
### R code from vignette source 'aboutRTCA.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: loadLib

### code chunk number 2: dataImport
ofile <-  system.file("extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA")
x <- parseRTCA(ofile)

### code chunk number 3: dataImportFile (eval = FALSE)
## ofile <- file.path("/directory/of/the/file/myFile.txt")

### code chunk number 4: printRTCA

### code chunk number 5: annotate
pfile <- system.file("extdata/testOutputPhenoData.csv", package="RTCA")
pData <- read.csv(pfile, sep="\t", row.names="Well")
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=c(
                         "Rack number",
                         "siRNA catalogue number",
                         "siRNA gene symbol",
                         "siRNA EntrezGene ID",
                         "siRNA targeting accession"
phData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pData, varMetadata=metaData)

### code chunk number 6: annotateAssign
phenoData(x) <- phData

### code chunk number 7: annotatedx

### code chunk number 8: alternativeAnnotate (eval = FALSE)
## x <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData)

### code chunk number 9: plotRTCA
  plot(x[,1:4], type="l", col="black", lty=1:4, xlab="time point", ylab="Cell Index")

### code chunk number 10: addTimeLine
x <- addAction(x, 22, "trasfection")
x <- addAction(x, 30, "medium change")

### code chunk number 11: extractTimeLine

### code chunk number 12: timeLineExamples
tl <- timeline(x)
tlAdd <- addAction(tl, 35, "normalization"); tlAdd
getAction(tl, 22)
tlComp <- updateAction(tl, 22, "compound transfection")
tlRm <- rmAction(tlAdd,35 ); tlRm

### code chunk number 13: ratioTransform
xRatio <- ratioTransform(x, 35)
plot(xRatio[,1:4], lty=1:4, type="l", col="black",xlab="time point", ylab="Normalized Cell Index")
abline(v=35, col="red", lwd=2)

### code chunk number 14: plateView
plateView(x, col="orange")

### code chunk number 15: sessionInfo

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RTCA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.