
Defines functions omixerSpecific

Documented in omixerSpecific

#' Sample List Regeneration
#' Regenerate an Omixer-produced randomized sample list quickly,
#' after setting up the random environement from omixerRand
#' @param df Sample list
#' @param sampleId String specifying sample ID variable
#' @param block Paired sample identifier
#' @param wells Number of wells on a plate
#' @param div Plate subdivisions
#' @param positional Logical indicator of positional batch effects
#' @param plateNum Number of plates
#' @param layout Custom plate layout as data frame
#' @param mask Wells to be left empty
#' @param techVars Technical covariates
#' @param randVars Randomization variables
#' @return Chosen layout as a data frame
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import magrittr
#' @import tibble
#' @import forcats
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom readr write_delim write_csv write_csv2
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything all_of
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(tibble)
#' library(forcats)
#' library(stringr)
#' sampleList <- tibble(sampleId=str_pad(1:48, 4, pad="0"),
#' sex=as_factor(sample(c("m", "f"), 48, replace=TRUE)), 
#' age=round(rnorm(48, mean=30, sd=8), 0), 
#' smoke=as_factor(sample(c("yes", "ex", "never"), 48, replace=TRUE)),
#' date=sample(seq(as.Date('2008/01/01'), as.Date('2016/01/01'), 
#'                by="day"), 48))
#' randVars <- c("sex", "age", "smoke", "date")
#' omixerLayout <- omixerSpecific(sampleList, sampleId="sampleId", 
#' block="block", wells=48, div="row", 
#' plateNum=1, randVars=randVars)

omixerSpecific <- function(df, sampleId="sampleId", block="block",
    wells, div="none", positional=FALSE, plateNum=1, layout, mask=0, techVars,
    randVars) {
    ## Set up plate layout
    if (!missing(layout) & !missing(techVars)) {
        layout <- layout; techVars <- techVars
    } else if (!missing(layout) & missing(techVars)) {
        stop("For custom layouts you must supply technical covariates.")
    } else if (missing(layout) & !missing(wells)) {
      rowNum <- case_when(wells == 96 ~ 8, wells == 48 ~ 6, wells == 24 ~ 4)
      colNum <- case_when(wells == 96 ~ 12, wells == 48 ~ 8, wells == 24 ~ 6)
    if (!wells %in% c(96, 48, 24)) {
      stop("Automated layouts only support 96, 48, or 24 well plates.")
    if(!div %in% c("none", "col", "row", "col-block", "row-block")) {
      stop("Please specify a valid div (see documentation for options).")
    if (positional == TRUE && div == "none") {
      stop("Positional batches not allowed without plate subdivisions.")
    well <- NULL
    plate <- NULL
    layout <- tibble(plate=rep(seq_len(plateNum), each=wells),
                     well=rep(seq_len(wells), plateNum),
                     row=factor(rep(seq_len(rowNum), colNum*plateNum),
                     column=rep(rep(seq_len(colNum), each=rowNum), plateNum), mask=mask,
                     chip=case_when(div == "col" ~ column, div == "row" ~ as.integer(row),
                                    div == "col-block" ~ as.integer(ceiling(column / 2)),
                                    div == "row-block" ~ as.integer(ceiling(as.numeric(row) / 2))),
                     chipPos = case_when(div == "col" ~ as.numeric(row),
                                         div == "row" ~ as.numeric(column),
                                         div == "col-block" ~ ifelse(column %% 2 == 0,
                                                                     as.numeric(row) + rowNum, row),
                                         div == "row-block" ~ ifelse(as.numeric(row) %% 2 == 0,
                                                                     column + colNum, column)))
    } else {
      stop("You must either specify a custom layout or a number of wells.")

