
# Summarize analysis results

setMethod("summary", "CrossValidated2",
	function(object, ...)
		out <- modelData(object)
		if ( metadata(object)$type == "classification" ) {
			y <- pixelData(object)$.response
			y <- relevel(y, metadata(object)[["positive class"]])
			out$Accuracy <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) mean(res$accuracy, na.rm=TRUE))
			out$Sensitivity <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) mean(res$sensitivity, na.rm=TRUE))
			out$Specificity <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) mean(res$specificity, na.rm=TRUE))
			description <- paste0(" Classification on ", nlevels(y), " classes: ")
			description <- paste0(description, paste0(levels(y), collapse=" "))
		} else {
			nm <- grepl(".response", names(pixelData(object)))
			y <- as.matrix(pixelData(object)[,nm,drop=FALSE])
			out$RMSE <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) mean(res$rmse, na.rm=TRUE))
			out$MAE <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) mean(res$mae, na.rm=TRUE))
			if ( ncol(y) > 1L ) {
				description <- paste0(" Regression with ", ncol(y), " response variables")
			} else {
				description <- paste0(" Regression with ", ncol(y), " response variable")
		folds <- pixelData(object)$.fold
		folds <- paste0(" Summarized ",
			.spaste("%d folds: %s", levels(folds)), "\n")
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(out,
			.summary=list("Cross validation:\n", description, folds))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		metadata(out)$type <- metadata(object)$type
		as(out, "SummaryCrossValidated")

setMethod("summary", "PCA2",
	function(object, ...)
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(
			`Standard deviation`=resultData(object, 1L, "sdev"),
			.summary="Principal components analysis:\n")
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummaryPCA")

setMethod("summary", "PLS2",
	function(object, ...)
		if ( metadata(object)$type == "classification" ) {
			y <- pixelData(object)$.response
			pos <- levels(as.factor(y))[1L]
			acc <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				mean(res$class == y, na.rm=TRUE))
			sens <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				sensitivity(y, res$class, positive=pos))
			spec <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				specificity(y, res$class, positive=pos))
			description <- paste0(" Classification on ", nlevels(y), " classes: ")
			description <- paste0(description, paste0(levels(y), collapse=" "))
			out <- SummaryDataFrame(
				`Number of Components`=modelData(object)$ncomp,
				Accuracy=acc, Sensitivity=sens, Specificity=spec)
		} else {
			# do something
			nm <- grepl(".response", names(pixelData(object)))
			y <- as.matrix(pixelData(object)[,nm,drop=FALSE])
			rmse <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				sqrt(mean((res$fitted - y)^2, na.rm=TRUE)))
			mae <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				mean(abs(res$fitted - y), na.rm=TRUE))
			if ( ncol(y) > 1L ) {
				description <- paste0(" Regression with ", ncol(y), " response variables")
			} else {
				description <- paste0(" Regression with ", ncol(y), " response variable")
			out <- SummaryDataFrame(
				`Number of Components`=modelData(object)$ncomp,
				RMSE=rmse, MAE=mae)
		metadata(out)$type <- metadata(object)$type
		method <- paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method, "\n")
		out@summary <-list("Projection to latent components:\n",
			description, method)
		as(out, "SummaryPLS")

setMethod("summary", "SpatialFastmap2",
	function(object, ...)
		r <- modelData(object)$r
		ncomp <- modelData(object)$ncomp
		out <- mapply(function(res, ri, nc) {
			DataFrame(`Radius (r)`=ri, Component=1:nc,
				`Pivot 1`=res$pivots[,1],
				`Pivot 2`=res$pivots[,2],
				`Standard deviation`=res$sdev,
		}, resultData(object), r, ncomp, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		out <- do.call("rbind", out)
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(out,
			.summary=list("Spatially-aware FastMap projection:\n",
				paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method),
				paste0(" Distance = ", metadata(object)$dist, "\n")))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummarySpatialFastmap")

setMethod("summary", "SpatialKMeans2",
	function(object, ...)
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(
			`Radius (r)`=modelData(object)$r,
			`Clusters (k)`=modelData(object)$k,
			.summary=list("Spatially-aware K-means clustering:\n",
				paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method),
				paste0(" Distance = ", metadata(object)$dist, "\n")))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummarySpatialKMeans")

