
Defines functions .subset_augment .createMAEobjectFromList .createMOFAobjectFromMAE createMOFAobject

Documented in createMOFAobject

#' @title Initialize a MOFA object
#' @name createMOFAobject
#' @description Method to initialize a \code{\link{MOFAmodel}} object with a multi-omics data set.
#' @param data either a \code{\link{MultiAssayExperiment}}
#'  or a list of matrices with features as rows and samples as columns.
#' @details
#' If the multi-omics data is provided as a list of matrices, please make sure that features 
#' are stored as rows and samples are stored as columns. \cr 
#' If the matrices have sample names, we will use them to match the different matrices,
#'  filling the corresponding missing values. \cr
#' If matrices have no column names, all matrices must have the same number of columns,
#'  and you are responsible for filling any missing values.
#' @return Returns an untrained \code{\link{MOFAmodel}} object. \cr
#' Next step is to define the training, model and data processing options (see  \code{\link{prepareMOFA}})
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Option 1: Create a MOFAobject from a list of matrices, features in rows and samples in columns.
#' data("CLL_data", package = "MOFAdata")
#' MOFAobject <- createMOFAobject(CLL_data)
#' # Option 2: Create a MOFAobject from a MultiAssayExperiment
#' library(MultiAssayExperiment)
#' data("CLL_data", package = "MOFAdata")
#' data("CLL_covariates", package = "MOFAdata")
#' mae_CLL <- MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = CLL_data, colData = CLL_covariates)
#' MOFAobject <- createMOFAobject(mae_CLL)
#' # next, this object can be passed to prepareMOFA and runMOFA
#' # (training in runMOFA can take some time):
#' \dontrun{
#' # MOFAobject <- prepareMOFA(MOFAobject)
#' # MOFAobject <- runMOFA(MOFAobject)
#' }

createMOFAobject <- function(data) {
  # Set view names
  if(is.null(names(data))) {
    warning(paste0("View names are not specified in the data, renaming them to: ", paste0("view_", seq_along(data), collapse=", "), "\n"))
    names(data) <- paste("view", seq_along(data), sep="_")
  if (is(data,"MultiAssayExperiment")) {
    message("Creating MOFA object from a MultiAssayExperiment object...")
  } else if (is(data,"list")) {
    message("Creating MOFA object from a list of matrices \n please make sure that samples are stored in the columns and features in the rows...\n")
    data <- .createMAEobjectFromList(data)
  } else if (is(data,"matrix")) {
    message("Creating MOFA object from a single matrix \n please make sure that samples are stored in the columns and features in the rows...\n")
    data <- .createMAEobjectFromList(list(data))
  } else {
    stop("Error: input data has to be provided either as a list of matrices or as a MultiAssayExperiment object \n")
  object <- .createMOFAobjectFromMAE(data)
  # Set dimensionalities
  Dimensions(object) <- list()
  Dimensions(object)[["M"]] <- length(TrainData(object))
  Dimensions(object)[["N"]] <- ncol(TrainData(object)[[1]])
  Dimensions(object)[["D"]] <- vapply(TrainData(object), nrow, numeric(1))
  Dimensions(object)[["K"]] <- 0
  # Set view names
  viewNames(object) <- names(data)
  # Set feature names
  for (m in seq_len(Dimensions(object)[["M"]])) {
    if (is.null(rownames(TrainData(object)[[m]]))) {
      warning(sprintf("Feature names are not specified for view %d, using default: feature1_v%d,feature2_v%d...\n",m,m,m))
      rownames(TrainData(object)[[m]]) <- paste0("feature_", seq_len(nrow(TrainData(object)[[m]])),"_v",m )

# (Hidden) function to initialise a MOFAmodel object using a MultiAssayExperiment
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
.createMOFAobjectFromMAE <- function(data) {

  # Initialise MOFA object
  object <- new("MOFAmodel")
  Status(object) <- "untrained"
  InputData(object) <- data
  # Re-arrange data for training in MOFA to matrices, fill in NAs and store in TrainData slot
  TrainData(object) <- lapply(names(data), function(m) {
    # Extract general sample names
    primary <- unique(sampleMap(data)[,"primary"])
    # Extract view
    subdata <- assays(data)[[m]]
    # Rename view-specific sample IDs with the general sample names
    colnames(subdata) <- sampleMap(data)[sampleMap(data)[,"assay"]==m,"primary"]
    # Fill subdata with NAs
    subdata_filled <- .subset_augment(subdata,primary)

#' @importFrom Biobase ExpressionSet
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
.createMAEobjectFromList <- function(data) {
  # Fetch or assign sample names
  samples <- Reduce(union, lapply(data, colnames))
  if (is.null(samples)) {
    N <- unique(vapply(data, ncol, numeric(1)))
    if (length(N)>1) {
      stop("If the matrices have no column (samples) names that can be used to match the different views,
           all matrices must have the same number of columns")
    warning("Sample names are not specified, using default: sample_1,sample_2...
             Make sure the columns match between data matrices or provide sample names! \n")
    samples <- paste0("sample_",seq_len(N))
    for (m in seq_along(data)) { colnames(data[[m]]) <- samples }
  # Create ExpressionSet for each assay
  expressionset_list <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(data)) {
    expressionset_list[[i]] <- ExpressionSet(assayData=as.matrix(data[[i]]))
  names(expressionset_list) <- names(data)
  # Create MultiAssayExperiment
  MAE <- MultiAssayExperiment(
    experiments = expressionset_list
# (Hidden) function to fill NAs for missing samples
.subset_augment<-function(mat, pats) {
  pats <- unique(pats)
  mat <- t(mat)
  aug_mat<-matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(mat), nrow=length(pats))

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MOFA documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 2:01 a.m.