API for RSVSim
RSVSim: an R/Bioconductor package for the simulation of structural variations

Global functions
.addBreakpointMutations Source code
.adjustPositions Source code
.compareSV Source code
.drawPos Source code
.drawPos_trans Source code
.execDeletion Source code
.execInsertion Source code
.execInversion Source code
.execTandemDuplication Source code
.execTranslocation Source code
.getBpSeq Source code
.getDummyDataframe Source code
.getHG19 Source code
.getOverlap Source code
.getSVSizes Source code
.loadFromBSGenome_TandemRepeats Source code
.loadFromUCSC_RepeatMasks Source code
.loadFromUCSC_SegDups Source code
.readRepeatMaskerOutput Source code
.simInsertionPositions Source code
.simPositions Source code
.simTranslocationPositions Source code
.subtractIntervals Source code
.testSVSim Source code
.validateInput Source code
compareSV Man page
compareSV,character,character-method Man page
compareSV,character,data.frame-method Man page
compareSV,data.frame,data.frame-method Man page
estimateSVSizes Man page
estimateSVSizes,numeric,missing,ANY,ANY,character-method Man page
estimateSVSizes,numeric,missing,ANY,ANY,missing-method Man page
estimateSVSizes,numeric,numeric,ANY,ANY,missing-method Man page
segDups Man page
simulateSV Man page
simulateSV,ANY Man page
simulateSV,ANY-method Man page
weightsMechanisms Man page
weightsRepeats Man page
RSVSim documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:35 p.m.