
Defines functions InternationalWomensDay JPMountainDay JPBankHolidayDec31 JPEmperorsBirthday JPThanksgivingDay JPNationalCultureDay JPHealthandSportsDay JPAutumnalEquinox JPRespectForTheAgedDay JPKeirouNOhi JPMarineDay JPChildrensDay JPConstitutionDay JPNationHoliday JPGreeneryDay JPNatFoundationDay JPComingOfAgeDay JPBankHolidayJan3 JPBankHolidayJan2 JPGantan JPNewYearsDay JPVernalEquinox CaRemembranceDay CAThanksgivingDay CALabourDay CACivicProvincialHoliday CACanadaDay CAFamilyDay CAVictoriaDay USJuneteenthNationalIndependenceDay USDecorationMemorialDay USPresidentsDay USGoodFriday USCPulaskisBirthday USChristmasDay USThanksgivingDay USVeteransDay USElectionDay USColumbusDay USLaborDay USIndependenceDay USMemorialDay USWashingtonsBirthday USLincolnsBirthday USMLKingsBirthday USInaugurationDay USNewYearsDay ITImmaculateConception ITStAmrose ITAllSaints ITAssumptionOfVirginMary ITLiberationDay ITEpiphany FRArmisticeDay FRAllSaints FRAssumptionVirginMary FRBastilleDay FRAscension FRFetDeLaVictoire1945 DENewYearsEve DEChristmasEve DEGermanUnity DECorpusChristi DEAscension specialHolidayGB GBMilleniumDay GBSummerBankHoliday GBSpringBankHoliday GBEarlyMayBankHoliday CHKnabenschiessen CHConfederationDay CHAscension CHSechselaeuten CHBerchtoldsDay LaborDay NewYearsDay AllSouls AllSaints MassOfArchangels CelebrationOfHolyCross BirthOfVirginMary AssumptionOfMary TransfigurationOfLord Annunciation PresentationOfLord Epiphany SolemnityOfMary BoxingDay ChristmasDay ChristmasEve Advent4th Advent3rd Advent2nd Advent1st ChristTheKing CorpusChristi TrinitySunday PentecostMonday Pentecost Ascension RogationSunday EasterMonday EasterSunday GoodFriday PalmSunday AshWednesday Quinquagesima Septuagesima format..sdate

Documented in Advent1st Advent2nd Advent3rd Advent4th AllSaints AllSouls Annunciation Ascension AshWednesday AssumptionOfMary BirthOfVirginMary BoxingDay CACanadaDay CACivicProvincialHoliday CAFamilyDay CALabourDay CaRemembranceDay CAThanksgivingDay CAVictoriaDay CelebrationOfHolyCross CHAscension CHBerchtoldsDay CHConfederationDay CHKnabenschiessen ChristmasDay ChristmasEve ChristTheKing CHSechselaeuten CorpusChristi DEAscension DEChristmasEve DECorpusChristi DEGermanUnity DENewYearsEve EasterMonday EasterSunday Epiphany FRAllSaints FRArmisticeDay FRAscension FRAssumptionVirginMary FRBastilleDay FRFetDeLaVictoire1945 GBEarlyMayBankHoliday GBMilleniumDay GBSpringBankHoliday GBSummerBankHoliday GoodFriday InternationalWomensDay ITAllSaints ITAssumptionOfVirginMary ITEpiphany ITImmaculateConception ITLiberationDay ITStAmrose JPAutumnalEquinox JPBankHolidayDec31 JPBankHolidayJan2 JPBankHolidayJan3 JPChildrensDay JPComingOfAgeDay JPConstitutionDay JPEmperorsBirthday JPGantan JPGreeneryDay JPHealthandSportsDay JPKeirouNOhi JPMarineDay JPMountainDay JPNatFoundationDay JPNationalCultureDay JPNationHoliday JPNewYearsDay JPRespectForTheAgedDay JPThanksgivingDay JPVernalEquinox LaborDay MassOfArchangels NewYearsDay PalmSunday Pentecost PentecostMonday PresentationOfLord Quinquagesima RogationSunday Septuagesima SolemnityOfMary specialHolidayGB TransfigurationOfLord TrinitySunday USChristmasDay USColumbusDay USCPulaskisBirthday USDecorationMemorialDay USElectionDay USGoodFriday USInaugurationDay USIndependenceDay USJuneteenthNationalIndependenceDay USLaborDay USLincolnsBirthday USMemorialDay USMLKingsBirthday USNewYearsDay USPresidentsDay USThanksgivingDay USVeteransDay USWashingtonsBirthday

# This R package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This R package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this R package; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA

## 2023-11-27
##    GNB: reworked the Japan's holidays as they all were set to fixed dates,
##         and also to reflect changes in recent decades.

