
#   - This code predicts functions of un-annotated genes based on Gene Ontology and correlated expression patterns.
#     - Rezvan Ehsani <>
#     - Finn Drablos <>
#   - You need to enter the path of two data files in the code:
#     - ExpressionData - Gene_ID GO_ID GO_type
#       - ("ENSG00000275323	GO:0003723	molecular_function"
#     - EnsemblID2GOID - Gene_ID Gene_type Gene_name FPKM FPKM ...
#       - ("ENSG00000185097	protein_coding	OR4F16	9.305e-17	3.320169e-15 ...")
#   - Main function is Prediction Function;
#                       Input: 1- GeneID - Ensembl ID of the gene that you want to predict, e.g. ENSG00000228630
#                              2- Onto - Ontology type, currently two options; MF(Molecular Function) or BP(Biological Process)
#                              3- Method - Currently five options; Pearson, Spearman, Fisher, Sobolev, combine
#                       Output: the output is a list of ontology terms, ordered with respect to FDR values
#                              1- GOID - Gene Ontology ID
#                              2- Ontology - Ontology type (MF or BP)
#                              3- FDR - False Positive Rate
#                              4- Term - description of GOID
#   - There is an example for HOTAIR lncRNA in last line of code.


options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ExpressionData = read.table('C:/Program Files/R/lncRNA2function_data.txt', sep='\t', head=TRUE)
EnsemblID2GOID = read.table('C:/Program Files/R/EG2GO.txt', sep='\t',head=TRUE)
ExpressionData_PC <- ExpressionData[(ExpressionData$GeneType == "protein_coding"), ]

EnsemblID_PC <- ExpressionData_PC$GeneID
CutOff <- 250
l <- ncol(ExpressionData)

SobolevMetric <- function(x, y) {
  x1 <- x**2 / (sum(x**2))
  y1 <- y**2 / (sum(y**2))
  z1 <- x1 - y1
  FT <- fft(z1)
  w <- 2*pi*(1:length(FT))/(length(FT))
  s <- sum((1+w)*abs(FT)**2)**(1/2)

FisherMetric <- function(x, y) {
  x1 <- x**2 / (sum(x**2))
  y1 <- y**2 / (sum(y**2))
  t <- x1 * y1

ExtID2TermID <- function(dat, List_Top_Genes){ 
  return( ddply(dat, .(go_id), function(x) nrow(x[(x$ensembl_gene_id %in% List_Top_Genes),])))

Enrichment_func <- function(DF_, onto) {
  List_Top_Genes <- DF_[c(1:CutOff), 1]
  if(onto == "MF") EG_ <- EnsemblID2GOID[(EnsemblID2GOID[ ,3] == "molecular_function"), ]
  if(onto == "BP") EG_ <- EnsemblID2GOID[(EnsemblID2GOID[ ,3] == "biological_process"), ]
  EG_ <- EG_[(EG_$ensembl_gene_id %in% EnsemblID_PC), ]
  ListOfGos <- EG_[(EG_$ensembl_gene_id %in% List_Top_Genes),2]	
  ListOfGos <- unique(ListOfGos)
  ListOfGos <- ListOfGos[which(!]
  TermID2ExtID <- ddply(EG_, .(go_id), function(x) Freq_Anno=nrow(x))
  qTermID2ExtID <- TermID2ExtID[(TermID2ExtID$go_id %in% ListOfGos), ]
  qExtID2TermID <- ExtID2TermID(EG_, List_Top_Genes)
  qExtID2TermID <- qExtID2TermID[(qExtID2TermID[ ,1] %in% ListOfGos),2]
  n1 = qExtID2TermID-1
  n2 = qTermID2ExtID[ ,2]-qExtID2TermID
  n3 = length(unique(EnsemblID_PC)) - CutOff - qTermID2ExtID[ ,2] + qExtID2TermID
  n4 = rep(CutOff, nrow(qTermID2ExtID))
  qTermID2ExtID <- cbind(qTermID2ExtID, n1, n2, n3, n4)
  qTermID2ExtID <- qTermID2ExtID[(qTermID2ExtID[ ,2]>=5),]
  pvalues <- apply(args.df, 1, function(n)
    min(phyper(0:n[1],n[2], n[3], n[4], lower.tail=FALSE)))
  GOID <- qTermID2ExtID[ ,1]
  Ontology <- rep(onto, nrow(args.df))
  Pvalue <- format(pvalues, scientific=TRUE, digits = 3)
  fdr  <- p.adjust(pvalues, method = "fdr", n = length(pvalues))
  TERM <- Term(qTermID2ExtID[ ,1])
  D_EN <- data.frame(GOID=GOID, Ontology=Ontology, Pvalue=Pvalue, FDR=format(fdr, scientific=TRUE, digits = 3),Term=TERM)
  D_EN <- na.omit(D_EN)
  D_EN <- D_EN[(order(as.numeric(D_EN[ ,4]))), ]
  D_EN <- D_EN[(as.numeric(D_EN[ ,4])<.05),]

