
Defines functions .validateInput


          function(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, size, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize, repeatBias, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, repeatMaskerFile, bpSeqSize, random, seed, verbose){

  options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, scipen=10)

  ## default for random is TRUE
  ## is only one value given, set it for all SVs where regions were specified (only place, where a FALSE makes sense)
  if(length(random) == 1){
    r = rep(TRUE, 5)
    r[!c(missing(regionsDels), missing(regionsIns), missing(regionsInvs), missing(regionsDups), missing(regionsTrans))] = random
    random = r
  .validateInput(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, percSNPs, indelProb, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, bpSeqSize, random, seed)

  ## see if genome is given
  ## if not, read the hg19 by default
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading human genome (hg19)")
      genome = .getHG19(NA)
      genome = .getHG19(chrs)
    gaps = genome[[2]]
    genome = genome[[1]]
    chrs = names(genome)
    genomeOrganism = "hg19"
  ## if genome is given, there are two possibilities:
  ## 1. genome is a filename pointing to a FASTA-file
  ## 2. genome is a named DNAStringSet
    if(class(genome) == "character"){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading genome from FASTA file: ", genome)
      genome = readDNAStringSet(filepath=genome)  ## read genome from FASTA-file
      chrs = names(genome)
		genome = genome[match(chrs, names(genome))]
    ## compute gaps within the given genome (N-sequences)
    gaps = GRanges()
    for(chr in chrs){
      Ns = whichAsIRanges(as.integer(genome[[chr]]) == as.integer(DNAString("N")))
      if(length(Ns) > 0){
        gaps = c(gaps, GRanges(Ns, seqnames=chr))
    genomeOrganism = "unknown"
  gaps = as.data.frame(gaps)[, 1:3]
  genomeCoords = GRanges(IRanges(start=1, end=width(genome)), seqnames=names(genome))

  ## for the default case, i.e. simulation on the hg19:
  ## set the weights for the sv formation mechanisms and their occurence within certain repeat regions
  ## default values for SV formation mechanisms were derived from:
  ## deletions, insertions/duplications: Mills et al., Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing
  ## inversions: Pang et al., Mechanisms of Formation of Structural Variation in a Fully Sequenced Human Genome
  ## translocations: Ou et al., Observation and prediction of recurrent human translocations mediated by NAHR between nonhomologous chromosomes & Chen et al., Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing
  ## default values for repeat regions enriched for SV formation mechanisms were derived from:
  ## Lam et al., Nucleotide-resolution analysis of structural variants using BreakSeq and a breakpoint library (Supplemental Table 5)

  ## in this order: NAHR, NHR, TEI, VNTR, other
  mechanisms = c("NAHR","NHR","TEI","VNTR","Other")
  bpTypes = c("L1","L2","Alu","MIR","SD","TR","Random")

  ## for simulation on hg19 set the weights for the repeat elements (if not given by the user)
  ## for simulation on any other organism (user specified genome), set the weights to zero except for random simulation (i.e. turn this feature off)
	if(genomeOrganism == "hg19" & repeatBias){
      data("weightsMechanisms", package="RSVSim", envir=environment())
      weightsMechanisms = data.frame(
        dels = c(0,0,0,0,1),
        ins = c(0,0,0,0,1),
        invs = c(0,0,0,0,1),
        dups = c(0,0,0,0,1),
        trans = c(0,0,0,0,1)
      rownames(weightsMechanisms) = mechanisms
    if(genomeOrganism == "hg19" & repeatBias){
      data("weightsRepeats", package="RSVSim", envir=environment())
      weightsRepeats = data.frame(
        NAHR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
        NHR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
        TEI = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
        VNTR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
        Other = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
      rownames(weightsRepeats) = bpTypes