# FUNCTION:                 DESCRIPTION:
#  ...                       Holiday Dates

## 2023-12-07 GNB: new
format..sdate <- function(x, format = "-", ...) {
    ## TODO: think it over
    if(format == "-")
        paste(substr(x, 1, 4), substr(x, 5, 6), substr(x, 7, 8), sep = "-")
    else if(format == "")
        paste(substr(x, 1, 4), substr(x, 5, 6), substr(x, 7, 8), sep = "")
    else # TODO: needs more here
        format.default(x, format = format, ...)

Septuagesima =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -63)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

Quinquagesima =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -49)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

AshWednesday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -46)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

PalmSunday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -7)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

GoodFriday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

EasterSunday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

EasterMonday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

RogationSunday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 35)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

Ascension =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 39)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

Pentecost =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 49)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

## GNB: WhitMonday
PentecostMonday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 50)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

TrinitySunday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 56)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

CorpusChristi =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 60)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ChristTheKing =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 11, 20, 0)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Advent1st =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 11, 27, 0)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Advent2nd =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 12,  4, 0)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Advent3rd =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 12, 11, 0)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Advent4th =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 12, 18, 0)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ChristmasEve =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1224
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ChristmasDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1225
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

BoxingDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1226
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SolemnityOfMary =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Epiphany =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0106
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

PresentationOfLord =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0202
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

Annunciation =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0325
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

TransfigurationOfLord =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0806
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

AssumptionOfMary =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0815
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

BirthOfVirginMary =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0908
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CelebrationOfHolyCross =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0914
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

MassOfArchangels =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0929
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

AllSaints =
    function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

AllSouls =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1102
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NewYearsDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

LaborDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0501
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHBerchtoldsDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0102
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CHSechselaeuten =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = NULL
    for (y in year) {
        theDate = .nth.of.nday(y, 4, 1, 3)
        if (as.character(theDate) == as.character(Easter(y, +1))) {
            theDate = .nth.of.nday(y, 4, 1, 4)
        ans = c(ans, theDate) # this changes the class from .sdate to numeric,
                              # hence as.character() below
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CHAscension =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 39)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

CHConfederationDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0801
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CHKnabenschiessen =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 9, 1, 2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## GNB: Early May bank holiday
## GNB: renaming to the proper name; leaving for now 'GBMayDay' for compatibility
## the code in holidaysLONDON for y > 1978 was:
## if (y == 1995 || y == 2020) {
##     ## Was moved to May 8 to celebrate VE Day's 75th/50th anniversary
##     dts <- paste0(y, "-05-08")
##     holidays <- c(holidays, dts)
## } else {
##     lon <- timeDate(.on.or.after(y, 5, 1, 1), zone = "London",
##                     FinCenter = "Europe/London")
##     holidays <- c(holidays, as.character(lon))
## }
GBMayDay <-
GBEarlyMayBankHoliday <-
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## TODO: y < 1978 -  NA or empty
    ## if (y >= 1978)
    ## # First Monday of May became a bank holiday
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 1978]

    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 5, 1, 1)

    ## special: moved to May 8 to celebrate VE Day's 50th/75th anniversary
    ind <- year %in% c(1995, 2020)
       ans[ind] <- 10000 * year[ind] +  0508

    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 1978] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## YC: Note GBBankHoliday returns Spring Bank Holiday
## GNB: renaming to a more common name; leaving for now 'GBBankHoliday' for compatibility
GBBankHoliday <-
GBSpringBankHoliday <-
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## introduced in 1871, first on Whit Monday

    if((flag <- isTRUE(na_drop)) && any(year < 1871))
        year <- year[year >= 1871]

    ans = .last.of.nday(year, 5, 31, 1)

