

test.db <- system.file("extdata", "test.db", package = "SQLDataFrame")
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname = test.db)
obj <- SQLDataFrame(conn = conn, dbtable = "colData",
                    dbkey = "sampleID")

## methods
test_that("[[,SQLDataFrame works",
    ## key values
    exp <- letters
    expect_identical(exp, obj[["sampleID"]])
    expect_identical(exp, obj$sampleID)

    exp <- rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 13)
    expect_identical(exp, obj[[1]])

    exp <- tblData(obj) %>% pull(Ages)
    expect_identical(exp, obj[[2]])
    expect_identical(obj[[2]], obj[["Ages"]])

    expect_error(obj[[2:3]], "attempt to extract more than one element")

test_that("[,SQLDataFrame works",
    obj0 <- obj[]
    expect_identical(obj0, obj)

    ## list_style_subsetting
    obj1 <- obj[1]
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")

    obj2 <- obj[c("sampleID", "Treatment")]  ## have key column doesn't affect results.
    expect_identical(obj1, obj2)

    ## 1-col subsetting, drop=TRUE by default
    obj3 <- obj[, 1]
    expect_false(is(obj3, "SQLDataFrame"))

    ## 1-col subsetting with key column, equivalent to 1-col subsetting and drop = FALSE.
    obj3 <- obj[, "Treatment", drop = FALSE]
    obj4 <- obj[, c("sampleID", "Treatment")]
    expect_identical(obj3, obj4) 

    ## multi-col subsetting
    obj5 <- obj[, 1:2]
    expect_identical(obj, obj5)
    expect_identical(NULL, obj5@indexes[[2]])
    ## row&col subsetting
    obj6 <- obj[1:5, 1:2]
    expect_s4_class(obj6, "SQLDataFrame")
    expect_identical(dim(obj6), c(5L, 2L))
    expect_identical(colnames(obj6), colnames(obj))
    expect_identical(list(1:5, NULL), obj6@indexes)

    ## out-of-bounds indices
    expect_error(obj[1:100, ],
                 "subscript contains out-of-bounds indices")
    expect_error(obj[, 4:5],
                 "subscript contains out-of-bounds indices")

test_that("'extractROWS,SQLDataFrame' works",
    obj1 <- extractROWS(obj, 1:5)
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")

    expect_identical(tblData(obj), tblData(obj1))
    expect_identical(1:5, obj1@indexes[[1]])
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(5L, 2L))

test_that("'.extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame' works",
    obj1 <- .extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame(obj, 1:2)
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")

    expect_identical(tblData(obj), tblData(obj1))
    expect_identical(NULL, obj1@indexes[[2]])
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(26L, 2L))

test_that("select.SQLDataFrame works",
    obj1 <- obj %>% select(Treatment:Ages)
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")

    expect_identical(tblData(obj), tblData(obj1))
    expect_identical(NULL, obj1@indexes[[2]])
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(26L, 2L))

    obj1 <- obj %>% select(Ages)
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")
    expect_identical(2L, obj1@indexes[[2]])
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(26L, 1L))

    obj1 <- obj %>% select("sampleID")  ## key column.
    expect_s4_class(obj1, "SQLDataFrame")
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(26L, 0L))

test_that("filter.SQLDataFrame works",
    obj1 <- obj %>% filter(Treatment == "ChIP")
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(13L, 2L))
    expect_equal(ridx(obj1), seq(1, 26, by=2))
    expect_identical(tblData(obj), tblData(obj1))

test_that("mutate.SQLDataFrame works",
    obj1 <- obj %>% mutate(Age1 = ifelse(Ages <= 30, "30th", "40th"))
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(26L, 3L))

    obj1 <- obj %>% filter(Treatment == "ChIP") %>%
        mutate(Age1 = ifelse(Ages <= 30, "30th", "40th"))
    expect_identical(dim(obj1), c(13L, 3L))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

SQLDataFrame documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 2:01 a.m.