Man pages for AlphaBeta
Computational inference of epimutation rates and spectra from high-throughput DNA methylation data in plants

ABneutralRun Model with no selection (ABneutral)
ABneutralSOMAModel with no selection (outneutral)
ABnullRun model that considers no accumulation of epimutations...
ABplotPlotting estimates
ABselectMMRun model with selection against spontaneous gain of...
ABselectMMSOMAModel with selection against spontaneous gain of methylation...
ABselectUURun model with selection against spontaneous loss of...
ABselectUUSOMAModel with selection against spontaneous loss of methylation...
BOOTmodelBootstrap analysis with the best model
buildPedigreeBuilding Pedigree
dMatrixConstructing D-Matrices
FtestRSSComparison of different models and selection of best model
plotPedigreePlot Pedigree
rc.meth.lvlCalculating rc.Meth.lvl
AlphaBeta documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m.