    ## Whit Monday, which is exactly 50 days after Easter
    if(any(year <= 1964)) {
        ## using arg 'format' as the default for timeDate objects  is "%Y-%m-%d"
        ans[year <= 1964] <- as.numeric(format(Easter(year[year <= 1964], 50),
                                               format = "%Y%m%d"))

    ## moved to be the day before XXX/Diamond/Platinum Jubilee bank holiday
    ind <- year %in% c(2002, 2012, 2022)
    if(any(ind)) {
        ans[year == 2002] <- 20020603
        ans[year == 2012] <- 20120604  # Last Monday in May holiday moved to June 4, and
                                        # Queen's Diamond Jubilee on June 5

        ans[year == 2022] <- 20220602  # Thursday

    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 1871] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## GNB: added handling of historical dates before 1971,
##      including 1965-1970 for which many sources have it wrong for 1968, 1969
## Last Monday in August replaces first Monday in August as Summer BH.
## 2023-12-04 GNB:
## Between 1965-1970 there was a trial period of moving the Summer BH to 'the
##     end of the month', without formal definition (see wikipedia page). A
##     royal proclamation was issued each year for the exact dates. It seems
##     that they used the Monday after the weekend containing the last
##     Saturday in August.  in 1968 and 1969 Summer Bank Holiday is in the
##     beginning of Sep:
##     see  https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/written-answers/1965/jun/03/bank-holidays-1967-and-1968
## https://family-law.co.uk/significance-bank-holidays/
##         2 Sep 1968
##         1 Sep 1969
##  TODO: add the above! But need to check reverse dependencies when doing that!
## The formal definition as "Last Monday in August" is from the 1971 Act
## but the difference for 1965-1970 isa only for 1968, 1969 as noted above
GBSummerBankHoliday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## established in 1871 as the 1st Monday in August, so
    ## ans[year < 1871] <- NA or empty  :TODO:
    ## didn't exist before 1871
    if((flag <- isTRUE(na_drop)) && any(year < 1871))
        year <- year[year >= 1871]

    ans = .last.of.nday(year, 8, 31, 1) # year >= 1965
    if(any(year <= 1970)) {
        ## Summer BH on First Monday in August
        ans[year <= 1964] <- .on.or.after(year[year <= 1964], 8, 1, 1)

        ## correct for 1968 & 1969, see comments above
        ans[year == 1968] <- 19680902
        ans[year == 1969] <- 19690901
    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 1871] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## added by GNB
## TODO: it ignores, silently, the argument, not good?
GBMilleniumDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    .Deprecated("Use specialHolidayGB(1999)")
    ans = 19991231
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

.gb_oneoff_holidays <- c(
    "GBRoyalWeddingDay1981"        , "1981-07-29", # Royal wedding
    "GBMillenumDay"                , "1999-12-31", # UK millenum day

    "GBQueensGoldenJubileeDay"     , "2002-06-04", # Spring BH moved to June 3,
                                                   # and Queen's Jubilee on June 4

    "GBRoyalWeddingDay2011"        , "2011-04-29", # Royal wedding

    "GBQueensDiamondJubilee"       , "2012-06-05", # Early May BH moved to June 4
                                                   # and Queen's Diamond Jubilee on June 5

                                                   # Spring BH moved to June 2
    "GBQueensPlatinumJubileeDay"   , "2022-06-03", # Friday, Platinum Jubilee BH
    "GBQueensFuneralDay"           , "2022-09-19", # BH, State Funeral Queen Elizabeth II
    "GBKingCharlesIIICoronationDay", "2023-05-08"  # BH, coronation of King Charles III

## .gb_oneoff_BH <- matrix(.gb_oneoff_holidays, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
## .gb_years <- as.integer(substr(.gb_oneoff_BH[ , 2], 1, 4))
## .unique_gb_years <- unique(.gb_years)

.GByears_with_oneoff <-
    c(1981, 1999, 2002, 2011, 2012, 2022, 2023)

specialHolidayGB <-
function(year  = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", named = FALSE, ...) {
    ## TODO: option to return  names for the holidays;
    ##       maybe it is better to just provide separate function for that
    ## TODO: No, it doesn't make sense to return NA's. In some years there may be
    ##       more than one special holiday (2022 in GB), so alignment cannot be guaranteed.
    ##       Hence:
    ##          1. use sort and unique on year as in the holidayXXX functions
    ##          2. remove the irrelevant arguments
    ##          3. rename this function, e.g. to holidaySpecialGB
    ## here value = "" doesn't make sense, treat it the same as FALSE

    year <- year[year %in% .GByears_with_oneoff]

    ans <- character(0)

