Man pages for SomatiCA
SomatiCA: identifying, characterizing, and quantifying somatic copy number aberrations from cancer genome sequencing

admixtureRateEstimate the admixture rate of normal cells in a tumor...
collapseCollapse measurements with a certain bin size.
copynumberCorrectedSomatic copy number corrected by admixture rate.
denoiseSmoothing procedure by replacing outliers.
GCbiasRemovalCorrect GC bias for read depth ratio of each site.
GCcontentGC content for hg19 human genome at each 1Mb interval.
GCcountCalculate the GC content of given window size for a...
larsCBSsegmentSegmentation based on Circular Binary Segmentation followed...
MergeSegmentMerge neighboring segments with same somatic copy number and...
plotSegmentPlot segmentation.
plotSubclonalityPlot clonality and somatic copy number.
refineSegmentRefine the segmentation based on estimated somatic ratio.
segmentGCbiasRemovalCorrect GC bias for read depth ratio of each segment.
segwithratioSegments with somatic ratio.
SomatiCAFormat-methods~~ Methods for Function 'SomatiCAFormat' in Package...
SomatiCA-packageIdentifying, characterizing and quantifying somatic copy...
SomatiCApipeSomatiCA pipeline.
SomatiCAUsersGuideView SomatiCA User's Guide
somaticRatioEstimate somatic ratio for given segments.
subclonalityEstimate subclonality for each somatic copy number...
SomatiCA documentation built on Oct. 5, 2016, 4:18 a.m.