Man pages for HiTC
High Throughput Chromosome Conformation Capture analysis

binningCWindowing of high-throughput 'C' contact matrix
CQCQuality Control for high-throughput 'C' experiment
directionalityIndexDirectionality index calculation
discretizeTransform matrix of counts data into discrete matrix
exportCExport 'HTCexp' object
export.my5CExport 'HTCexp' object to my5C website format
extractRegionExtract a subset of the HTCexp object
getAnnotatedRestrictionSitesAnnotation of restriction sites
getExpectedCountsEstimate expected interaction counts of a High-Throughput C...
getPearsonMapPearson correlation map
getRestrictionFragmentsPerChromosomeGet a list of DNA restriction fragments
HiTC-internalInternal HiTC functions
HTCexp-classClass 'HTCexp'
HTClist-classClass 'HTClist'
importCImport high-htroughput 'C' data
import.my5CImport data from my5C webtool
mapCVisualize 'C' ontact map
Nora_5CHiTC - 5C data
normICEIterative Correction of Hi-C data (ICE)
normLGFLocal Genomic Feature (LGF) normalization
pca.hicPerform Principle Component Analysis on Hi-C contact map
removeIntervalsRemove intervals from HTCexp object
setGenomicFeaturesAnnotation of Hi-C contact map
setIntervalScaleSet x and y interval of the HTCexp object
HiTC documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:27 p.m.