
gd <- list(join1 = c(GO.db="GOID","GO"),
           join2 = c("ENTREZID",


test_extractPkgsAndCols <- function(){
  gdm <- OrganismDbi:::.mungeGraphData(gd)
  res <- OrganismDbi:::.extractPkgsAndCols(gdm)
  checkEquals(names(res), c("GO.db","","",
  checkTrue(all(res %in%  c("GOID","ENTREZID","GO","GENEID")))

test_testKeys <- function(){
  gdm <- OrganismDbi:::.mungeGraphData(gd)
  res <- OrganismDbi:::.extractPkgsAndCols(gdm)
  ## the following should not blow up

  ## the following should blow up
  res2 <- c("GO.db","","",
  names(res2) <- c("WRONGVALUE","ENTREZID","GO","GENEID")

  ## note that the case of a bad DB would have been caught elsewhere
  ## (and earlier)

## test_TxDb <- function(){
##     require("Homo.sapiens")
##     txdbMan <- loadDb(system.file('extdata','myTxDb.sqlite',
##                                     package='OrganismDbi'))
##     ## I have to be explicit here.
##     txdbFull <- loadDb(system.file('extdata',
##                                    'TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene.sqlite',
##                                    package='TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene'))
##     odb <- makeOrganismDbFromTxDb(txdb=txdbMan)
##     res <- resources(odb)
##     checkTrue(res[['TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene']] == dbfile(txdbMan))
##     m1 <- metadata(TxDb(odb))
##     checkTrue(as.integer(m1[m1$name=='transcript_nrow','value']) < 10)
##     ## NOW change it:
##     TxDb(odb) <- txdbFull
##     res <- resources(odb)
##     checkTrue(res[['TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene']] == dbfile(txdbFull))
##     m2 <- metadata(TxDb(odb))
##     checkTrue(as.integer(m2[m2$name=='transcript_nrow','value']) > 82000)

##     ## check that a TxDb made on the fly (stored in local RAM) also works OK
##     transcript_ids <- c(
##                         "uc001aaa.3",
##                         "uc010nxq.1",
##                         "uc010nxr.1",
##                         "uc001aal.1",
##                         "uc001aaq.2"
##                         )
##     txdbInstant <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome="hg19", tablename="knownGene",
##                                     transcript_ids=transcript_ids)
##     TxDb(odb) <- txdbInstant
##     res <- resources(odb)
##     checkTrue(res[['TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene']] == dbfile(txdbInstant))
##     checkTrue(res[['TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene']] == "")
##     m3 <- metadata(TxDb(odb))
##     checkTrue(as.integer(m3[m3$name=='transcript_nrow','value']) < 10)

##     ## NOW (CRITICALLY) Set things back to the other TxDb (for both)
##     TxDb(odb) <- txdbFull
##     TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene <- TxDb(odb)
## }

## Fast testing (AWESOME):
## BiocGenerics:::testPackage(pattern="^test_construction.*\\.R$")

## Slower testing that requires installation (Not so awesome):
## BiocGenerics:::testPackage("OrganismDbi", pattern="^test_construction.*\\.R$")

## TODO: fix the bug that is changing the value of the name (assigning to the original symbols name inside the function)  And then uncomment this test...

Try the OrganismDbi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

OrganismDbi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:50 p.m.