setMethod("summary", "SpatialShrunkenCentroids2",
	function(object, ...)
		y <- pixelData(object)$.response
		num_features <- sapply(resultData(object),
			function(res) mean(colSums(res$statistic != 0)))
		num_features <- round(num_features, digits=2)
		if ( is.null(y) ) {
			description <- " Segmentation / clustering"
			num_segments <- sapply(resultData(object),
				function(res) nlevels(res$class))
			out <- SummaryDataFrame(
				`Radius (r)`=modelData(object)$r,
				`Init (k)`=modelData(object)$k,
				`Shrinkage (s)`=modelData(object)$s,
				# `BIC`=BIC(object),
				.summary=list("Spatially-aware nearest shrunken centroids:\n",
					description, paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method),
					paste0(" Distance = ", metadata(object)$dist, "\n")))
		} else {
			description <- paste0(" Classification on ", nlevels(y), " classes: ")
			description <- paste0(description, paste0(levels(y), collapse=" "))
			pos <- levels(as.factor(y))[1L]
			acc <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				mean(res$class == y, na.rm=TRUE))
			sens <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				sensitivity(y, res$class, positive=pos))
			spec <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				specificity(y, res$class, positive=pos))
			out <- SummaryDataFrame(
				`Radius (r)`=modelData(object)$r,
				`Shrinkage (s)`=modelData(object)$s,
				Accuracy=acc, Sensitivity=sens, Specificity=spec,
				.summary=list("Spatially-aware nearest shrunken centroids:\n",
					description, paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method),
					paste0(" Distance = ", metadata(object)$dist, "\n")))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummarySpatialShrunkenCentroids")

setMethod("summary", "SpatialDGMM",
	function(object, ...)
		groups <- pixelData(object)$.group
		num_segments <- sapply(resultData(object), function(res)
				nlevels(res$class) / nlevels(res$estimates$group))
		num_segments <- round(num_segments, digits=2)
		if ( nlevels(groups) > 1L ) {
			description <- paste0(" Segmentation on ",
				.spaste("%d groups: %s", levels(groups)))
		} else {
			description <- paste0(" Segmentation on ",
				.spaste("%d group: %s", levels(groups)))
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(
			`Radius (r)`=modelData(object)$r,
			`Init (k)`=modelData(object)$k,
			.summary=list("Spatially-aware Dirichlet Gaussian mixture models:\n",
				description, paste0(" Method = ", metadata(object)$method),
				paste0(" Distance = ", metadata(object)$dist, "\n")))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummarySpatialDGMM")

setMethod("summary", "MeansTest",
	function(object, ..., BPPARAM = getCardinalBPPARAM())
		groups <- pixelData(object)$.group
		lrt <- .meansTest_LRT(object, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
		if ( nlevels(groups) > 1L ) {
			description <- paste0("\n Summarized ",
				.spaste("%d groups: %s", levels(groups)))
		} else {
			description <- paste0("\n Summarized ",
				.spaste("%d group: %s", levels(groups)))
		fixed <- metadata(object)$fixed
		random <- metadata(object)$random
		fixed[[2]] <- NULL
		fixed <- paste0(" Fixed effects: ", deparse(fixed))
		if ( !is.null(random) )
			random <- paste0(" Random effects: ", deparse(random))
		test <- paste0("\n Likelihood ratio test for fixed effects:\n")
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(
			LR=round(lrt$LR, digits=4), PValue=lrt$PValue,
			FDR=p.adjust(lrt$PValue, method="BH"),
			.summary=list("Means-summarized linear model testing:\n",
				fixed, random, description, test))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummaryMeansTest")

setMethod("summary", "SegmentationTest",
	function(object, ..., BPPARAM = getCardinalBPPARAM())
		groups <- pixelData(object)$.group
		lrt <- .meansTest_LRT(object, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
		if ( nlevels(groups) > 1L ) {
			description <- paste0("\n Summarized ",
				.spaste("%d groups: %s", levels(groups)))
		} else {
			description <- paste0("\n Summarized ",
				.spaste("%d group: %s", levels(groups)))
		fixed <- metadata(object)$fixed
		random <- metadata(object)$random
		fixed[[2]] <- NULL
		fixed <- paste0(" Fixed effects: ", deparse(fixed))
		if ( !is.null(random) )
			random <- paste0(" Random effects: ", deparse(random))
		test <- paste0("\n Likelihood ratio test for fixed effects:\n")
		out <- SummaryDataFrame(
			`Radius (r)`=modelData(object)$r,
			`Init (k)`=modelData(object)$k,
			LR=round(lrt$LR, digits=4), PValue=lrt$PValue,
			FDR=p.adjust(lrt$PValue, method="BH"),
			.summary=list("Segmentation-based linear model testing:\n",
				fixed, random, description, test))
		metadata(out)$modelData <- modelData(object)
		as(out, "SummarySegmentationTest")

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