
# This file contains custom test reporters.

DetailedReporter <- setRefClass('DetailedReporter', contains = 'Reporter',
  fields = list(
    'width' = 'integer',
    'n_tests' = 'integer',
    'n_failed' = 'integer',
    'failures' = 'list',
    'start_time' = 'ANY'
  methods = list(

    start_reporter = function() {
      failed <<- FALSE

      width <<- getOption('width')
      n_tests <<- 0L
      n_failed <<- 0L
      failures <<- list()
      start_time <<- NULL

      cat(str_c(rep('=', width), collapse=''), '\n')

    start_context = function(desc) {
      cat(str_c('\n', desc, '\n'))
      cat(str_c(rep('-', nchar(desc)), collapse=''), '\n')

      context <<- desc
      n_tests <<- 0L
      n_failed <<- 0L
      failures <<- list()

    start_test = function(desc){
      test <<- desc
      start_time <<- Sys.time()

    add_result = function(result) {
      spacer <- paste(rep(' ',width - nchar(test) - 5),
        collapse = '')
      if (result$passed) {
        cat(spacer, colourise("PASS\n", fg = "light green"))
      } else {
        failed <<- TRUE
        n_failed <<- n_failed + 1L
        result$test <- test
        failures[[n_failed]] <<- result

        cat(spacer, colourise("FAIL\n", fg = "red"))

    end_test = function(){
      elapsed_time <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time,
      cat('  Elapsed Time: ', sprintf("%6.2f", elapsed_time), ' seconds\n')
      test <<- NULL
      start_time <<- NULL
      n_tests <<- n_tests + 1L

    end_context = function() {
      cat(paste(rep('-', width), collapse=''), '\n')
      n_success <- n_tests - n_failed
      success_per <- round( n_success / n_tests * 100, 2 )

      test_status <- paste(n_success, '/', n_tests,
        ' (', success_per, '%)', sep = '')
      test_status <- ifelse(n_failed == 0L,
        colourise(test_status, 'light green'),
        colourise(test_status, 'red')

      cat(test_status, 'tests sucessfully executed in this context.\n' )

      if( n_failed > 0L ){
        cat('\nOutput from failed tests:\n\n')

        charrep <- function(char, times) {
          sapply(times, function(i) str_c(, i), collapse = ""))

        type <- ifelse(sapply(failures, "[[", "error"), "Error", "Failure")
        tests <- sapply(failures, "[[", "test")
        header <- str_c(type, ": ", tests, " ")
        linewidth <- ifelse(nchar(header) > getOption("width"),
          0, getOption("width") - nchar(header))
        line <- charrep("-", linewidth )

        message <- sapply(failures, "[[", "message")

          colourise(header, "red"), line, "\n",
          message, "\n", collapse = "\n"))


    end_reporter = function() {
      cat(str_c(rep('=', width), collapse=''), '\n\n')
  ) # End methods list
) # End DetailedReporter class

# This reporter is used by the graphics tests. It is very similar to the
# DetailedReporter, but contains specialized functionality for displaying the
# results of graphics tests.
GraphicsReporter <- setRefClass('GraphicsReporter', contains = 'DetailedReporter',
  fields = list(
    'ran_vis_diff' = 'logical',
    'pixel_error' = 'ANY',
    'n_ctx_failed' = 'integer'
  methods = list(

    start_reporter = function() {
      width <<- getOption('width')

      ran_vis_diff <<- FALSE
      pixel_error <<- 'SKIP'
      n_tests <<- 0L
      n_failed <<- 0L
      n_ctx_failed <<- 0L

      cat(str_c(rep('=', width), collapse=''), '\n')
      cat('Graphics Tests', '\n')
      cat(str_c(rep('~', width), collapse=''), '\n')

    start_context = function(desc) {
      cat(str_c('\n', desc, '\n'))
      failed <<- FALSE

    start_test = function(desc){
      cat('  ', desc)
      test <<- desc
      start_time <<- Sys.time()

    vis_result = function(the_error) {
      ran_vis_diff <<- TRUE
      pixel_error <<- the_error

    add_result = function(result) {
      if ( ran_vis_diff ) {
        if ( pixel_error == 'SKIP' ) {
          spacer <- paste(rep(' ', width - nchar(test) - 19),
            collapse = '')
          cat(spacer, colourise("SKIP", fg = "yellow"), "\n")
        } else {
          spacer <- paste(rep(' ', width - nchar(test) - 29),
            collapse = '')
          cat(spacer, 'Error of:',
            colourise(sprintf("%8.2g pixels", pixel_error), fg = "yellow"),
      } else {
        spacer <- paste(rep(' ', width - nchar(test) - 19),
          collapse = '')
        if (result$passed) {
          cat(spacer, colourise("PASS", fg = "light green"))
        } else {
          failed <<- TRUE
          n_failed <<- n_failed + 1L
          result$test <- test
          failures[[n_failed]] <<- result

          cat(spacer, colourise("FAIL", fg = "red"))

    end_test = function(){
      if( ran_vis_diff ) {
        ran_vis_diff <<- FALSE
      } else {
        elapsed_time <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time,
        cat(sprintf(" %6.2f sec\n", elapsed_time))

    end_context = function() {
      if ( failed ) {
        n_ctx_failed <<- n_ctx_failed + 1L
      n_tests <<- n_tests + 1L

    end_reporter = function() {
      cat(paste(rep('-', width), collapse=''), '\n')
      n_success <- n_tests - n_ctx_failed
      success_per <- round( n_success / n_tests * 100, 2 )

      test_status <- paste(n_success, '/', n_tests,
        ' (', success_per, '%)', sep = '')
      test_status <- ifelse(n_ctx_failed == 0L,
        colourise(test_status, 'light green'),
        colourise(test_status, 'red')

      cat(test_status, 'tests sucessfully executed.\n' )

      if( n_failed > 0L ){
        cat('\nOutput from failed tests:\n\n')

        charrep <- function(char, times) {
          sapply(times, function(i) str_c(, i), collapse = ""))

        type <- ifelse(sapply(failures, "[[", "error"), "Error", "Failure")
        tests <- sapply(failures, "[[", "test")
        header <- str_c(type, ": ", tests, " ")
        linewidth <- ifelse(nchar(header) > getOption("width"),
          0, getOption("width") - nchar(header))
        line <- charrep("-", linewidth )

        message <- sapply(failures, "[[", "message")

          colourise(header, "red"), line, "\n",
          message, "\n", collapse = "\n"))

      cat(str_c(rep('=', width), collapse=''), '\n\n')

  ) # End methods list
) # End GraphicsReporter

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tikzDevice documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.