lhs.to.add: Compute hull metrics for temporally overlapping hulls

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/lhs.to.add.R


Compute hull metrics for pairs of temporally overlapping hulls of separate individuals


lhs.to.add(lhs, id = "all", hs2.id = "all", maxdt = "auto",
  save.hto = TRUE, status = TRUE)



A LoCoH-hullset object


A character vector of the hullset ids to compute metrics for. Can also be 'all'.


A character vector of the hullset ids to use as the comparison hullsets. Can also be 'all'.


The maximum difference in time (in seconds) for two hulls to be considered 'overlapping' in time. Can also be 'auto', in which case half of the smallest of the two median sampling intervals will be used.


Whether to save the list of hull indices that temporally overlap in the hullset, T/F


Show status messages, T/F


This will compute hull metrics for pairs of hulls from two individuals. This only works for a LoCoH-hullset object that contains hulls from two or more individuals (id's). For each hull for individual A, for example, it will identify the hulls in individual B that temporally overlap, and compute the mean centroid distance (hull metric name = to.mcd). By default to.mcd is computed for all pairs of individuals, but you can specify specific pairs by passing values for id and hs2.id.

This metric is used for association analysis. You can use this metric for example to look for spatial and temporal patterns in how close individuals get to each other. Other association metrics exist for spatially overlapping hulls (see lhs.so.add).


A LoCoH-hullset object

See Also

lhs.so.add, lhs.merge

tlocoh.dev documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:20 p.m.