
Defines functions .IRanges.reverse

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "reverse" generic and methods.

setGeneric("reverse", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("reverse"))

setMethod("reverse", "character",
    function(x, ...)
        if (length(x) == 0)
        sapply(strsplit(x, NULL, fixed=TRUE),
               function(xx) paste(rev(xx), collapse=""))

### This method does NOT preserve normality.
.IRanges.reverse <- function(x, ...)
    if (length(x) == 0L)
    args <- S4Vectors:::extraArgsAsList(NULL, ...)
    argnames <- names(args)
    n2p <- match(c("start", "end", "use.names"), argnames)
    if (is.na(n2p[1L])) {
        start <- min(start(x))
    } else {
        start <- args[[n2p[1L]]]
        if (!is.numeric(start))
            stop("'start' must be a vector of integers")
        if (!is.integer(start))
            start <- as.integer(start)
        if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(start))
            stop("'start' contains NAs")
    if (is.na(n2p[2L])) {
        end <- max(end(x))
    } else {
        end <- args[[n2p[2L]]]
        if (!is.numeric(end))
            stop("'end' must be a vector of integers")
        if (!is.integer(end))
            end <- as.integer(end)
        if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(end))
            stop("'end' contains NAs")
    if (!is.na(n2p[3L]) && !S4Vectors:::normargUseNames(args[[n2p[3L]]]))
        x <- set_IRanges_names(x, NULL)
    ## WARNING: -end(x) *must* appear first in this expression if we want
    ## the supplied 'start' and 'end' to be recycled properly.
    ## Remember that in R, because of the recycling, addition of numeric
    ## vectors of different lengths is not associative i.e. in general
    ## '(x + y) + z' is not the same as 'x + (y + z)'. For example:
    ##     (integer(6) + 1:2) + 1:3  and  integer(6) + (1:2 + 1:3)
    ## are not the same.
    x@start[] <- -end(x) + start + end

setMethod("reverse", "IRanges", .IRanges.reverse)

setMethod("reverse", "NormalIRanges",
    function(x, ...)
        ## callNextMethod() temporarily breaks 'x' as a NormalIRanges object
        ## because the returned ranges are ordered from right to left.
        x <- callNextMethod()
        BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, start=rev(start(x)),
                                       mcols=S4Vectors:::revROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)))

setMethod("reverse", "Views",
    function(x, ...)
        x@subject <- rev(subject(x))
        x@ranges <- reverse(ranges(x), start=1L, end=length(subject(x)))

setMethod("reverse", "MaskCollection",
    function(x, ...)
        start <- 1L
        end <- width(x)
        x@nir_list <- lapply(nir_list(x),
            function(nir) reverse(nir, start=start, end=end)

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IRanges documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 2 a.m.