    ## TODO: need more elegant solution but this should do.
    ##       Bear in mind that there may be more than one special BH in a year!
    if(named) {
        ## same as for 'else' with names
        for(y in year) {
            ans <- list(ans,
                 if (y == 1981)               # Royal wedding was a public holiday
                    c("GBRoyalWeddingDay1981" = "1981-07-29")
                else if (y == 1999)          # UK millenum day
                    c(GBMillenumDay = "1999-12-31")
                else if (y == 2002)          # Last Monday in May holiday moved to June
                    c(GBQueensGoldenJubileeDay = "2002-06-04") # 3, and Queen's Jubilee on June 4
                else if (y == 2011)       # Royal wedding declared a public holiday
                    c(GBRoyalWeddingDay2011 = "2011-04-29")
                else if (y == 2012)
                    c(GBQueensDiamondJubilee = "2012-06-05") # Last Monday in May holiday moved to June 4, and
                                          # Queen's Diamond Jubilee on June 5
                else if (y == 2022)
                             # Last Monday in May (i.e., Spring Bank Holiday) moved to June 2
                             # Unique Bank holidays:  Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
                             #                        State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
                    c(# paste0(y, "-06-02"), # Thursday, Spring bank holiday
                      GBQueensPlatinumJubileeDay = "2022-06-03",     # Friday, Platinum Jubilee bank holiday
                      GBQueensFuneralDay = "2022-09-19")     # BH for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
                else if (y == 2023)     # Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III
                    c(GBKingCharlesIIICoronationDay = "2023-05-08")
                    stop("should not reach this branch of the program")
    } else {
        for(y in year) {
            ans <- list(ans,
                 if (y == 1981)               # Royal wedding was a public holiday
                else if (y == 1999)          # UK millenum day
                else if (y == 2002)          # Last Monday in May holiday moved to June
                    "2002-06-04"             # 3, and Queen's Jubilee on June 4
                else if (y == 2011)       # Royal wedding declared a public holiday
                else if (y == 2012)
                    "2012-06-05"          # Last Monday in May holiday moved to June 4, and
                                          # Queen's Diamond Jubilee on June 5
                else if (y == 2022)
                             # Last Monday in May (i.e., Spring Bank Holiday) moved to June 2
                             # Unique Bank holidays:  Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
                             #                        State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
                    c(# paste0(y, "-06-02"), # Thursday, Spring bank holiday
                      "2022-06-03",     # Friday, Platinum Jubilee bank holiday
                      "2022-09-19")     # BH for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
                else if (y == 2023)     # Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III
                    stop("should not reach this branch of the program")

    ans <- sort(unlist(ans))

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans, format = "%Y-%m-%d")  else ans

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DEAscension =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 39)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

DECorpusChristi =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 60)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

DEGermanUnity =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1003
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

DEChristmasEve =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1224
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

DENewYearsEve =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1231
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FRFetDeLaVictoire1945 =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0508
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

FRAscension =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, 39)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

FRBastilleDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0714
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

FRAssumptionVirginMary =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0815
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

FRAllSaints =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

FRArmisticeDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1111
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ITEpiphany =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0106
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ITLiberationDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0425
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ITAssumptionOfVirginMary =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0815
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ITAllSaints =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ITStAmrose =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1207
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

ITImmaculateConception =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1208
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

USNewYearsDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USInaugurationDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0120
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USMLKingsBirthday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 1, 1, 3)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USLincolnsBirthday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0212
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USWashingtonsBirthday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year * 10000 + 222
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USMemorialDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .last.of.nday(year, 5, 31, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USIndependenceDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0704
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USLaborDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 9, 1, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USColumbusDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 10, 1, 2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USElectionDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.after(year, 11, 2, 2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USVeteransDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1111
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USThanksgivingDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 11, 4, 4)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USChristmasDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1225
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USCPulaskisBirthday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 3, 1, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USGoodFriday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = Easter(year, -2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else as.character(ans, ...)

USPresidentsDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 2, 1, 3)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

USDecorationMemorialDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0530
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## Fixes issue #6755 by Ian E (ene100)
## Juneteenth introduced as National US holiday in 2021;
##    holiday on NYSE from 2022
## https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nyse/2021/34-93183.pdf (see p. 2 for definition)
USJuneteenthNationalIndependenceDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## didn't exist before 2021
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 2021]

    ans <- year*10000 + 0619
    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 2021] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CAVictoriaDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .on.or.before(year, 5, 24, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CAFamilyDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...)
{   # Description:
    #   Adds the new Family Day
    # Note:
    #   Check ...
    #   www.sbhlawyers.com/media/ELD%20Oct%2019%202007%20Public%20Holidays%20and%20Family%20Day.pdf
    #   Family Day will fall on the third Monday of
    #       every February, beginning in 2008.
    # Family Day:

    ## rewritten by GNB

    ## doesn't exist before 2008
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 2008]

    ans <- .nth.of.nday(year, 2, 1, 3)

    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 2008] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CACanadaDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0701
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CACivicProvincialHoliday =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 8, 1, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CALabourDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 9, 1, 1)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CAThanksgivingDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 10, 1, 2)
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

CaRemembranceDay =
function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1111
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Japan
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

JPVernalEquinox <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    # Author:
    #   Parlamis Franklin wrote:
    #   It's me again, with Japanese calendar minutiae I'm sure you've all
    #   been dying to brush up on. The fCalendar functions don't include
    #   the Japanese Vernal Equinox holiday. this is perhaps because there
    #   is no easy way to calculate it. at any rate, here's a function I
    #   wrote to fill the gap.

    # Notes:
    #   Origin and End Date data from
    #   http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/EarthSeasons.html
    #   The function Vernal.Equinox delivers correct values at the
    #   endpoints of the above data. There may be minor variances
    #   (+/- a few minutes) in the intermediate values, because the
    #   function linearly approximates a phenomenon that is apparently
    #   nonlinear in recorded time.

    Equinox.Origin <- timeCalendar(1992, 3, 20, 8, 48, 0, FinCenter = "GMT")
    Data.EndDate <- timeCalendar(2020, 3, 20, 3, 49, 0, FinCenter = "GMT")
    Total.Seconds <- as.numeric(Data.EndDate-Equinox.Origin)*24*60*60
    Mean.Annual.Seconds <- Total.Seconds / (atoms(Data.EndDate)$Y -
    Vernal.Equinox <- function(year)
        Equinox.Origin +

    # Nota bene: JP Vernal Equinox is celebrated when the equinox
    #   occurs in the Japanese time zone (see, e.g., 2006, where GMT
    #   Vernal Equinox is on 20 March, but Japanese Equinox holiday is
    #   21 March)

    # Return Value:
    trunc(timeDate(as.character(Vernal.Equinox(year)), FinCenter = "Tokyo"))

JPNewYearsDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPGantan <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0101
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPBankHolidayJan2 <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0102
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPBankHolidayJan3 <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0103
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## GNB - fixed to give 2nd Monday of January
##       Also, combined JPSeijinNoHi and JPComingOfAgeDay, since they seem to
##       be the same thing.
JPSeijinNoHi <-
JPComingOfAgeDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 1, 1, 2) # 2023-11-27 was: year*10000 + 0115
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPKenkokuKinenNoHi <-
JPNatFoundationDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans <- year * 10000 + 0211
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPMidoriNoHi <-
JPGreeneryDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans <- year*10000 + 0504 # year >= 2007
    if(any(year < 2007)) {
        ans[year < 2007] <- year*10000 + 0429
        ## ans[year < 1989] <- NA # but it was Emperor's Birthday back then

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Week_(Japan)
##  Citizen's Holiday (国民の休日, Kokumin no Kyūjitsu) is a generic term for any official
##  holiday. Until 2006, 4 May was an unnamed but official holiday because of a rule that
##  converts any day between two holidays into a new holiday.
JPKokuminNoKyujitu <-
JPNationHoliday <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0504
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPKenpouKinenBi <-
JPConstitutionDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0503
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPKodomoNoHi <-
JPChildrensDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0505
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Day
## 2023 date: July 17
## 2022 date: July 18
## 2024 date: July 15
## 2025 date: July 21
JPUmiNoHi <-
JPMarineDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## GNB was: ans = year*10000 + 0720
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 1996]

