shrinkldaCMA-methods: Shrinkage linear discriminant analysis

Description Methods


Linear Discriminant Analysis combined with the James-Stein-Shrinkage approach of Schaefer and Strimmer (2005) for the covariance matrix.

Currently still an experimental version. For S4 method information, see shrinkldaCMA-methods


X = "matrix", y = "numeric", f = "missing"

signature 1

X = "matrix", y = "factor", f = "missing"

signature 2

X = "data.frame", y = "missing", f = "formula"

signature 3

X = "ExpressionSet", y = "character", f = "missing"

signature 4

For further argument and output information, consult shrinkldaCMA.

CMA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:02 p.m.