Man pages for CODEX
A Normalization and Copy Number Variation Detection Method for Whole Exome Sequencing

bambedObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for bambedObj.
choiceofKDetermine the number of latent factors K.
CODEX-packageA Normalization and Copy Number Variation Detection Method...
coverageObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for coverageObj.
gcDemoDemo data pre-stored for GC content.
getbambedGet bam file directories, sample names, and exonic positions
getcoverageGet depth of coverage from whole exome sequencing
getgcGet GC content for each exonic target
getmappGet mappability for each exonic target
mappabilityPre-computed mappabilities
mappDemoDemo data pre-stored for mappability.
mapp_refPosition reference for pre-computed mappability results.
normalizeNormalization of read depth from whole exome sequencing
normalize2Normalization of read depth from whole exome sequencing under...
normObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for normObj.
qcQuality control procedure for depth of coverage
qcObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for qcObj.
segmentRecursive segmentation algorithm for CNV detection and...
CODEX documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:22 p.m.