    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 7, 1, 3) # from 2003
    ans[year < 2003] <- year*10000 + 0720
    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 1996] <- NA

    if(any(year %in% c(2020, 2021))) {
        ans[year == 2020] <- 2020 * 10000 + 0723  # Olympics
        ans[year == 2021] <- 2021 * 10000 + 0722

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## 2023-11-27 - deprecated;
JPKeirouNOhi <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {

JPKeirouNoHi <-
JPRespectForTheAgedDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## GNB was: ans = year*10000 + 0915
    ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_the_Aged_Day
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 1966]

    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 9, 1, 3)
    if(any(year < 2003)) {
        ans[year < 2003] = year*10000 + 0915
        if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
            ans[year < 1966] <- NA

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## GNB: TODO: this cannot be constant, see above for the vernal equinox.
##      for now, changing it to 23 Sep and correct for known dates when it is on other dates,
##      usually 22 Sep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autumnal_Equinox_Day
JPShuubunNoHi <-
JPAutumnalEquinox <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans <- year * 10000 + 0923  # was + 0924 but this is rare
    on22nd <- c(2016, 2024, 2028) # incomplete; after 2024 predicted
    ans[year %in% on22nd] <- year[year %in% on22nd] * 10000 + 0922

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPTaiikuNoHi <-
JPHealthandSportsDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## updated and rewritten by GNB
    ##   was: ans = year*10000 + 1010
    ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_Day_(Japan)
    ans = .nth.of.nday(year, 10, 1, 2)

    ans[year == 2021] <-  2021 * 10000 + 0723 # Olympics openning
    ans[year == 2020] <-  2020 * 10000 + 0724 # Olympics cancelled but holiday stayed

    if(length(tmp_flag <- 1966 <= year & year <= 1999))
        ans[tmp_flag] <-  year[tmp_flag] * 10000 + 1010

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(ans)  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPBunkaNoHi <-
JPNationalCultureDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1103
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

JPKinrouKanshaNoHi <-
JPThanksgivingDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Thanksgiving_Day
    ans = year*10000 + 1123   ## TODO: if on Sunday move to Monday  !!!
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## GNB: none in 2019;
##   2020+ - 23 Feb (Naruhito), but seems that if its on Sunday (on the weekend?), it is moved to Monday.
##       for 2025 - 24 Feb,
##                  according to https://www.officeholidays.com/holidays/japan/the-emperors-birthday
##   1989-2018     23 Dec (Akihito)
##   1926(7?)-1988 29 April (stil public holiday - Greenery Day since 1989, Showa day since 2007.
##                 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_Birthday
JPTennouTanjyouBi  <-
JPEmperorsBirthday <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop)) {
        year <- year[year >=  1927]   # don't know what it was before 1927
        year <- year[year !=  2019]   # due to abdication this holiday was cancelled in 2019

    ans = year*10000 + 0223 # Naruhito

    if(any(year < 2020)){
        if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop)) {
            ans[year == 2019] <- NA
            ans[year <= 1927] <- NA

        flag_1989to2018 <- 1989 <= year & year <= 2018
        flag_1927to1988 <- 1927 <= year & year <= 1988

            ans[flag_1989to2018] <- year[flag_1989to2018] * 10000 + 1223 # Akihito
            ans[flag_1927to1988] <- year[flag_1927to1988] * 10000 + 0429 # Showa
        ## TODO: before 1927 ?

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## TODO: check
JPBankHolidayDec31 <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 1231
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## GNB new 2023-11-27 its absence reported by Sylvie Lachaud
## Moutain day 11/08/2023 : is it missing in your list ?
## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Day#Mountain_Day_in_Japan
JPMountainDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## didn't exist before 2016
    if(flag <- isTRUE(na_drop))
        year <- year[year >= 2016]

    ans <- year * 10000 + 0811
    if(!flag && isFALSE(na_drop))
        ans[year < 2016] <- NA

    ans[year == 2020] <-  2020*10000 + 0810  # Olympics openning (cancelled)
    ans[year == 2021] <-  2021*10000 + 0809  # Olympics openning

    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

## Other holidays
InternationalWomensDay <- function(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), value = "timeDate", na_drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ans = year*10000 + 0308
    if(value == "timeDate") timeDate(as.character(ans))  else format..sdate(ans, ...)

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timeDate documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3 a.m.