  ## several options to get the repeatmasker regions:
  ## 1. bp shall be placed randomly (no bpWeights)
  ## then, only use all the genomic coordinates without special weighting for repeats
  if(genomeOrganism != "hg19" | !repeatBias | all(random) == FALSE){
    if(genomeOrganism == "hg19"){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Bias for hg19 repeat regions is turned OFF")
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Breakpoints will be distributed uniformly across the genome")
    bpRegions = vector(mode="list", length=1)
    names(bpRegions) = "Random"
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Bias for hg19 repeat regions is turned ON")
    ## 2. repeatMasker regions were loaded and saved to disk once befoe in the data directory of the package
    ## then just load the data
    if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions")
      data("repeats_hg19", package="RSVSim", envir=environment())  ## loads object named "repeats"
      ## 3. filename of repeatmasker file is given (file downloaded from http://www.repeatmasker.org/genomes/hg19/RepeatMasker-rm330-db20120124/hg19.fa.out.gz)
      ## then, read the file, extract LINES,SINES and read segmental duplications from UCSC
        if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions for the first time from given RepeatMasker output file")
        repeats = .readRepeatMaskerOutput(repeatMaskerFile)
        if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
         if(verbose==TRUE)  message("Repeat regions were saved to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " for faster access next time")
          warning("Saving of repeat regions to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " failed")
      ## 4. no repeatMasker file is given
      ## then, read the repeatMasker track and the segmental duplications from UCSC via rTracklayer package
        if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions for the first time from the UCSC Browser's RepeatMasker track (this may take up to 45 minutes)")
        repeats = .loadFromUCSC_RepeatMasks(save=TRUE, verbose=verbose)  
        if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
         if(verbose==TRUE)  message("Repeat regions were saved to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " for faster access next time")
          warning("Saving of repeat regions to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " failed")
    repeats = lapply(repeats, function(r) return(r[seqnames(r) %in% chrs]))
    repeats = lapply(repeats, function(r) return(reduce(r, min.gapwidth=50)))  # merge repeats which are only 100bp away from each other
    bpRegions = vector(mode="list", length=length(repeats)+1)
    names(bpRegions) = bpTypes
    bpRegions[1:length(repeats)] = repeats

  ## put SVs anywhere in the genome if no regions were specified
  ## if regions were given, take care, that the regions lie within the available chromosomes

    regionsDels = genomeCoords
    regionsDels = regionsDels[seqnames(regionsDels) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsDels))))]
    if(length(regionsDels) == 0){
      stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
    ## for non-random distribution, set number of deletions to number of given regions
    if(random[1] == FALSE){
      dels = length(regionsDels)
    regionsIns = genomeCoords
    if(random[2] == TRUE){
      regionsIns = regionsIns[seqnames(regionsIns) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsIns))))]
      regionsIns = regionsIns[seqnames(regionsIns) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsIns)))) & regionsIns$chrB %in% chrs]
      ins = length(regionsIns)
    if(length(regionsIns) == 0){
      stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
    regionsInvs = genomeCoords
    regionsInvs = regionsInvs[seqnames(regionsInvs) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsInvs))))]
    if(length(regionsInvs) == 0){
      stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
    ## for non-random distribution, set number of inversions to number of given regions
    if(random[3] == FALSE){
      invs = length(regionsInvs)
    regionsDups = genomeCoords
    dupTimes = sample(1:(maxDups-1), dups, replace=TRUE) + 1
    regionsDups = regionsDups[seqnames(regionsDups) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsDups))))]
    if(length(regionsDups) == 0){
      stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
    ## for non-random distribution, set number of duplications to number of given regions
    dupTimes = sample(1:(maxDups-1), length(regionsDups), replace=TRUE) + 1
    if(random[4] == FALSE){
      dups = length(regionsDups)
      if(ncol(mcols(regionsDups)) > 0){
		  if("times" %in% colnames(mcols(regionsDups))){
			dupTimes = mcols(regionsDups)$times
    regionsTrans = genomeCoords
    if(random[5] == TRUE){
      regionsTrans = regionsTrans[seqnames(regionsTrans) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsTrans))))]
      regionsTrans = regionsTrans[seqnames(regionsTrans) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsTrans)))) & regionsTrans$chrB %in% chrs]
      trans = length(regionsTrans)
    if(length(regionsTrans) == 0){
      stop("No regions on given chromosomes")

