
csfit1 <- function (cc, G, logRm = FALSE, logBase = 2)
     if (logRm == TRUE) {
          G = logBase^G
     fit1 = lsfit(cc, G, intercept = FALSE)
     #se1 = ls.diag(fit1)$std.err
     if (logRm == TRUE) {
          ghat = log(fit1$coefficients, logBase)
          ghat[is.nan(ghat)] = 0
          #se = log(se1, logBase)
          return(list(ghat = ghat, residuals = fit1$residuals))
     else {
          return(list(ghat = fit1$coefficients, residuals = fit1$residuals))

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TOAST documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.