Prediction_Function<-function( GeneID, Onto, Method ){
  Target_EX <- ExpressionData[( ExpressionData[,1] == GeneID ),]
  Tareget_EX <- as.numeric( Target_EX[1,c(4:l)] )
  if( Method == "Pearson" )       SCORE <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) abs(cor(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX)))
  if( Method == "Spearman" )      SCORE <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) abs(cor(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX, method = "spearman")))
  if( Method == "FisherMetric" )  SCORE <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) SobolevMetric(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX))
  if( Method == "SobolevMetric" ) SCORE <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) FisherMetric(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX))
  if( Method == "combine" ) {
    SCORE_Pearson  <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) abs(cor(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX)))
    SCORE_Spearman <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) abs(cor(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX, method = "spearman")))
    SCORE_Fisher   <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) FisherMetric(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX))
    SCORE_Sobolev  <- apply( ExpressionData_PC[, c(4:l)], 1, function(x) SobolevMetric(as.numeric(x), Tareget_EX))
  if( Method == "combine" ) DFScore <- data.frame( EnsemblID_PC, SCORE_Pearson, SCORE_Spearman, SCORE_Sobolev, SCORE_Fisher )
  else DFScore <- data.frame( EnsemblID_PC, SCORE )
  DFScore <- na.omit(DFScore)
  DFScore <- DFScore[(DFScore[,1]!=GeneID),]
  if( Method == "Pearson" | Method == "Spearman")  EnrichResult<-Enrichment_func( DFScore[ rev(order(DFScore[,2])), ], Onto)
  if( Method == "SobolevMetric" | Method == "FisherMetric") EnrichResult<-Enrichment_func( DFScore[order(DFScore[,2]), ], Onto)
  if( Method == "combine" ) {
    EnrichPearson  <- Enrichment_func( DFScore[ rev(order(DFScore$SCORE_Pearson)), ], Onto)
    EnrichSpearman <- Enrichment_func( DFScore[ rev(order(DFScore$SCORE_Spearman)), ], Onto)
    EnrichSobolev  <- Enrichment_func( DFScore[     order(DFScore$SCORE_Sobolev) , ], Onto)
    EnrichFisher   <- Enrichment_func( DFScore[     order(DFScore$SCORE_Fisher) , ], Onto)
    EnrichCombine  <- rbind( EnrichPearson, EnrichSpearman, EnrichSobolev,  EnrichFisher )
    EnrichCombine  <- ddply(EnrichCombine, .(GOID), function(x) x[which.min(x$FDR),])
    EnrichResult   <- EnrichCombine[ order(as.numeric(EnrichCombine$FDR)), ]
    rownames(EnrichResult) <- c(1:nrow(EnrichResult))
  else{print("Could not find anything!")

# Example for prediction of HOTAIR lncRNA
#Prediction_Function( GeneID="ENSG00000228630", Onto="BP", Method="combine" )

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