
Defines functions GeneVecFunCalc GeneVecFun CVEval

Documented in CVEval CVEval

#' Method for the calculation of a correlation vector
#' Upon identifying a bicluster seed with \code{FindSeed}, one of the next
#' steps is to identify which genes not in your chosen gene set are also
#' highly correlated to the bicluster found. This is done by \code{CVEval},
#' and the output is known as the correlation vector.
#' \code{CVeval} uses hierarchical clustering to select the genes most 
#' representative of the bicluster and then uses the average expression of
#' these genes across the sample seed and calculates the correlation of
#' every gene measured across the sample seed to this average expression value.
#' The correlation vector is the output of this calculation.
#' @param gem.part Part of gene expression matrix only containing gene set of interest with genes as rows and samples as columns
#' @param gem.all All of gene expression matrix
#' @param seed Seed of highly correlating samples
#' @param splits Number of cuts from hierarchical clustering
#' @return Correlation vector
#' @example example_code/example_pc1.R
#' @name CVEval


#' @export
#' @rdname CVEval
CVEval <- function(gem.part, gem.all, seed, splits){
      gene.vec <- GeneVecFun(gem.part, seed, splits)
      dim1 <- dim(gem.all)[1]
      temp.fun <- function(x) return(cor(as.numeric(gem.all[x, seed]), gene.vec,
                                         use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'))
      return(vapply(seq_len(dim1), temp.fun,FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))

# Calcuclates gene vector used in calculation of correlation vector

GeneVecFun <- function(gem,seed,splits){
  test.list <- lapply(X = seq_len(splits)[-1],
                      FUN = function(x) GeneVecFunCalc(gem, seed, x))
  test4 <- which.max(vapply(test.list,max,
                            FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
  test1 <- cutree(hclust(dist(cor(t(gem[,seed]),use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'))),
                  k = (test4 + 1))
  test2 <- lapply(seq_len((test4 + 1)),
                  FUN = function(x) (test1 == x))
  temp.fun <- function(x) CorScoreCalc(data.frame(gem)[test2[[x]],],seed) * 
    sqrt(sum(test2[[x]],na.rm = TRUE))
  test3 <- vapply(seq_len((test4 + 1)), FUN = temp.fun, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  test5 <- test2[[which.max(test3)]]

# Function needed for gene vector calculation

GeneVecFunCalc <- function(gem,seed,n){
  test1 <- cutree(hclust(dist(cor(t(gem[,seed]),use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'))),k = n)
  test2 <- lapply(seq_len(n),FUN = function(x) (test1 == x))
  temp.fun <- function(x) CorScoreCalc(data.frame(gem)[test2[[x]],],seed) * 
    sqrt(sum(test2[[x]],na.rm = TRUE))
  test3 <- vapply(seq_len(n), FUN = temp.fun, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

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MCbiclust documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.