
# +-------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Package:    ternaryplot                                   |
# | Language:   R + roxygen2 inline documentation               |
# | Author(s):  Julien Moeys <Julien.Moeys@@slu.se>             |
# | License:    AGPL3, Affero General Public License version 3  |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------+

#'Converts angles expressed in degrees into radian.
#'Converts angles expressed in degrees into radian.
#'@param angle
#'  Single numeric. Angle in Degrees.
deg2rad <- function(

#'Converts ternary point-data into x-y coordinates
#'Converts ternary point-data (bottom, left, right axis) into 
#'  x-y coordinates, according to the specification of a 
#'  \code{ternarySystem}
#'@param s
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object or a 
#'  character string naming an pre-defined \code{ternarySystem}, 
#'  or a \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternaryData}} object. For the 
#'  latter, if \code{x} is missing, \code{s} will also be used 
#'  for \code{x}
#'@param x
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} 
#'  with ternary point-data. Can be missing if \code{s} is a 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternaryData}} object.
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'  Returns a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with point-data in 
#'  (columns) x and y. 
#'@rdname ternary2xy-methods
ternary2xy <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        UseMethod( "ternary2xy", object = character() )  
        UseMethod( "ternary2xy" ) 

#'@rdname ternary2xy-methods
#'@method ternary2xy character
ternary2xy.character <- function(
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem() 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s = s ) 
    ternary2xy.ternarySystem( s = s, ... )

#'@rdname ternary2xy-methods
#'@method ternary2xy ternaryData
ternary2xy.ternaryData <- function(
    if( missing(x) ){ 
        x <- s 
    s <- attr( x = s, which = "ternarySystem" ) 
    ternary2xy( s = s, x = x, ... )

#'@rdname ternary2xy-methods
#'@method ternary2xy ternarySystem
ternary2xy.ternarySystem <- function( 
    # Set some variables
    .blrClock  <- blrClock( s ) 
    .tlrAngles <- tlrAngles( s ) 
    .fracSum   <- fracSum( s ) 
    # fracSumTol <- getTpPar( par = "fracSumTol" ) * fracSum 
    blrNames0   <- blrNames( s = s )  
    # Test if the ternary data are conform 
    if( !"ternaryData" %in% class( x ) ){ 
        x <- ternaryData( s = s, x = x ) 
    # Angle transformation: degree to radian
    tlrAnglesRad <- deg2rad( angle = .tlrAngles )
    # "reverse" the bottom and right orientation to 
    #   fit x and y orientation:
    for( j in 1:3 ){ 
        if( !is.na(.blrClock[j]) ){ # Do not reverse NA sides
            if( j == 2 ){ # Left side 
                if( !.blrClock[j] ){ # Counter-clockwise
                    x[  , blrNames0[j] ] <- 
                        ( .fracSum - x[, blrNames0[j] ] ) 
            }else{        # Bottom or right side
                if( .blrClock[j] ){ # Clockwise
                    x[  , blrNames0[j] ] <- 
                        ( .fracSum - x[, blrNames0[j] ] ) 
    # The x,y coordnates calculation is 1st separated depending on .blrClock[2]
    if( is.na( .blrClock[2] ) ){ 
        # Left side direction is NA so right side is counter-clockwise:
        y <- x[  , blrNames0[3] ] * sin( tlrAnglesRad[3] )
    }else if( .blrClock[2] ){ 
        # Left side direction is clockwise:
        y <- x[  , blrNames0[2] ] * sin( tlrAnglesRad[2] )
        # Left side direction counter-clockwise:
        y <- x[  , blrNames0[3] ] * sin( tlrAnglesRad[3] )
    if( .blrClock[1] ){ 
        # Bottom side is clockwise
        #   If .blrClock[2] this is the TTT case, otherwie this is the TXF case.
        x <- x[  , blrNames0[1] ] - y/tan( tlrAnglesRad[3] ) 
        # Bottom side is counter-clockwise
        #   If .blrClock[2] this is the FTX case, otherwise this is the FFF case.
        x <- x[  , blrNames0[1] ] + y/tan( tlrAnglesRad[2] ) 
    return( data.frame( "x" = x , "y" = y ) )

    # # library( "ternaryplot" ) 
    # f1 <- runif( 10, 0, 1 ) 
    # f2 <- runif( 10, 0, 1 ) 
    # f3 <- runif( 10, 0, 1 ) 
    # f1b <- f1 / (f1 + f2 +f3) 
    # f2b <- f2 / (f1 + f2 +f3) 
    # f3b <- f3 / (f1 + f2 +f3) 
    # rm( f1, f2, f3 ) 
    # tbl <- data.frame( "F1" = f1b, "F2" = f2b, "F3" = f3b ) * 100  # 100%
    # rm( f1b, f2b, f3b ) 
    # # ternaryData( tbl )
    # tbl <- ternary2xy( s = "default", x = tbl ) 
    # fr <- data.frame( 
        # "F1" = c( 100, 000, 000 ), 
        # "F2" = c( 000, 100, 000 ), 
        # "F3" = c( 000, 000, 100 ) )
    # fr <- ternary2xy( "default", x = fr,  ) 
    # plot( x = 50, y = 50, xlim = c(0,100), ylim = c(0,100), 
        # type = "n", bty = "n" )  
    # polygon( x = fr$"x", y = fr$"y", border = "red" )  
    # points( x = tbl$"x", y = tbl$"y" ) 

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ternaryplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 p.m.