Man pages for DEGraph
Two-sample tests on a graph

annLoi2008Annotation data used in the DEGraph package vignette
AN.testPerforms the Adaptive Neyman test of Fan and Lin (1998)
BS.testPerforms the test of Bai and Saranadasa (1996)
classLoi2008Tamoxifen treatment resistance status data used in the...
exprLoi2008Gene expression data used in the DEGraph package vignette
getConnectedComponentListGiven a graph, returns a list of its connected components...
getKEGGPathwaysBuilds a graph for each of the KEGG pathways
getSignedGraphGiven a graph, builds a signed version of the adjacency...
graph.T2.testPerforms the Hotelling T2 test in Fourier space
grListKEGGKEGG networks used in the DEGraph package vignette
hyper.testPerforms an hypergeometric test of enrichment of a set of...
laplacianFromACalculates the Laplacian associated to an adjacency matrix
plotValuedGraphPlots a graph with nodes colored according to a quantitative...
randomWAMGraphGenerates a random graph
testOneConnectedComponentApplies a series of two-sample tests to a connected graph...
testOneGraphApplies a serie of two-sample tests to each connected...
twoSampleFromGraphGiven a basis (typically the eigenvectors of a graph...
writeAdjacencyMatrix2KGMLWrites an adjacency matrix into an XML file
DEGraph documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:52 p.m.