  ## restrict SV regions to given chromosomes

  ## inversion and deletion sizes
  if((length(sizeDels) > 1 & length(sizeDels) != dels) | (length(sizeIns) > 1 & length(sizeIns) != ins) | (length(sizeInvs) > 1 & length(sizeInvs) != invs) | (length(sizeDups) > 1 & length(sizeDups) != dups)){
    warning("Length of vectors with SV sizes vary from the number of SVs")
    sizeDels = sizeIns = sizeInvs = sizeDups = size
  sizeDels = rep(sizeDels, dels)[1:dels]
  sizeIns = rep(sizeIns, ins)[1:ins]
  sizeInvs = rep(sizeInvs, invs)[1:invs]
  sizeDups = rep(sizeDups, dups)[1:dups]
  ## bpSeqSize will be used two times, in upstream and downstream direction; so divide it hear by two
  bpSeqSize = round(bpSeqSize / 2)

  ## Simulation ############################################################

  ## 1. simulate regions for translocations:
  type = "translocation"
  translocations = posTrans_1 = posTrans_2 = NULL
  if(random[5] == TRUE){
    ## 1.1 for chromosome terminals
    if(trans > 0){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", trans, " translocations")
      subtrahend = gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")]
      subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
      regionsTrans  = .subtractIntervals(regionsTrans, subtrahend)
      bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsTrans
      t = .simTranslocationPositions(trans, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "trans", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, genome, percBalancedTrans, c(), verbose)
      translocations = t[[1]]
      posTrans_1 = t[[2]]
      posTrans_2 = t[[3]]
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Translocations")    
    trans = length(regionsTrans)
    posTrans_1 = as.data.frame(regionsTrans)
    posTrans_1$names = rownames(posTrans_1)
    posTrans_2 = as.data.frame(regionsTrans)[, c("chrB","startB","endB")]
    colnames(posTrans_2) = c("seqnames","start","end")
    ## Add balanced information (default:TRUE) if not given
    if(!("balanced" %in% colnames(posTrans_1)) | !("balanced" %in% colnames(posTrans_2))){
      posTrans_1$balanced = posTrans_2$balanced = TRUE
    ## Determine wich translocations need to be inverted (segments on different ends of chromosomes)
    idx = which((posTrans_1$start == 1 & posTrans_2$start != 1) | (posTrans_1$start != 1 & posTrans_2$start == 1))
    posTrans_1$inverted = posTrans_2$inverted = FALSE
    posTrans_1$inverted[idx] = posTrans_2$inverted[idx] = TRUE

    size1 = posTrans_1$end-posTrans_1$start+1
    size2 = posTrans_2$end-posTrans_2$start+1
    translocations = cbind(posTrans_1$names, posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size1, posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size2, posTrans_2$balanced)
    colnames(translocations) = c("Name", "ChrA", "StartA", "EndA", "SizeA", "ChrB", "StartB", "EndB", "SizeB","Balanced")

  ## 2. simulate insertions
  type = "insertion"
  insertions = posIns_1 = posIns_2 = NULL
  if(random[2] == TRUE){
    if(ins > 0){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", ins, " insertions")  
      subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
      subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
      regionsIns  = .subtractIntervals(regionsIns, subtrahend)
      bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsIns
      i = .simInsertionPositions(ins, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "ins", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, genome, sizeIns, percCopiedIns, verbose)
      insertions = i[[1]]
      posIns_1 = i[[2]]
      posIns_2 = i[[3]]
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Insertions")    
    ins = length(regionsIns)
    posIns_1 = as.data.frame(regionsIns)
    size = posIns_1$end-posIns_1$start+1
    posIns_1$names = rownames(posIns_1)
    posIns_2 = as.data.frame(regionsIns)[, c("chrB","startB")]
    posIns_2$endB = posIns_2$startB + size - 1
    colnames(posIns_2) = c("seqnames","start","end")
    ## Add duplicate information (default:FALSE) if not given
    if(!("copied" %in% colnames(posIns_1))){
      posIns_1$copied = posIns_2$copied = FALSE
    insertions = cbind(posIns_1$names, posIns_1[rownames(posIns_1), c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[rownames(posIns_1), c("seqnames","start","end")], size, posIns_1$copied)
    colnames(insertions) = c("Name", "ChrA", "StartA", "EndA", "ChrB", "StartB", "EndB", "Size", "Copied")

