal_pattern_distributionA function to compute ordinal pattern statistics
ordinal_pattern_time_seriesA function to compute time series of ordinal patterns
permutation_entropyA function to compute the permutation entropy
permutation_entropy_qlogA function to compute q-log permutation entropy
permutation_entropy_RenyiA function to compute Renyi entropy
powernoiseA function to generate k-noise
q_complexityA function to compute q-log complexity
quadratic_mapA function to generate a time series from the Quadratic map
rank_to_permutationA function to convert a "ranks-based" permutation notation to...
schuster_mapA function to generate a time series from the Schuster Map
skew_tent_mapA function to generate a time series from the logistic map
tent_mapA function to generate a time series from the logistic map
transformPermCodingA function to generate a vector from an index-transformation...
Turning_pointA function to compute Turning points
weighted_ordinal_pattern_distributionA function to compute weighted ordinal pattern statistics
statcomp documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 3:01 p.m.