
Defines functions extract_character_from_raw_by_ranges extract_character_from_raw_by_positions

### =========================================================================
### Some low-level utility functions to operate on raw vectors
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Unless stated otherwise, the functions defined in this file are not
### exported.

TOUPPER_LOOKUP <- c(0:96, 65:90, 123:255)
TOLOWER_LOOKUP <- c(0:64, 97:122, 91:255)

extract_character_from_raw_by_positions <- function(x, pos,
                                                    collapse=FALSE, lkup=NULL)
          x, pos, collapse, lkup,

extract_character_from_raw_by_ranges <- function(x, start, width,
                                                 collapse=FALSE, lkup=NULL)
          x, start, width, collapse, lkup,

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S4Vectors documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 2:02 a.m.