    ## Set up technical covariates
    if (plateNum == 1){
        if (div == "none"){
            stop("With one plate and no subdivisions, there are no batches.")
        } else {
            if (positional == TRUE) {
                techVars <- c("chip", "chipPos")
            } else {
                techVars <- "chip"
    } else if (plateNum > 1) {
        if (div == "none") {
            techVars <- "plate"
        } else {
            if (positional == TRUE) {
                techVars <- c("plate", "chip", "chipPos")
            } else {
                techVars <- c("plate", "chip")
    } else {
        stop("Plate number must be a positive integer.")

    ## Define sample ID, blocks, and permutation variables
    permVar <- NULL
    if(block %in% colnames(df)) {
        df <- df %>% select(sampleId=all_of(sampleId), block=all_of(block),
            permVar=all_of(block), everything())
    } else if(sampleId %in% colnames(df)) {
        df <- df %>% select(sampleId=all_of(sampleId),
            permVar=all_of(sampleId), everything())
    } else {
        stop("Sample ID not found in provided sample list.")

    permSet <- sample(unique(df$permVar))

    ## Create randomized sample layout using permSet
    dfShuffle <- df %>% group_by(permVar) %>% slice(sample(seq_len(n()))) %>%

    dfRandList <- lapply(seq_len(length(permSet)), function(x){
        dfRand <- dfShuffle %>% filter(permVar == permSet[x])
    dfRand <- bind_rows(dfRandList)

    ## Set up mask
    layout$mask <- mask
    layoutMasked <- layout %>% filter(mask == 0)

    ## Check if number of unmasked wells is equal to number of samples
    if(nrow(layoutMasked) != nrow(dfRand)) {
        stop("Number of unmasked wells must equal number of samples")

    omixerLayout <- cbind(dfRand, layoutMasked)

    ## If randomization variables are not specified, then use all except IDs
        randVars <- colnames(dfRand)[!colnames(dfRand) %in%
            c("sampleId", "block")]

    ## Save correlation estimates and p-values
    corVal <- NULL
    corP <- NULL
    corTb <- NULL
    corTbList <- lapply(randVars, function(y){
        corTbList <- lapply(techVars, function(z){
            cor <- omixerCorr(omixerLayout[, y], omixerLayout[, z])
            corTb <- tibble(randVars=y, techVars=z, corVal=cor$corVal,
        corTb <- bind_rows(corTbList)
    corTb <- bind_rows(corTbList)

    ## Create correlation table
    corSum <- tibble(absSum=sum(abs(corTb$corVal)),
        pTest=any(corTb$corP < 0.05))

    ## Rejoin layout with masked wells
    omixerLayout <- full_join(omixerLayout, layout,
        by=c("well", "plate", "row", "column", "mask", "chip", "chipPos"))
    omixerLayout <- omixerLayout %>% arrange(plate, well)
    omixerLayout$permVar <- NULL

    ## Visualize correlations
    print(ggplot(corTb, aes(x=randVars, y=techVars)) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill=corVal), size=3, colour="white",
        show.legend=FALSE) +
    geom_text(aes(label=format(round(corVal, 3), nsmall=3)),
        colour=ifelse(corTb$corVal < mean(corTb$corVal), "white", "grey30"), 
        fontface="bold", nudge_y=0.2, size=8) +
    geom_text(aes(label=ifelse(corP == 0, "p < 0.001", 
        paste("p =",format(round(corP, 3), nsmall = 3)))),
        colour=ifelse(corTb$corVal < mean(corTb$corVal), "white", "grey30"), 
        nudge_y=-0.2, size=6) +
    scale_fill_distiller(palette="YlGnBu") +
    scale_x_discrete(position="top", name="Randomization variables \n",
        label=function(x) abbreviate(x, minlength=6), expand=c(0,0)) +
    scale_y_discrete(name="Technical \n covariates",
        label=function(x) abbreviate(x, minlength=6), expand=c(0,0)) +
    ggtitle("Correlations present in the chosen layout") + coord_equal() +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5, size=24),
        axis.title=element_text(face="bold", size=18),
        axis.ticks=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_text(size=16),
        axis.text.y=element_text(angle=90, size=16, vjust=1)))


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Omixer documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 2:01 a.m.