Man pages for CellBench
Construct Benchmarks for Single Cell Analysis Methods

all_uniqueCheck if all values in a vector are unique
any_task_errorsCheck if any tasks produced errors
apply_methodsApply methods
arrow_sepUnicode arrow separators
as_pipeline_listconvert benchmark_tbl to list
cache_methodCreate a cached function for CellBench
cellbench_case_studyOpen vignetted containing a case study using CellBench
cellbench_fileGet path to CellBench packaged data
CellBench-packageA framework for benchmarking combinations of methods in...
check_classCheck class of object
clear_cached_datasetsClear cached datasets
clear_cellbench_cacheClear CellBench Cache
data_listConstructor for a data list
filter_zero_genesFilter out zero count genes
fn_arg_seqCreate a list of functions with arguments varying over a...
fn_listConstructor for a function list
is.task_errorCheck for task errors
keep_high_count_cellsFilter down to the highest count cells
keep_high_count_genesFilter down to the highest count genes
keep_high_var_genesFilter down to the most variable genes
load_all_dataLoad CellBench Data
mheadGet head of 2 dimensional object as a square block
pipeline_collapseCollapse benchmark_tbl into a two column summary
print.fn_arg_seqPrint method for fn_arg_seq output
print.task_errorPrint method for task_error object
sample_cellsSample cells from a SingleCellExperiment
sample_genesSample genes from a SingleCellExperiment
sample_sce_dataThis is data for testing functions in CellBench.
set_cellbench_bpparamSet BiocParallel parameter used CellBench
set_cellbench_cache_pathSet CellBench cache path
set_cellbench_threadsSet number of threads used by CellBench
strip_timingStrip timing information
summary.benchmark_tblSummary of benchmark_tbl
time_methodsTime methods
unpack_timingUnpack timing information
CellBench documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:11 p.m.