Man pages for AgiMicroRna
Processing and Differential Expression Analysis of Agilent microRNA chips

basicLimmaLinear models Using limma
cvArrayCoefficient of variation of replicated probes within array
dd.microdata example (uRNAList)
ddPROCProcessed miRNA data (uRNAList)
dimnames.uRNAListRetrieve the Dimension Names of an uRNAList Object
dim.uRNAListRetrieve the Dimensions of an uRNAList Object
esetMicroRnaExpressionSet object from a uRNAList
filterMicroRnaFiltering Genes
getDecideTestsDifferential expression analysis an multiplicity of the tests
hierclusMicroRnaHierarchical clustering
mvaBASICMVA plot
mvaMicroRnaMA plot
PCAplotMicroRnaPCA plot
plotDensityMicroRnaDensity Plots of Intensity Signals
pvalHistogramHistogram of the p values
qcPlotsPlots for Quality Assessment
readMicroRnaAFERead Agilent Feature Extraction txt data files
readTargetsread the target file
RleMicroRnaRelative Log Expression
rmaMicroRnaGetting the Total Gene Signal by RMA algorithm
significantMicroRnaSummarize Differential Expression Results
summary.uRNAListSummaries of Microarray Data Objects
targets.microExample of target file
tgsMicroRnaGetting the Total Gene Signal
tgsNormalizationNormalization Between Arrays
uRNAListuRNAList - class
writeEsetWrites the expression data matrix of an ExpressionSet object...
AgiMicroRna documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:25 p.m.