  ## 3. simulate deletions
  type = "deletion"
  deletions = posDel = NULL
  if(random[1] == TRUE){
    if(dels > 0){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", dels, " deletions")
      subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
      subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
      regionsDels = .subtractIntervals(regionsDels, subtrahend)
      bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsDels
      d = .simPositions(dels, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "dels", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeDels, "deletion", verbose)
      deletions = d[[1]]
      posDel = d[[2]]
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Deletions")
    dels = length(regionsDels)
    posDel = as.data.frame(regionsDels)
    posDel$names = rownames(posDel)
    deletions = cbind(posDel$names, posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
    colnames(deletions) = c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End","Size")
  ## 4. simulate inversions
  type = "inversion"
  inversions = posInv = NULL
  if(random[3] == TRUE){
    if(invs > 0){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", invs, " inversions")
      subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
      subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
      regionsInvs  = .subtractIntervals(regionsInvs, subtrahend)
      bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsInvs
      i = .simPositions(invs, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "invs", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeInvs, type, verbose)
      inversions = i[[1]]
      posInv = i[[2]]
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Inversions")
    invs = length(regionsInvs)
    posInv = as.data.frame(regionsInvs)
    posInv$names = rownames(posInv)
    inversions = cbind(posInv$names, posInv[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
    colnames(inversions) = c("Name","Chr", "Start","End", "Size")
  ## 5. simulate tandem duplications
  type = "tandemDuplication"
  tandemDups = posDup = NULL
  if(random[4] == TRUE){
    if(dups > 0){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", dups, " tandem duplications")
      subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posInv[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
      subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
      regionsDups  = .subtractIntervals(regionsDups, subtrahend)
      bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsDups
      td = .simPositions(dups, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "dups", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeDups, type, verbose)
      tandemDups = td[[1]]
      posDup = td[[2]]
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Tandem Duplications")
    dups = length(regionsDups)
    posDup = as.data.frame(regionsDups)
    posDup$names = rownames(posDup)
    tandemDups = cbind(posDup$names, posDup[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
    colnames(tandemDups) = c("Name","Chr", "Start","End", "Size")
  ## Execution: implement regions into genome sequence ############################################################
  ## 1. inversions
  if(invs > 0){
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Inversions")
    if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = invs, style = 3)
    for(i in 1:invs){

      chr = as.character(posInv$seqnames[i])
      rearrangement = .execInversion(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
      genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
      posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
      posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
      posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
      posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
      posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
      posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
      posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]
      if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)

  ## 2. translocations
  if(trans > 0){
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Translocations")
    if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = trans, style = 3)
    for(i in 1:trans){
      chr1 = as.character(posTrans_1$seqnames[i])
      chr2 = as.character(posTrans_2$seqnames[i])
      rearrangement = .execTranslocation(genome[[chr1]], genome[[chr2]], chr1, chr2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
      genome[[chr1]] = rearrangement[[1]]
      genome[[chr2]] = rearrangement[[2]]
      posDel = rearrangement[[3]]
      posIns_1 = rearrangement[[4]]
      posIns_2 = rearrangement[[5]]
      posInv = rearrangement[[6]]
      posDup = rearrangement[[7]]
      posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[8]]
      posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[9]]
      if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)

  ## 3. insertions
  if(ins > 0){
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Insertions")
    if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ins, style = 3)
    for(i in 1:ins){
      chr1 = as.character(posIns_1$seqnames[i])
      chr2 = as.character(posIns_2$seqnames[i])      
      rearrangement = .execInsertion(genome[[chr1]], genome[[chr2]], chr1, chr2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
      genome[[chr1]] = rearrangement[[1]]
      genome[[chr2]] = rearrangement[[2]]
      posDel = rearrangement[[3]]
      posIns_1 = rearrangement[[4]]
      posIns_2 = rearrangement[[5]]
      posInv = rearrangement[[6]]
      posDup = rearrangement[[7]]
      posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[8]]
      posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[9]]
      if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
  ## 4. tandem duplications
  if(dups > 0){
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Tandem duplications")
    ## add a column for the number of duplications
    tandemDups = cbind(tandemDups[, c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End", "Size")], 0, "")
    names(tandemDups) = c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End", "Size", "Duplications", "BpSeq")
    if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dups, style = 3)
    for(i in 1:dups){
#      times = sample(2:maxDups,1)  ## how many times the sequence is duplicated
 	  times = dupTimes[i]
      chr = as.character(posDup$seqnames[i])
      rearrangement = .execTandemDuplication(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, times, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
      genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
      posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
      posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
      posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
      posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
      posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
      posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
      posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]      
      tandemDups$BpSeq[i] = rearrangement[[9]]
      tandemDups$Duplications[i] = times
      if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)

