
Defines functions nbh_chk

Documented in nbh_chk

# nbh_chk   Checks the parameters of a negative binomial HMM
#           and returns its dimension.
#           Use: N <- nbh_chk(TRANS,alpha,beta).
nbh_chk <- function(TRANS, alpha, beta)
	# Constants
	# Max deviation from 1 (beware parameters may have been computed in float)
	MAX_DEV <- 1e-6
	# Check input arguments

	# Check transition matrix
	N <- dim(TRANS)
	if(N[1] != N[2]) {
		stop("Inconsistent number in transition matrix.")
	if(any(abs(apply(TRANS, 1, sum) - 1) > MAX_DEV)) {
		stop("Transition matrix is not normalized.")
	if(length(alpha) != N[1]) {
		stop("Transition matrix and shape parameters must have the compatible sizes.")
	if(any(alpha <= 0)) {
		stop("Shape parameters must be positive.")
	if(length(beta) != N[1]) {
		stop("Transition matrix and inverse scales must have the compatible sizes.")
	if(any(beta <= 0)) {
		stop("Inverse scales must be positive.")

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