fitModels: Fits impulse and constant models to a timecourse dataset

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/srcImpulseDE2_fitImpulse.R


[Model fitting function hierarchy: 1 out of 4] This primary wrapper coordinates fitting of impulse and constant model to separate conditions according to the differential expression mode (case-only or case-control).


fitModels(objectImpulseDE2, vecConfounders, boolCaseCtrl)



(object class ImpulseDE2Object) Object to be fit.


(vector of strings number of confounding variables) Factors to correct for during batch correction. Names refer to columns in dfAnnotation.


(bool) Whether to perform case-control analysis. Does case-only analysis if FALSE.


objectImpulseDE2 (object class ImpulseDE2Object) Object with sigmoidal fit added: objectImpulseDE2@lsModelFits is updated to: lsModelFits (list length number of conditions fit (1 or 3) +1) {'case'} or {'case', 'control', 'combined'} One model fitting object for each condition: In case-only DE analysis, only the condition {'case'} is fit. In case-control DE analysis, the conditions {'case', 'control','combined} are fit. Each condition entry is a list of model fits for each gene. Each gene entry is a list of model fits to the individual models: Impulse model and constant model (if boolFitConst is TRUE). At this level, the sigmoid model fit can be added later. Each model fit per gene is a list of fitting parameters and results.


David Sebastian Fischer

See Also

Calls fitConstImpulse once for each condition with the appropriate parameters and samples.

ImpulseDE2 documentation built on April 28, 2020, 9:19 p.m.