  ## 5. deletions
  if(dels > 0){
    if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Deletions")
    if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dels, style = 3)
    for(i in 1:dels){
      chr = as.character(posDel$seqnames[i])
      rearrangement = .execDeletion(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
      genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
      posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
      posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
      posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
      posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
      posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
      posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
      posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]
      if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)

  ## Retrieve breakpoint sequences for translocations, deletions and inversions (for duplications, it works during execution)
  if(invs > 0){
    inversions$BpSeq_5prime = inversions$BpSeq_3prime = ""
    for(i in 1:invs){
      bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posInv, bpSeqSize, i)
      inversions$BpSeq_5prime[i] = bpSeq[1]
      inversions$BpSeq_3prime[i] = bpSeq[2]

  if(dels > 0){
    deletions$BpSeq = ""
    for(i in 1:dels){
      pos = posDel
      pos$end = pos$start
      bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, pos, bpSeqSize, i)
      deletions$BpSeq[i] = bpSeq[1]
  if(trans > 0){
    translocations$BpSeqB = translocations$BpSeqA = ""
    for(i in 1:trans){
      if(posTrans_1$balanced[i] == TRUE){
        bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posTrans_1, bpSeqSize, i)
        translocations$BpSeqA[i] = bpSeq[which(bpSeq != "")][1]
      bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i)
      translocations$BpSeqB[i] = bpSeq[which(bpSeq != "")][1]
  if(ins > 0){
    insertions$BpSeqB_3prime = insertions$BpSeqB_5prime = insertions$BpSeqA = ""
    for(i in 1:ins){
      if(posIns_1$copied[i] == FALSE){
        bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posIns_1, bpSeqSize, i)
        insertions$BpSeqA[i] = bpSeq[1]
      bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posIns_2, bpSeqSize, i)
      insertions$BpSeqB_5prime[i] = bpSeq[1]
      insertions$BpSeqB_3prime[i] = bpSeq[2]

  ## Output ############################################################
    if(output == "."){
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Writing output to current directory")
      if(verbose==TRUE) message("Writing output to ", output)
    if(dels > 0){
      write.table(deletions, file.path(output, "deletions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    if(ins > 0){
      write.table(insertions, file.path(output, "insertions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    if(invs > 0){
      write.table(inversions, file.path(output, "inversions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    if(dups > 0){
      write.table(tandemDups, file.path(output, "tandemDuplications.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    if(trans > 0){
      write.table(translocations, file.path(output, "translocations.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    writeXStringSet(genome, file.path(output, "genome_rearranged.fasta"), append=FALSE, format="fasta")
  idx = c(dels>0, ins>0, invs>0, dups>0, trans>0)

  ##  names(svs) = c("deletions", "insertions", "inversions","tandemDuplications","translocations")[idx]
  metadata(genome) = list(deletions=deletions, insertions=insertions, inversions=inversions, tandemDuplications=tandemDups, translocations=translocations)[idx]

.validateInput <- function(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, percSNPs, indelProb, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, bpSeqSize, random, seed){

  ## output
      stop("Output directory does not exist")
  ## genome and chrs
    if(class(genome) == "DNAStringSet"){
        stop("Please enter chromosome names in your genome DNAStringSet")
        if(!all(chrs %in% names(genome))){
          stop("Invalid argument: Specified chromosomes and chromosome names in the genome do not match")
    if(class(genome) == "BSgenome"){
      stop("Please extract the desired sequences from the BSgenome package and combine them into a named DNAStringSet")

  ## Number and size of SVs
  if(any(c(dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups) < 0)){
    stop("Invalid argument: Number of SVs and their size cannot be smaller than zero. Makes sense, doesn't it?")
  ## percBalancedTrans, percCopiedIns, percSNPs, indelProb
  if(percBalancedTrans < 0 | percBalancedTrans > 1 | percCopiedIns < 0 | percCopiedIns > 1 | percSNPs < 0 | percSNPs > 1 | indelProb < 0 | indelProb > 1){
    stop("Invalid argument: Percentages have to be given as value between 0 and 1.")

