Man pages for CorMut
Detect the correlated mutations based on selection pressure

biCkaksCodon-classClass "biCkaksCodon", "biCkaksAA", "biMICodon" and "biMIAA"
biCompare-classClass "biCompare"
biCompare-methodsbiCompare implement biCompare methods for comparison of the...
ckaksAACompute the conditional kaks(conditional selection pressure)...
ckaks-classClass "ckaks"
ckaksCodonCompute the conditional kaks(conditional selection pressure)...
CorMut-packageDetect the correlated mutations based on selection pressure
filterSites-methodsfilterSites methods
jiAACompute the Jaccard index among individual amino mutations
JI-classClass "JI"
kaksAACompute kaks for individual amino mutation
kaksAA-classClass "kaksAA"
kaksCodonCompute kaks for individual codon
kaksCodon-classClass "kaksCodon"
miAACompute the mutual information among individual amino...
MI-classClass "MI"
miCodonCompute the mutual information among codons
plot-methodsPlot methods for CorMut package
seqFormat-methodsProcess the multiple sequence alignment files
CorMut documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:09 p.m.