Man pages for NCIgraph
Pathways from the NCI Pathways Database

directedBFSUses a breadth first search on a directed graph to identify...
edgesToMergeIdentifies edges that should be merged to parse a NCI network
getNCIPathwaysLoads networks from Cytoscape and parses them
getSubtype.NCIgraphReturns a list of @KEGGEdgeSubType objects describing each...
is.NCIgraphAssess whether a graph is a NCI graph
mergeNodesMerges a given list of nodes in a graph
NCI.demo.cyList10 raw NCI networks from Nature curated pathways and BioCarta...
NCIgraphClass NCIgraph
parseNCInetworkTakes a NCI network and transforms it into a simpler graph...
propagateRegulationTransforms the network in a way that each Biochemical...
translateNCI2GeneIDGives the entrezID corresponding to the nodes of a graph
NCIgraph documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:54 p.m.