  ## random and regions
  if(length(random) != 1 & length(random) != 5){
    stop("Invalid argument: Give either one value for argument random for all SVs or five values for each SV in this order: deletions, insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, translocations")
  if(random[1] == FALSE & missing(regionsDels)){
    stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for deletions")
  if(random[2] == FALSE & missing(regionsIns)){
    stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for insertions")
  if(random[3] == FALSE & missing(regionsInvs)){
    stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for inversions")
  if(random[4] == FALSE & missing(regionsDups)){
    stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for tandem duplications")
  if(random[5] == FALSE & missing(regionsTrans)){
    stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for translocations")
  ## regions
  if(!missing(regionsIns) & random[2] == FALSE){
    if(!all(c("chrB","startB") %in% colnames(mcols(regionsIns)))){
      stop("Invalid argument: regionsIns is missing columns chrB and startB")
  if(!missing(regionsTrans) & random[5] == FALSE){
    if(!all(c("chrB","startB","endB") %in% colnames(mcols(regionsTrans)))){
      stop("Invalid argument: regionsTrans is missing columns chrB, startB and endB")

  ## repeat weights
  mechanisms = c("NAHR","NHR","TEI","VNTR","Other")
  bpTypes = c("L1","L2","Alu","MIR","SD","TR","Random")
  svTypes = c("dels", "invs", "ins", "dups", "trans")
      if(!all(rownames(weightsMechanisms) %in% mechanisms) | !all(colnames(weightsMechanisms) %in% svTypes)){
        stop("Invalid argument: Please make sure that the row names of parameter weightsMechanisms equal \"NAHR\",\"NHR\",\"TEI\",\"VNTR\" and the column names equal \"Other\"\"dels\", \"invs\", \"ins\", \"dups\", \"trans\".")
        if(!all(rownames(weightsRepeats) %in% bpTypes) | !all(colnames(weightsRepeats) %in% mechanisms)){
          stop("Invalid argument: Please make sure that the row names of parameter weightsRepeats equal \"L1\",\"L2\",\"Alu\",\"MIR\",\"SD\",\"TR\",\"Random\" and the column names equal \"NAHR\",\"NHR\",\"TEI\",\"VNTR\",\"Other\".")


## Deprecated: Transposons (maybe useful for future release)
#    if(trans[3] > 0){
#      ## 1.3 for intra-chromosomal translocations
#      message("Calculating coordinates: ", trans[3], " intra-chromosomal translocations")  
#      intrachrom=TRUE
#      subtrahend = RangedData(rbind(gaps[, c("space","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("space","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("space","start","end")]))
#      regionsTrans  = .subtractIntervals(regionsTrans, subtrahend)
#      t = .simTranslocationPositions(trans[3], regionsTrans, genome, percInvertedTrans, percBalancedTrans, sizeTrans2, "intrachrom")
#      translocations = rbind(translocations, t[[1]])
#      posTrans_1 = rbind(posTrans_1, t[[2]])
#      posTrans_2 = rbind(posTrans_2, t[[3]])
#    }

## Maybe add gene annotation in future release (if it makes sense)
#    require(biomaRt)
#    ensembl=useMart("ensembl")
#    dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
#    ensembl=useDataset(dataset, mart=ensembl)
#    bmAttributes = c(
#      "hgnc_symbol",
#      "chromosome_name",  
#      "start_position",
#      "end_position"
#      )
#    bmFilter=c("chromosomal_region")
#    bmValues = as.list(paste(substr(d$Chr, 4, nchar(d$Chr)), d$Start, d$End, sep=":"))
#    genes = getBM(attributes=bmAttributes, filter=bmFilter, values=bmValues, mart=ensembl)
#    d$Genes = ""
#    for(i in 1:nrow(d)){
#      gene_overlap = subset(genes, (chromosome_name == substr(d$Chr[i], 4, nchar(d$Chr))) & (IRanges(start_position, end_position) %in% IRanges(d$Start[i], d$End[i])) & hgnc_symbol != "")
#      d$Genes[i] = paste(unique(gene_overlap$hgnc_symbol), collapse=",")
#    }

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RSVSim documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:35 p.m.